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do we have to 'vote' in the unchallenged categories as well?

Well, let's see.

First, Darke updated the first post to say that we didn't have to vote in the match-ups where one challenger advances by default.

Then, he didn't categorize those threads as having one contender advancing by default, and he left voting open.

I would assume that voting is not necessary in those two threads, but there's no specific rule to point to on the issue.


That's just wonderful. My finals are projects instead of tests, which mean I have to work on them this week (as opposed to next week, when finals days actually start).

There might not be a submission from me.

We'll see, first I have to finish my finals as well as pull away from Just Cause 2 on my new PC, hopefully then I'll have enough time to crank out a good tune this week. :P

That's just wonderful. My finals are projects instead of tests, which mean I have to work on them this week (as opposed to next week, when finals days actually start).

There might not be a submission from me.

We'll see, first I have to finish my finals as well as pull away from Just Cause 2 on my new PC, hopefully then I'll have enough time to crank out a good tune this week. :P

C'mon, stop playing the game and crank us out some musical magic


I'm surprised that our round is as close as it is.. I don't want to sound mean - I like his track a lot! But when some of the actual non-posted remixers vote for mine, and a bunch of posted mixers vote for his, that says something to me. It says that the people who like entitled, copy-pasted elevator music voted one way, and the people who appreciate effort put into arrangements and can hear the dynamics that was added in with mine voted the other way. I don't feel that his uses the dynamics much at all, and it seems that most people didn't bother to listen to the dynamics. all the parts that are mentioned as being awesome are just the same portion of song copied and pasted again. He didn't really add anything to it when he pasted it for the second half, even.

That's not really a remix at that point, unfortunately =/ proph, your production is very squirrelly and all over the place - mastering that particular style is something i have next to no skill in - and luckily this time it was good, but your focus was clearly on copy/pasting your track instead of the arrangement itself. if you beat me - which you might, there are a lot of people voting for bubblegum happy elevator music instead of dynamics like they should - you really need to work on getting the arrangement to actually be dynamic instead of just dumping the patterns in a row and calling it done. you also need to work in the dynamics more, since you basically ignored it. i know dynamics sucks, but that's the point. it's supposed to be difficult you can't get better if you only use the same patterns over and over. you've gotta write other patterns and bridges, verse, chorus, and all the other crappy song structure out there. that's why i never paste anything until all that's left is the finishing. it forces you to work with more diverse bits, and you learn more at a faster pace that way.

i realized after writing this that this sounds abjectly silly, and i do mean it to be. Prop's song sounds cool as an arrangement of elevator splash woman (totally inappropriate, there's no water in an elevator). i don't think it stands up as a 50/50 split of each source, though, simply because it's nowhere near 50/50.


hey bs - heh, your initials are bs - that was funny when someone cool did it once, but it's been a bit played out at this point.

not to mention that it's not really close at all.

Now its time for me to go finish project mixes.

amen to that - i've got a metroid track to do, as well as some demo stuff for a possible 'employer'. i just couldn't bring myself to work on it last week when i was already doing other stuff.


hey hey, shoutout to Anti-Syne on the front-page. I'm liking it.

On topic: I'm looking forward to the TheGuitahHeroe and Sir_NutS showdown next round, and I guess you guys should have plenty of time since you both won by default... GuitahHeroe's already done an awesome Heat Man mix I think I remember from the WIP forums.


I am surprised that our battle is as close as it is. i don't want to sound mean - i like his non-existent track a lot! but when most of the actual posted remixers - (none of them actually) - vote for mine, and a bunch of lurkers vote for mine as well, that says something to me. it says that the people who think it sounds cool but might not know the source the best voted one way, and the people who understand the music and can hear the extra stuff that was added in with mine voted the same way too. i don't feel that his uses the heat man theme at all, and it seems that most people didn't bother to listen to the original source since there was no song to compare it to. all the non-existent parts that nobody mentioned as being awesome are just stuff that's inherent to the heat man track, which is nowhere to be found in this non-song. he didn't really add anything to (literally) it besides a void in the interwebspace.

that's not really a remix at that point, literally! =/ Enigami, you're clearly a skilled musician - mastering a song that doesn't exist is something i have next to no skill in - but your focus was clearly on not doing a song instead of doing one. if you beat me - which you might, there are a lot of people voting for absolutely nothing at all instead of a real song like they should - you really need to work on getting the arrangement to actually produce a sound instead of just not existing. you also need to work in the other track more, since you basically never remixed it. i know shade man sucks, but that's the point. it's supposed to be hard you can't get better if you only remix ice cap or the prelude. you've gotta do Umaro's theme and Heat man and all the other crappy tracks out there. that's why i never take a project mix until all that's left is complete garbage. it forces you to work, and you actually get to finish a song.

i realized after writing this that this sounds abjectly non-humorous, and i don't mean it to be. Eni's song sounds like absolute silence as a remix of shade man man. i don't think it stands up as a 50/50 split of both themes, though, simply because it's nowhere near 100/100. It's actually a 0/0 remix.

hey hey, shoutout to Anti-Syne on the front-page. I'm liking it.

On topic: I'm looking forward to the TheGuitahHeroe and Sir_NutS showdown next round, and I guess you guys should have plenty of time since you both won by default... GuitahHeroe's already done an awesome Heat Man mix I think I remember from the WIP forums.

Grats anti-syne, good stuff.

I am really looking forward to my battle with theguitarheroe. I won't start till next saturday tho, to keep things fair for everyone. I have been bouncing some ideas in my mind tho, can't help that.

EDIT: By the way I also did a heat man remix a long time ago for VGMix. Probably 5 or 6 years ago. Here it is if you want to check it out:


EDIT: By the way I also did a heat man remix a long time ago for VGMix. Probably 5 or 6 years ago. Here it is if you want to check it out:


Nice. I like it! In fact, you have done many Heat Man mixes now :-D But have you done a Bubble Man mix? I guess I was just pointing out that GuitahHeroe has remixed both sources before. :razz:

Hyadain's done his own Heat Man vs. Bubble Man mix (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY8jJRvwKS4), although the lyrics are rather vulgar, haha. Oh and I don't think the use of both sources would be close to 50/50 like prophetik would want :<

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