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@Orlouge my mom doesn't even know that I make music.

Pretty raunchy stuff you're into, not even telling your mom about it.

What does she think you do for hours up in your room alone?

EDIT: You know I'm just poking fun, right? :)

Play video games. She's right most of the time. :P

I would think she'd be happy to know that you make music at least some of the time, since that's an actual marketable job skill.

Just pretend I gave everyone a vote, because that's what I wanted to do.
You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning, you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted.

So yeah, not voting is the same as if you voted for everyone, except you don't have to deal with Darke getting mad at you. :nicework:

I don't think he'll vote for two reasons:

1. It's after the deadline. While that hasn't completely stopped him before since he's the moderator...

2. The votes are so close that some may cry foul if he votes for his brother, but it may also cause unnecessary complications if he votes the other way and causes a tie. Also, Neblix would tell his mom.

Looks like he did end up voting, and for Neblix, but no one's freaking out yet.

Have people calmed down?


No one's freaking out because they know that if they do something as foolish as calling my integrity into question, they'll feel the heat of my rage.

I voted for the mix I liked better. The fact that he's my brother does not and will not ever play into that. He knows that, I know that, and everyone else who's ever dealt with me in any way should know that. I think that's enough said about the subject.

No one's freaking out because they know that if they do something as foolish as calling my integrity into question, they'll feel the heat of my rage.

I voted for the mix I liked better. The fact that he's my brother does not and will not ever play into that. He knows that, I know that, and everyone else who's ever dealt with me in any way should know that.

I don't know if it had to do with you personally, but people have been freaking out quite a bit in this competition (calling rules dumb, etc).

If people freaked out, it wouldn't have been because they were questioning your integrity directly (though it would have been doing that in effect), but just because some people like to raise a stink wherever they can.

Mixes and match-ups are up.

$h!t, Main Finger have been eliminate... oh well, no prophetik vs. Main Finger for the final. But hey, great job anyway. I Grats Willrock for advancing, but I hope a match between prophetik and Neblix now XD. Im not hating you Willrock, don't get me wrong here, Your really good, but for now, I prefer Main Finger or Neblix, maybe in the next match you will get my vote, we never know...

$h!t, Main Finger have been eliminate... oh well, no prophetik vs. Main Finger for the final. But hey, great job anyway. I Grats Willrock for advancing, but I hope a match between prophetik and Neblix now XD. Im not hating you Willrock, don't get me wrong here, Your really good, but for now, I prefer Main Finger or Neblix, maybe in the next match you will get my vote, we never know...

I told you I would make sure Main Finger vs. Prophetik wouldn't happen... ;)

Now it's your job to make sure Willrock vs Prophetik doesn't happen.

That or Theguitahheroe's job. Let's see some fresh blood for the final matchup.

Vote for mixes, not people


Oh well, that's it for me. I'll just try harder next time. Hope you guys liked my music so far... I'm liking this community, so I think I'll be sticking around. Thanks for the opportunity and for checking out my stuff. It's been a lot of fun. :)

EDIT: Also, good job Neblix!

Vote for mixes, not people

If you'd noticed, I haven't been around to vote for either (though I plan on doing so these next rounds), so I don't know where you get the idea that I would vote for people blindly. Read my message again - it's a callout for the two newer mixers to step up their game so they pose a credible challenge to the two established mixers. It's insulting that you'd think I'd vote for a person without listening to the arrangements in their entirety. :-?


Some comments about my track.

It's my first attempt at the dubstep genre and I'm actually fairly happy with it :) Especially considering the whole thing was a product of writer's block, haha

It was an absolute blast to make, probably the funnest out of anything I've made thus far :D Also, that's me saying "GO!" hehehe

It was an absolute blast to make, probably the funnest out of anything I've made thus far :D Also, that's me saying "GO!" hehehe

For a first attempt it sounds pretty good! I liked it!

The "GO" voice made me think of the voice from the Bejeweled games (which also says GO at the beginning of a level) hahaha.

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