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It's been one crazy journey and i loved every single second of this project. It's been something of an honour to have been able to see it unfold, right from the very beginning all the way to today's release.

Also, much congrats to Danielle and Ryan! Just listening to 'Dies, Nox et Omnia' now as i read that, actually.


Just finished listening to the album

Much like the game this album is purely


My personal fave is of course sixto's remix Beyond the Dream (Gate of Your Dream) due to my love for joe satraini and the likeness between the remix and satch's work is amazing

The entire album is a masterpiece to me,

It shall have a permanent spot on my mp3 player definitely

To all of you who put your effort into this album i commend you :D

There was no downside to this at all

Well done all and congratulations to the happy couple Danielle and Ryan i wish you guys the best of luck in your life of matrimony.

Which in itself lends more magic to this album which it has in spades. :D



Congrats Steveo and everyone else involved! Must be especially awesome to show it off to the NiGHTS team. Hope they send glowing comments back your way. Anxiously waiting for this torrent to finish so I can get at the gooey musical interior. *bounce bounce bounce*


Amazing album. The quality of the tracks is off the charts. Loving the 3 tracks on FP, Lulza's 'Lies Within Dreams' sooo soo sexy, Rozo's 'Reverse Rain' has such a dreamy feel to it. DjMokram's track is middle eastern music done right!!, OA/DA's track is excellent, feels like it can totally fit in today's NiGHTS game, AkumajoBelmont's tracks are soo addicting ..... can go on and on and on..... loving the album :D

Great work everyone and thank you OCR for yet another great album.


I believe "Lucid Dreaming" is one of the best OCR albums to be released in a good while... and I say that as someone who wasn't very familiar with the soundtrack before hand. More than any other album it keeps it's theme focused and not be repetitive... even while the classic "Dream's Dream" melody is repeated many times throughout. Most of the songs really do feel like you're in a dreamscape. Perfect zone out music to be sure!

My favorite track on the album, just for concept alone, is "The World is Dreaming." You can tell the small but devoted "NiGHTS" fan base really care about this series because of this song. And it's the perfect compliment to the entire project.

Excellent job to everyone involved! I'll be listening to this for quite awhile. And a special shoutout to my buddy AkumajoBelmont! his cover of "Dream's Dream" was hella fun.

- Joseph


lol. I'm getting some games from Emuparadise for my PSP, and lo and behold in the tweet box it says:

Latest Tweet:

RT @djpretzel: PLEASE RT! NEW, FREE NiGHTS into Dreams remix album from @ocremix & @NiDcom! NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming! http://t.co/aSxLkwt via @ocremix

Good to see it's getting around. I'll be listening to this later.


This album is simply brilliant! I think the biggest surprise was Dies, Nox et Omnia, beautiful track. It also made me smile to see Sixto in there, with a rather more subdued track than i am used to hearing from him, but still a gorgeous track.

Personal favourite: She Can Has Long Ears


As a peruser of video game music, I find this new album to be a welcome change of pace, especially since I've been playing JoD for a while now. I liked all the different renditions of "Dreams Dreams", especially the 30-fan collab. It seems that every album released is better than the last, and I want to congratulate everybody that worked on Lucid Dreaming for a job well done. :-D

Keep up the good work, keep those albums coming, and keep dreaming!


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