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  Murmeli Walan said:
OK, today is the first WIP deadline. If anybody still has a WIP that I don't have, please PM, email, or post the WIP to me ASAP.

Does this mean I still have a shot at the Versus Theme ??? ... I really hope so because I have some REALLY REALLY great ideas for this one.. well, gotta go.. I wont get my new comp for at least 2 weeks..

Take care everyone and good luck on the project !! I'll see you in the end ;)


Well, now it's been project- ised, I'll say good luck to all on the musicians and such. If the final product is anything along the same quality as I Lost my Balls in Moscow, it'll kick ass.


Congratuations everybody! We're well on our way to becoming an official OCR/VGMix Site Project now. Here are a few major announcments.

:arrow: I have decided on a name for the project. The current (and probably final) name is Around the World: The Super Dodge Ball Arrangement Project. I picked the name "Around the World" because of it's meanings. It references the project's ethnic styles as well as the wide variety of VGMix and OCR remixers. It also envokes the image of travelling "around the world" to fight the other teams of the tournament. It's also a reference to the nickname that my brother and myself came up with to describe the Power Shot that knocks the opponent off the screen and "around the world" to the other side. ;)

:arrow: This is the first official track listing:

Around the World: The Super Dodge Ball Arrangement Project

Track Name ReMixer Name Track Title WIP

Title Screen ------------ -----------
Team Setup Xelebes Ball Tech Yes
Match Start Ichitootah ----------- Yes
Team All-Stars EvilHorde -----------
Team England Nods ----------- Yes
Team India PostNoBills -----------
Team Iceland Rexy ----------- Yes
Team China ------------ -----------
Team Kenya Harmony ----------- Yes
Team Japan ------------ -----------
Team USSR AkumajoBelmont/Dimmignatt I Found My Balls In Moscow Yes
Team Shadow Dimmignatt I got smashed by the Shadows Yes
Bean Ball Ryan8bit ----------- Yes
Versus Play Dimmignatt -----------
Ending/Credits AkumajoBelmont -----------

Artists signed as maybe: zyko, Crazy Cracka All-Stars, bladiator, Uncle, krispy, Daniel Baranowsky, Mythril Nazgul, ghbarratt, Saskrotch, Mazedude

Available for guitar work: Wy0StarFox

Available for vocal work: Ch|oroPhi|, Rexy

As always, it is subject to change.

:arrow: ALL tracks are still open for remixing, so don't be shy about taking a track that has already been claimed.

:arrow: The other short tunes are still ok to either encorporate into your mix or expand into a mix, so feel free to do so.

:arrow: After giving it some thought, I realized I'm going to need some help. So, I'm opening the project up to a number of co-ordinators:

1. Art Co-ordinator: This person(s) will review, critique, and pick the artwork for the project.

2. Technical Co-ordinator: This person(s) will handle the technical aspects of the music (volume equalizing, etc.)

3. Website Designer: Self-explanatory. This person(s) will build the website which will be hosted at OCR and VGMix.

Anyone who is seriously interested in these positions can e-mail me at alrobi2000 AT hotmail DOT com. PLEASE don't PM me, as my Inbox is full to bursting.

:arrow: Here is the fixed link to Ichitootah's Match Start remix WIP: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=270826&songID=2677109

:arrow: I want anybody who has clamed a song but not sent me a WIP to get that in at least within the next two weeks. After the two weeks, I'll set the second WIP deadline. There may or may not be cuts at that deadline.

Let's keep up the great work, everybody!

  Rexy said:
Are you still looking for artists though? Because I'm thinking of giving Team Iceland a go :) I may not do much on it until I return to campus though.
  Walan said:
:arrow: ALL tracks are still open for remixing, so don't be shy about taking a track that has already been claimed.

If you want to claim Iceland, just say the word and I'll put you down.

I'm not really looking for too many more artists, though. I just want to recontact the people who didn't give me a clear answer first.

  AkumajoBelmont said:
i changed the name of the TEAM USSR mix... it is now "I Found My Balls In Moscow"... the reason for that is because it get's more kik-ass toward the end of the mix :D

Although I'm still not too down with the testicle reference (i saw what you did there), the title's been changed.

And get me a new WIP soon. I can't wait for it any longer! :)


Hey Murmeli Walan..

Next week my new comp will arrive..

Then I'll get you an Update on the Shadow Theme and a small preview of my remix on the Versus Theme.. I really hope you'll fancy that because it fucking kicks ass 8)

Congrats on getting this project to the site project forum and a VERY BIG good luck to everyone involved with this project. I really like the way this is going and I'm for one is VERY happy to be on it :wink:

Bye bye now and take care !


Sorry gents, not having much luck with this India track at the moment, and may take me longer than i expected. I'll keep working on it, but you may want to move me to the artists signed as maybe section so the India track is up for grabs again.

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