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So when I got to OCR, I found myself not knowing about the majority of Square Games like Chrono Trigger - Save Final Fantasy - and I was left thinking "wtf is chrono trigger and why does it have more remixes than sonic, mario, and zelda games". I assume its because many of these games didn't have European release (i'm from the UK)

So i've made an subconscious vow to not remix anything from final fantasy or chrono trigger (Chrono Trigger more so than anything) for OCR, because I feel they are represented fine as they are. Its not even something I found myself deciding, it was never in question you see.

So my question to you guys is this: Are there any games you refuse to make remixes from, and if so, why?


Maybe I'm setting a bad example in terms of encouraging people to branch out, but I considered not mixing FF or CT and then decided, well... they're fantastic soundtracks. They deserve the attention. I would never mix a theme the same way as an existing mix of the same theme, but I don't avoid those games altogether. I can see some merit in doing so, though, if only because it would mean more mixes for UNMIXED games with great soundtracks, of which there are (tragically) tons.

I tend to steer away from series that I can't relate to or have absolutely zero experience with - POKEMANZ is probably something I'll never mix. Not because I don't dig the music - Missingno proved there's tons of great stuff - but because it's an entire franchise that I just kinda "missed" and now don't have the time to get into.

Maybe I'm setting a bad example in terms of encouraging people to branch out, but I considered not mixing FF or CT and then decided, well... they're fantastic soundtracks.

Just to clarify, part of my reason for making this thread is to see if anyone has the potential to change their minds. I have almost remixed FF for OCR several times but seem to have a mental block because of this subconscious lack of will to remix from that franchise. Its got nothing to do with lack of inspiration or lack of writers block etc so it can be broken I'm sure. I did manage to a joke chrono trigger remix with Protodome and halc and yet never managed to do a serious one before.


It's kinda funny because Will discussed this with me over the IRC :razz:

In this day and age, I've got more of a focus on games that I can somehow relate to either in regards to music or a level of nostalgia in regards to playing them. That means I'd struggle with games that I hadn't played/heard of before discovering OCRemix, though there have been some rare cases that community exposure (for example with the Dwelling of Duels' Castlevania 3 "Clockwork" special back in 2004) has encouraged me to check out the games themselves and see if there's anything I could feel within the source material.

Two games that I already know that I can't do anything with these days however are Final Fantasy 7 and Super Mario RPG. I admit that both games have solid scores coming out from them and have reached out to the music passionists amongst them, but for me as games they felt rather subpar to other titles in the series (or in SMRPG's case, in comparison to Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi series) and therefore strike a bad nerve in regards to the fanboys they draw. If I don't feel comfortable when certain games pop up in conversation, then it's most likely that I won't remix it.


I'll probably never remix huge franchises such as Final Fantasy, Mario or Sonic, simply because they receive too much unnecessary attention while real gems are often overlooked (in other words - because they're overrated). Also, any newer games, because in recent times, there just wasn't a game that impressed me.


I avoid the typical games that get quite a bit of attention; Sonic, the Final Fantasies, Mario, games of their stature. They've already got many remixers going after them, so I tend to look to the games that get ignored by the majority of the remixing community. Granted, I'm not going boycott the like of Mario 64 if I get an idea, but I've always firmly believed in exploring other games that aren't constantly in the spotlight. With so many games that have wonderful soundtracks, yet few (if any) remixes, there's a lot of material out there to play with.

Now yes, you take a risk in no one listening to your remix (it's disheartening, the number of people who won't give a remix a listen if they're not familiar with the source song). And yes, I know some people are all about making sure they get as much exposure as they can by remixing a well known game/franchise. But come on... with all the older systems that now have music file types that can be played in Foobar, WinAmp and them, there's no excuse beyond closed mindedness and laziness to not expand your video game music horizons. The files are free, the players are free, so why are there still so many games being left out? The world doesn't need yet another remix from Final Fantasy VI, or Sonic 3, but it sure as hell could do with some remixes from the likes of Gargoyle's Quest II, Spellcaster and Master of Monsters.


I really only remix tracks from games that I grew up with, unless it's for a project (Jade Empire, FF4). I try to make the standalone mixes count and be unique (Banjo, Mario Kart, Halo 3, Wave Race).

It's fun to tackle sources I'm not familiar with but not near as enjoyable as working on a track I've always known.


I dont see a lot of newer soundtracks being remixed. And i have to admit i understand that. They're a hell of a lot harder to i'd think

Easier to get the OST. But take a song like 'Lets Dance Boys' (Bayonetta) and try to remix that into something OCR quality.

I've seen only like 2-3 modern songs. One halo one GT 3. Might be some N64 ones

But i've seen nil from PS2 or later. Its a shame really. I hope someone actually can soon. I'd love someone to dare to take on the Normandy Reborn from ME 2.


I'm an equal-opportunity ReMixer, but that's mostly because I had no opportunity to play "standard" video games when I was growing up, haha.


Easier to get the OST. But take a song like 'Lets Dance Boys' (Bayonetta) and try to remix that into something OCR quality.

Sounds like a challenge. :wink:


Yeah it is. There are a lot of modern soundtracks i'd love to see get the treatment. And i'd love to see the skill of the people on this sight put to such a high level tests.

Its one of the best songs of a soundtrack that goes straight oldschool start to finish in a game that is begging for a sequel. That one is. I dont want people to stop remixing the old. But some of the newer music being developed sounds like something worth trying.


I mostly stick to games that I've played or experienced myself, but I'm not against remixing music that I've never experienced in game before. It's not due to pride for my games or anything like that - it's just that I'm not familiar with other game music enough to have the spark of inspiration to rearrange it, is all. It's possibly why other franchises get so much attention nowadays (Sonic, FF, CT, Mario, etc.); it's not that other soundtracks are no good, but everyone and their mom have played these games back in the day so there's an innate familiarity to them.


Pieces with memorable melodies that are very modular are best for remixes, things that just beg to have something new built around them.

Pieces with memorable melodies that would sound odd when taken out of context aren't so hot for remixing. This is why there aren't really any FFT remixes to speak of. Such a mind-blowing soundtrack, but man, how do you even approach those sources?

If there's a source that I love-ve-ve-ve so very much, I won't touch it. I'm afraid I'll mess it up :(

This is why I can't bring myself to remix Earthbound.

Pieces with memorable melodies that are very modular are best for remixes, things that just beg to have something new built around them.

Pieces with memorable melodies that would sound odd when taken out of context aren't so hot for remixing. This is why there aren't really any FFT remixes to speak of. Such a mind-blowing soundtrack, but man, how do you even approach those sources?

If there's a source that I love-ve-ve-ve so very much, I won't touch it. I'm afraid I'll mess it up :(

This is why I can't bring myself to remix Earthbound.

I think this is also why we have little to no X vs. Zero remixes... among others.

If there's a source that I love-ve-ve-ve so very much, I won't touch it. I'm afraid I'll mess it up :(

I'm like this too. I don't think I'll ever remix any of my top 5 video game tracks, unless I'm 100% sure that my ideas and skill will make it justice (which I don't think will ever happen haha)

I don't stick to soundtracks of games that I played, though. Exploring other soundtracks is really fun, and is something most people should consider doing IMO ;)

Interesting thread, btw :)


I've tried remixing sources from games I've played, whether they were obscure rented things, favorites of mine, indie titles I wanna call attention to, or whatever; but when it comes to games I won't remix, I guess there's just one game: FFVII. It's already been done.

I'd say the same of CT, but I've actually played that one, and like it and the soundtrack. I'm in no hurry to remix it tho, when there's stuff like Pilotwings, Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, FreeSpace 2, Plants vs. Zombies, Halo 3: ODST, and a lot of others I've been trying to make something cohesive and complete out of.

Beyond those, I'd say I'd rather do under-remixed games than over-remixed games, I'd rather do games that weren't on the SNES generation.

And for the time being, I don't think I'll do games that aren't eligible for being posted here, like Loom. :(

I'll probably never remix huge franchises such as Final Fantasy, Mario or Sonic, simply because they receive too much unnecessary attention while real gems are often overlooked (in other words - because they're overrated).

you're saying the music from those franchises is overrated?


overmixed, sure, but definitely NOT overrated.


You've actually inspired me to try and do a Space Invaders ReMix now XD

I was not going to do space invaders because it only has a 4 note sound track..... but I got an idea.

But phantasy star, yoshi games , kingdom hearts,and fps games are still on mind to try and mix.

everything else will be attempted someday.

you're saying the music from those franchises is overrated?


overmixed, sure, but definitely NOT overrated.

Yes, I said that. It's all simple human logic - the more popular the game is, more people play it, ergo more people hear the music, and among those, there are certainly some who'll praise it. It's just a matter of how many people say it's "the best music they ever heard". Only soundtrack I'll never think of as overrated is Chrono Trigger, but that's simply because of my personal attachment to the game.

And don't get me wrong, I've played through all the games I mentioned, and I admit those are great games which have good soundtracks, but that's it, they're only "good". They don't deserve their current praise.

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