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yeah, scufo's right. you would do well to google jigglypuff's moveset


Jiggly's moveset:



Nevermind the rest, nothing else matters.


BTW, I do know that Jiggly's a high tier character (especially in Melee), but I've never been good with him (I can't use Rest. I just can't hit with it!). I stick with Wolf and Lucario :P

Oh, I remember another one: getting all the racers and custom parts in F-Zero GX was a task I have never been up to (I got around 50% of the ultimate challenges, interestingly, the Deathborn race is done...)

Thankfully, there used to be an F-Zero AX arcade machine with memory card port near me, so I have the vast majority of the unlockables for minimal work. :P


This thread is becoming an interesting read... some of these are games I've never played, some I've given only a few minutes of my time (even when I own them, like the majority of the Final Fantasies), and some that I admitted from the very start are too challenging for me to even attempt (F-Zero GX).

I mentioned this in the bragging thread before, but it fits here too: defeating all three of the final bosses in Ninja Gaiden [NES] without dying. I guess my truly masochistic days are long behind me.


I mentioned this in the bragging thread before, but it fits here too: defeating all three of the final bosses in Ninja Gaiden [NES] without dying. I guess my truly masochistic days are long behind me.

Then may I refer you, sir, to

. My god.

Relevance: a friend of mine and I beat the speed-bike thing of Battletoads ON 2 PLAYER. Yep, that means 2 people had to simultaneously not eat shit throughout that whole insane sequence. Our goal was to beat the game on 2 player, but oh god... no.


While I'm pretty sure I would still enjoy playing through Super Meat Boy and recollecting the bandages and getting all A+s again, I'm not sure I would ever want to do the no death runs again, once was definitely enough for those! As for VVVVVV, I gotta be honest, I kinda got the VVVVVV bug again ever since the custom levels introduced with the 2.0 patch and I'm almost in the mood to try to collect the Veni Vidi Vici trinket again since the 2.0 patch wiped our data so I guess I really am just that masochistic :neutral: .

I'll never spend 5 years trying to beat Emerald Weapon with the same saved game and fail ever again.

Here's a tip. Emerald has an attack that does 1111 X number of equipped materia. If you have 2 materia on, he will do, 2222 damage. And if your character is 9999HP, he will then have 7777 hp. Do you know what that means? Lucky 7's FTW!

I'll never spend 5 years trying to beat Emerald Weapon with the same saved game and fail ever again.

I feel your pain, brother.

Here's a tip. Emerald has an attack that does 1111 X number of equipped materia. If you have 2 materia on, he will do, 2222 damage. And if your character is 9999HP, he will then have 7777 hp. Do you know what that means? Lucky 7's FTW!

:o That's... that's... a really damn good idea.

And I wish I could show you what my 12-year-old face looked like the first and only time I got the 7777 fever. Hint: I didn't know that it existed til it happened. So much brick-shitting.

Here's a tip. Emerald has an attack that does 1111 X number of equipped materia. If you have 2 materia on, he will do, 2222 damage. And if your character is 9999HP, he will then have 7777 hp. Do you know what that means? Lucky 7's FTW!

what the hell that's broke as fuck

And I wish I could show you what my 12-year-old face looked like the first and only time I got the 7777 fever. Hint: I didn't know that it existed til it happened. So much brick-shitting.

hah yeah I only got it once as well, but in pretty much the best possible situation: doing the solo battles in Gold Saucer with Cloud, but fighting the Proud Clod

it was that last battle that got me enough gold points to get the Omni-Slash


Collecting all of the battle chips in Megaman Battle Network 3 and 6. So much grinding.....

Doing a Nuzlocke challenge. God help me if I have to fight a gym leader with a Zigzagoon ever again.

Also, I played through 3 minutes of Superman 64.


Beating Ghosts n' Goblins on the NES.


In one sitting.

I very nearly chewed my controller apart to vent my sheer frustration and anger. I've only been this physically ANGRY at a game once before, and that was Super Mario Galaxy 2. With that, I literally smashed my wiimote in rage over trying to get the purple coins in the Rolling Coaster galaxy.

Dude, the game was awesome! xD

There's no way you're serious. And if you are, then that's totally your opinion, man.

Superman was my first game on the N64 actually. I "lost" it after I finally got the Mario game. It's actually the only game I've ever wanted to lose so I'd never have to see it again. Pretty bad game. :/

edit: might be going off - topic, so i'll add that yes, superman 64, never again.


Being totally serious here.

I rented superman 64 when it was a new release. After 1 solid hour of playing this buggy POS I ripped it out of my n64, put it in the microwave, turned it on and went to the toliet.

When I took the game back I told them there had been a power surge and so didnt have to pay replacement costs.



I reminded myself of a more recent once-and-never-again accomplishment. A month or so ago I played through Final Fantasy on Game Boy Advance and cleared almost the entire game within one day. I could probably do that again, if it weren't for one of the extra dungeons: Whisperwind Cove. Most of it wasn't that bad, but the battle with DeathGaze at the very end... uggggh, I don't even like to be reminded.

i sort of feel that way about getting all of the celestial weapons in ffx. Not that i don't enjoy a challenge but i still have that data on my memory card, who knows if i will ever try it again, maybe!

Sort of similar to your story, i probably found the chocobo racing portion for half of tidus' weapon the hardest part of the process.


  • 1 year later...

Running through Mother as fast as humanly possible. I don't even remember what level I was at but god damn, that game was hard. I wanted to see the ending before I went on a trip. Beat it back in 2005 and haven't done it since. I'd love to see someone do a low-level run of that game.


Trying to get the Excalibur II (legitimately) in FF9 via speedrunning. Did it once, but I felt I missed out on so much side content and didn't get to experience the story as thoroughly as I usually enjoy, so I don't think I'll ever do that again.

Also in the same game, getting one of all of the cards. That just took too much time, period. Once was enough.


When i was in college i somehow managed to beat Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. (non-Black) The game then sat in my collection for a few years and one day I popped it in for about 10 minutes then promptly turned it off, ran it down to the mall and traded the game in.

No way in hell was I going through that again.

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