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True, he would be the first host who's never had a mix on OCR, but he would only be the third male host ever.

Though, I was wondering precisely what pixie meant by musically experienced. And that would certainly be an explanation.

And I hereby end my participation in discussing this topic in-thread.

Isn't Larry going to move somewhere near to pixietricks? Hmmmm...


But in all seriousness, I'm probably too busy to do anything or at least have 0 idea what my schedule is until I get settled in Washington. But being a hop, skip and a jump away, I'll special guest star or some special dealie one time. :lol: I miss John in there already. Black power.


Okay, guys, seriously, I've already asked TWICE to stop the host talk.

I have a couple people in mind, and Larry isn't one of them. Like he said, he's about to settle into a new life; now is not the time to be taking on new, time-consuming projects. And DrumUltimA, as much as I love him, is still pretty new to this community. (Plus, he's a percussionist here and the percussion department is insaaaanely busy). We need someone who's going to be available and enthusiastic about the show. :P

Playing the guessing game isn't going to affect my decision, and it only creates a weird atmosphere in here so plz plz plz stop. For the love of Pixie...? :puppyeyes:

Okay, guys, seriously, I've already asked TWICE to stop the host talk.

I have a couple people in mind, and Larry isn't one of them. Like he said, he's about to settle into a new life; now is not the time to be taking on new, time-consuming projects. And DrumUltimA, as much as I love him, is still pretty new to this community. (Plus, he's a percussionist here and the percussion department is insaaaanely busy). We need someone who's going to be available and enthusiastic about the show. :P

Playing the guessing game isn't going to affect my decision, and it only creates a weird atmosphere in here so plz plz plz stop. For the love of Pixie...? :puppyeyes:

Join dates plz XD

I know that you were looking for a host, but you know I didn't come up with the speculations initially; just trying to get people to stop the banter, is all X_x

It's ALL your fault, Rexy!


Sorry about that.

I should have explained better. I brought up Drum in the thread (as a suggestion), because I figured a lot of other people would probably be having the same idea, and if there was some reason he wouldn't be suitable, it would be better to quell the idea in the thread rather than having to explain individually to each person who PMs suggesting him.

In hindsight, though, it would have been better just to PM you suggesting you explain that stuff in thread.

I really am sorry, and I really didn't mean to cause trouble.

Playing the guessing game isn't going to affect my decision, and it only creates a weird atmosphere in here so plz plz plz stop. For the love of Pixie...? :puppyeyes:

Since I know the speculation isn't going to stop in this thread I should probably be the first to say:

I do appreciate poor pixietricks carrying the weight of all this on her shoulders unexpectedly, and we do <3 you, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we don't mean any harm. We know the rules but we just can't help ourselves; we're just doing what us Gen-Descers do and entertaining ourselves while we wait. Pease don't take it as we're deliberately disobeying your orders or trying to piss you off or anything.

So in summary, just ignore us and go about your business. We all look forward to it. 8)

Maybe one of us should start a seperate thread for the discussion of a cohost, so as not to litter up this one...

Maybe one of us should start a seperate thread for the discussion of a cohost, so as not to litter up this one...

Wtf? If you need to talk about it, do it amongst yourselves or in the #vgdj channel. I don't see why that is so hard.

Oh right, I forgot about that, sorry ^_^

The few times I've been in #vgdj there's been zero activity...

Sorry if this is considered "host talk".
Besides, I think Nicole would do a better job filling in for Pixie should *she* go AWOL O.o

*lol* Why do you say that? I don't find myself to be a very talkative or funny person and you have a cool accent on your side. :P

Oh come now! Give yourself more credit then that. You're an Adams, and I won't stand here and listen to you talk down about yourself.

Take more honor in the family name.



Thanks for that little plug for my avatar thread, I was pleasantly surprised to hear about it while listening to my usual dose of VGDJ...

And also BTW, excellent job you two! Seriously.


What the hell happened while I was away?!? Wangless lost his chi? Ohhhhhh this is not good news, No more stupid German puns! Oh there where so many other accents he hadden't tryed!

Well screw this Im going back on holidays :P


I know, but how did you feel when Rayza and Aurora both left? I wasn't there much when they were hosting, but I'm figuring that you got used to the newbies fairly quickly while at the same time still thinking a lot about what the past presenters are doing now. As long as you remember the good times, everything will be okay :)

As long as you remember the good times, everything will be okay :)




"Get-get-te-Get-te-te-Get-te-steppin'! steppin' steppin' steppin' steppin'"


"With the shells...

made of plutonium...

and hamburger meat eateateateat"


"You could just go on forever!!everevereverever"


[/big dramatic flashback moment]

Edit: Anyway, each pair of hosts brings their own dynamic to the table. Raza+Aurora was not the same as Rayza+Pixie was not the same as Pixie+Wingless. And that's allright; the last thing we want is empty imitators.

All we can hope for is that each team finds new ways to entertain us and make us listen in. It's happened the past 2 times, and I'm hoping it will happen again. Do I miss Rayza & Aurora? Yes, to some degree, but I was happy to have Pixie & TheWingless doing their own thing on their own terms. The latter will be missed as well now, but I'm eager to see what the future holds.


OK... To change the topic from the current one...

My VGDJ shirt arrived today! I'm sporting it now, and one of these days I'll have to post a photo.

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