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Can we wait to name our team until we know our robot masters for sure? It's kind of hard to make unique team names without any idea who we are in the first place.

Thank you! My team agrees with you entirely. I was a little concerned that because of not knowing what robot masters we would be, people would go for names relating to the series in general. Reason thats not a great thing is that it's surprisingly limiting... all the names I've seen so far, my group came up with variations of ourselves when trying to name our group.



The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011


Mega Man's fight for everlasting peace has touched the robotic hearts of Robot Masters everywhere! The time has come for the Robot Masters to band together and rise up against the oppressive rule of the evil Dr. Wily! Only through the use of the wickedest rock, the phattest of beats, and the sweetest of sounds will the Robot Masters be able to journey through Wily's Castles, racing against their brethren to defeat the evil tyrant!

Current News

Robot Master selection and team formation begins! Form your teams and post your Robot Master picks before Saturday, October 22, 2011. You must be in a team of three if you want to participate! I'm looking for about four or five 3-man teams to participate, but will accept more if the response is high! Remember guys, every team member needs to post a list of five picks.

Current Teams and Picks

If your name is blue, it means you are in a team but need one more person.

If your name is red, it means you don't have a team but you've expressed intent in competing.


How does it work?

The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet (WCRG) is a team-based remix competition. Each remixer will choose a Robot Master, and then remixers will form teams of three.

  • At the start of every round, I will reveal the Wily Castle theme, and the team-members will decide who will be the remixer for that round. All team members must remix for a round before there can be repeats.
  • The chosen remixer will then write a single remix using both their Robot Master's theme and the Wily Castle theme for that round. The other team members are allowed to help with production, playing instruments, etc., but the chosen remixer must act as the primary artist/arranger. The easiest way to think of this is that you are taking turns remixing for your team every week.
  • At the end of the round, voters will rank all entries, and placing entries will receive points.
  • At the end of the competition, points will be tallied, and the team with the most points wins.

So do I just pick a Robot Master? Is it first-come-first-served?

I'll be doing a draft for Robot Master selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Robot Masters you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Choose any Robot Master from the following games:

  • Mega Man 1-6 (NES)
  • Mega Man 7 (SNES)
  • Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn)
  • Mega Man 9-10 (DLC)
  • Mega Man and Bass (SNES/GBA)
  • Mega Man Powered Up (PSP)

Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Robot Master for the competition. Every team member must post their own five picks.

Are you assigning teams or do we get to make our own?

I won't be assigning teams. Please feel free to form a team with your friends or artists that you already work well with.

Can we have team names?

Team names need to be Mega Man themed and rated E for Everyone; keep it clean, folks. Some examples of good team names: The Mega Man Killers, The Yellow Devils, Team Metool, ENERGY*TANK, etc. Stuff like that.

Wait, so we have to all collaborate every week on a remix?

Not at all. The whole idea is that each team member will take their turn at remixing. Collaboration is not required at all; in fact, I really want to avoid one single guy carrying the entire team every week throughout the competition. That's not how this is supposed to work, and I'm trusting everyone to play by the rules and make sure that the primary remixer is changing every round.

How many rounds are there?

I'm planning on running six rounds; possibly nine, with maybe some special rounds thrown in, depending on how the competition is going. Each round will be one week long, and because remixers are rotating every round, the rounds will run continuously, week to week; as soon as one round ends, the voting stage and the next round will start together.

Why are you doing this instead of another Grand Robot Master Remix Battle?

I wanted to try something new. This competition is a little different in that it's not a tournament. There is no elimination. If you're in it at the start, you're in it until the end, but at the same time, the schedule is not as grueling because team members will rotate at the primary remixers. I think a team based competition will be pretty fun, and while it might yield less music overall, I think the quality will still be pretty high. Plus people like the Wily Castle themes, so I figured it would be nice to do something with that.

I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help?

We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that'd be a big help. Also spread the word and let the internet know what's going on.

I'm joining neblix' and AMT's team unless the position has been filled or my would-be teammates have a problem with that.

As for robot masters, all I've got so far is Chill Man. The rest... I'll figure out later. I'm not at home atm.

Hold on that, soldier, we're waiting on a decision from another right now. If he says no, there's another guy who had dibs before you. I'd have to ask him if he still wants on our team or if he wants to relinquish it to you.

Hold on that, soldier, we're waiting on a decision from another right now. If he says no, there's another guy who had dibs before you. I'd have to ask him if he still wants on our team or if he wants to relinquish it to you.

Lolz Rozo is getting turned down. What is the world coming to?


Hey does anyone know how to get in contact with Pixelwave?

Or has anyone spoken with Main Finger?

I learned from his YouTube page that TheGuitahHeroe is on hiatus from mixing now because he just started college, so he won't be joining.


Yo Darke:

Could I get you to take me off my current team and add me to a new one with chthonic? We live pretty near to one another, and we've been wanting to work on something together for a little while. We thought this would be a good time.

Sorry to pH & Superior X!! It's just convenient for me to team up with chthonic is all :( I think Rozovian is looking for a team. SNAG'EM.

Ben will post his robot master picks later.

Yo Darke:

Could I get you to take me off my current team and add me to a new one with chthonic? We live pretty near to one another, and we've been wanting to work on something together for a little while. We thought this would be a good time.

Sorry to pH & Superior X!! It's just convenient for me to team up with chthonic is all :( I think Rozovian is looking for a team. SNAG'EM.

Ben will post his robot master picks later.

Boooooooooooooo...nah, it's fine :whatevaa: good luck man.

Yeah Rozo, we'd gladly have you on our team if you want to join!

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