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You pick a team of three.

You each go once in a three week rotation.

What is so hard about this, guys?

Lol, poor Drake, I did understand all the first time I read the post, It's not complicated, people are looking way to far and are missing the Big Picture.

Haha, if people are getting all butt-hurt about stuff before the compo even starts, then I'm really looking forward to seeing all the frusty people during the Remix Gauntlet!! :)

Wait for when prophetic start to lose... (It's a joke prophetic)


Here's a much more complicated (but much simpler than the apparent interpretations of the rules) version of the system.

I have three remixers on my team. Everyone has to go once before someone can go twice. Everyone has to go twice before someone can go thrice and so on and so forth. It doesn't matter the order since there is a three week rotation. Everyone will get their fair share of remixing, equal to their team members no matter what order. For instance, I can go, then AMT can go, then Jewbei can go. That's the first three weeks. Then AMT can go, then Jewbei can go, then I can go. That's the second three weeks, etc.


And now for...

The True* Story of the Concrete Men (part 2)

9:55 pm. 5 minutes til 10, the beginning of the greatest battle the universe has ever seen. *Thud* A drunken angel flew into a wall.

"Looks like Lmaoroni is stone-drunk at a time of crisis. AGAIN." moaned Akuma.

"Is that all you guys do in heaven, is drink?" inquired Jason.

"You've got to understand that things are basically perfect in Heaven, so there's not much need to do anything. Also, we fight the forces of evil..."

"...to protect your booze so that you can drink." added Jason.

"Great Champion Akuma! Flex! I bring news from Heaven," said Lmaoroni as he stumbled closer, "God has finally beaten Super Meat Boy!"

"Oh Heavens be praised! Finally, God will come and help us!" exclaimed Flex.

"And, he has just gotten an advance copy of Skyward Sword!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Flex shouted.

"If only the mortals hadn't ever invented those blasted video games. God has done nothing else but play them since," lamented Lmaoroni.

"Well, God says that he's researching the mortals when he plays them. And he used to let us play them too, until SOMEONE overwrote his Ocarina of Time save game when he was at 95% completion." said Akuma as he glared at Lmaoroni.

"Hold on," began Lmaoroni, "I was just trying to start a new game. How was I supposed to..."

"Guys, stop fighting. You're angels for crying out loud." Jason pleaded.

"Prophecy's right..." said Flex.

"...Jason. My name is Jason Covenant..."

"...Prophecy, please don't interrupt. As I was saying, we must remember who the real enemy is, and I think we may need to consider how this may all go down. If Satan loses, his anger will be great and all the mortals here will be in danger. I have brought weapons, such as my flaming sword..."

"Ooohhh. So it was SUPPOSED to be on fire." Jason remarked. He decided that now was an excellent time to quietly drop an empty fire extinguisher into a trash can behind him.

"You put the flame out? I'm not mad...At least there's still my sword of a thousand venoms."

"Uhh, oops, I thought it was a snake so I kinda bashed it to pieces with an empty fire extinguisher."

"I'm not angry. Really, I'm not. Because at least there's still my starmetal morningstar and there's no way a mortal could harm such a powerful divine weapon."

"Oh that shiny thing with the spikes was yours? Ooops."

"Where is it Jason?" Flex said firmly. A twitch crept into his eye.

"Look, I'm sure the pawnshop will accept refunds..."

"YOU IMBECILE! YOU SOLD ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPONS IN THE UNIVERSE TO A PAWNSHOP! It took God 10,000 years to make it in a forge in the center of the Universe. It took your Earth a mere 6 days to make 6,000 years ago!" Flex finally lost it.

"Wait, hold on Flex. God specifically said that he made Earth 4.5 billion years ago, and I remember him doing it," said Akuma.

"Nuh-uh. If he thought I didn't know the correct age of the Earth, do you think he would've tasked me with sharing it with the creationists?"

"And if he thought I didn't know the correct answer, do you think he would've tasked me with telling the geologists the right answer?"

"Look, we both went to the same seminar where God explained the origin of the Earth. Clearly one of us wasn't paying attention, and I seem to remember you downing gallons of Gabriel's Bourbon."

"Pfft, I didn't have half as much bourbon as you had beer. Besides..."

"...Uh, guys. Sorry to interrupt but Satan's coming this way." Lmaoroni interjected meekly.

"I know you're mad at me right now guys, but let me talk to him. Trust me, I know how to handle it," said Jason.

"What experience could you possibly have dealing with a being of pure evil?" demanded Flex.

"Have you met my ex-girlfriend?"

Satan came within earshot and the angels took a deep breath. Satan was an intimidating figure.

"Hey Steve, how's it going?" Jason asked casually.

"My name is Satan, not Steve. Fear me mortal, for I am the dark lord and great terror of the universe."

"So Satin, isn't Satin like a soft fabric? A soft, yielding fabric?"

"Hush mortal before I kill you. I just came to tell your friend Flex that I'm going to crush him in this competition, then kill him and everyone else here afterwards."

"Blah blah blah, villian cliches, blah blah. You're not going to do anything of the sort. In fact, I suggest that you forfeit this competition right now before I take all of your power," Jason said with a grin.

"Hahaha, and how does a mortal plan to do that?" laughed Satan.

"I've sent invitations to all of the lawyers, politicians and used car salesmen to attend my new clinic with the promise of free hookers and crack. When they arrive at the clinic, instead they will be brainwashed into being good and doing whatever that priest I hired says is needed to get into heaven. You won't get their souls and your power will wither til you can't even conquer a Dairy Queen, much less Heaven."

"Ok, I'll just kill you now before you can do any of that."

"Sure, go ahead, it's your funeral. The plan is already in motion and I'm the only one that can stop it. Kill me and prepare to fight for your life the next time a blind kitten wanders into Hell."

"You...you wouldn't. Surely you are bluffing. Angels, you can't tell a lie, is he bluffing?" Satan was clearly disturbed by Jason's plan.

"Well Satan, he's crazy. I wouldn't put it past him," answered Akuma.

"Mortal, I'm not sure I believe you but it doesn't matter. I am far too near my goal. Even if you took all my infernal powers, I'd still have the divine beer."

"And bourbon!" added Akuma.

"Whatever. I will deal with you later mortal, after I crush your friends in this mix-off. Farewell pestilence." And with that, Satan went back to his side of the floor. Only 2 minutes left on the clock.

"Jason, I must admit that was impressive. I think you really screwed with his head. You've finally done something useful." Flex was trying to be complimentary.

"Useful!? What about all I taught you?"

"All you said was that "the bass is in you" a few times and drank beer. Once you got so wasted that you told Akuma he did the right thing in turning his Millenium Falcon around to help his friends on Hoth. And you kept calling me Chewbacca or Chewie. Then you began shoving these strange human health snacks in my face and asking me, "Chewie want a chewy? Chewie want a chewy bar?"" said an expasperated Flex.

"Ok, but at least I gave you a place to stay."

"You made us sleep on the balcony! It was snowing outside and you have a spare room."

"Yea but that's the beer room. It's sacred. Only myself and the cat are allowed in there, you know that. Frankly, I'm not sure I like your tone. Why should I help you guys protect YOUR booze?"

"All of the booze on Earth is just a cheap reflection of what is in Heaven. If it disappears there, it will disappear on Earth too."

"OH HELL NO!" Jason pulled out a gun and fired several rounds at Satan. "DIIIIIEEEE!!!!"

"Foolish mortal, that won't hurt me," shouted Satan and then he looked down and saw that his turntables had been shredded by bullets, "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!"

"He uses those turntables for a lot his transitions. That should give you an edge." Jason explained.

"I'm sorry I got angry," said Flex.

"Don't be silly, I've totally screwed things up. I ruined your weapons."

"And I should've destroyed Satan with my voice instead of talking to him before. Now I've lost that power. I'm sorry this responsibility fell on you guys."

They knew that they would have to work together to defeat Satan, but time was running out for plans. Less than 30 seconds on the clock. The fruition of all their preparations was at hand.

Then Satan crushed Flex in the mix-off and everyone lived happily ever after. Just kidding! The final battle finally begins next time in part 3!

(Sorry, was planning on ending it in part 2 but I ended up thinking of a lot more dialogue than expected.)

Haha, if people are getting all butt-hurt about stuff before the compo even starts, then I'm really looking forward to seeing all the frusty people during the Remix Gauntlet!! :)

Before butthurt there must be drama. Before drama, there must be trash talking.

On that note, Block Rockmen Beats, teh team of witch I reside, will rock all ur asses, because we r Teh Block Rockmen Beats, and we Beat ur Blocks off, because we r teh Block Rockman Beats. We r, the Beast fucking team, on this plant. Anyone who disagrees, fuck them, ya no. We are hear to put out a message. We r da block rockmen beats. WE ROOOOOO. We dont try to negocate or come 2 terms... FUCK U, ya no. N' we shall win, n' if u dont like it then fuck u! ya no.

Before butthurt there must be drama. Before drama, there must be trash talking.

On that note, Block Rockmen Beats, teh team of witch I reside, will rock all ur asses, because we r Teh Block Rockmen Beats, and we Beat ur Blocks off, because we r teh Block Rockman Beats. We r, the Beast fucking team, on this plant. Anyone who disagrees, fuck them, ya no. We are hear to put out a message. We r da block rockmen beats. WE ROOOOOO. We dont try to negocate or come 2 terms... FUCK U, ya no. N' we shall win, n' if u dont like it then fuck u! ya no.

Egads! Well if your assault on the English language is any indication, I daresay that the other teams stand nary a chance! *sips tea in a manner befitting a sophisticated individual*

Before butthurt there must be drama. Before drama, there must be trash talking.

On that note, Block Rockmen Beats, teh team of witch I reside, will rock all ur asses, because we r Teh Block Rockmen Beats, and we Beat ur Blocks off, because we r teh Block Rockman Beats. We r, the Beast fucking team, on this plant. Anyone who disagrees, fuck them, ya no. We are hear to put out a message. We r da block rockmen beats. WE ROOOOOO. We dont try to negocate or come 2 terms... FUCK U, ya no. N' we shall win, n' if u dont like it then fuck u! ya no.

I understand now! WillRock is actually the pseudonym of Zell Dincht!!


On that note, Block Rockmen Beats, teh team of witch I reside, will rock all ur asses, because we r Teh Block Rockmen Beats, and we Beat ur Blocks off, because we r teh Block Rockman Beats. We r, the Beast fucking team, on this plant. Anyone who disagrees, fuck them, ya no. We are hear to put out a message. We r da block rockmen beats. WE ROOOOOO. We dont try to negocate or come 2 terms... FUCK U, ya no. N' we shall win, n' if u dont like it then fuck u! ya no.

You disrespectin' me brah?


Okay, having seen the hilarity of the team developments, might as well provide bios for the (Skybound) Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man and how we mean business and partial villainy in spite of a weak team name :P


PLANT MAN {Pilot: Rexy)

Current Hideout: Forest of Bowland, England

Likes: Inner beauty, companionship, bright colors

Dislikes: Being left out, pollution, Super Mario RPG

Current Gaming Spree: Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

A striving and creative Robot Master with the determination to stand tall amongst the crowd, Plant Man was ultimately outcasted from his original home of the Forgotten Area in Brazil due to deforestation. Crushed and bitter about his lost home, he spent the years since in hiding, waiting for the day that he would ever gain the mental strength required to reclaim his rightful home.

The Wily Gauntlet drafted him in as a means for him to bite back against the dangers of modern day technology and world damages. Armed with a defensive Plant Barrier techniue, Plant Man may still be quite timid in battle, but he is sure to watch his every step amongst the challenges ahead and pay the utmost care to every footstep taken.


HORNET MAN {Pilot: Hylian Lemon)

Current Hideout: Mark Twain National Park, Missouri

Likes: Gardening, writing literature, Mountain Dew

Dislikes: Nintendo mascot clones, rain, Navi

Current Gaming Spree: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

After his period of use was refreshed, Hornet Man spent much of his time doing some gardening for Dr. Light. His insanely over-the-top approach may not have gone down well with all of his assisting robots (especially Auto), but for the most part it radiated that garden... until one fateful day that he accidentally watered the plants with Mountain Dew. Neither the garden nor Dr. Light's bond with him were the same since.

Bittered by the lost trust in humanity, Hornet Man's aim through the Wily Gauntlet is for the pure thought of pushing himself back into Dr. Light's good books... or bust. Armed with the Hornet Chaser attack, he is set to scout out for fresh ideas and take as much of a colorful approach to the gauntlet as he would at his gardening.


SPLASH WOMAN {Pilot: Brandon Strader)

Current Hideout: Lake Erie, Pennsylvania

Likes: Karaoke, South Park, collecting musical instruments

Dislikes: Sheep, criticism, the President of the United States

Current Gaming Spree: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Splash Woman may have had her licence renewed fairly quickly, but her continuing pursuit in the field of music had gained so much of a selfish streak in her that over the months since she'd be considered 'fallen from grace' in the local karaoke bars. Thinking that it meant to change up her act, she literally spent all her non-sleeping, non-eating and non-toileting hours perfecting her act, which at this point has resulted in nothing but a disgruntled audience.

Considered a musical outcast, she saw the Wily Gauntlet as an opportunity to reclaim the fame she lost. She refuses to go easy with her laser trident in hand, and with every ounce of willpower and desperation in her, Splash Woman's approach to the gauntlet would be far from tentative!


And yes, us three are for some reason playing games with the word 'Sky' in the title during this competition. :razz:


I've noticed people are doing rather interesting narrative stuff, so you know what? I'm gunna join in!

The Grand Robot Master Royal Battles - Prologue

The world of MegaRock was for many years a peaceful sanctuary for many robots. Long since abandoned by their creators, robots scattered from throughout the galaxy came to this planet to live peacefully. These robots live on perpetually-powered batteries, which help sustain them for thousands of years. This planet was ruled by the king of all the robots, known by the name of DarkeSword, who ruled the World from his Royle Palace.

However, several years ago, the great King DarkeSword made an announcement which would change the fate the of entire planet. He had grown tired of so many years ruling MegaRock but was at a loss of what to do.

He had no heirs to speak of, so he started a battle tournament which would decide who would rule MegaRock. Through this method, he'd be able to find a King or Queen worthy of his throne. He named the tournament - The Grand Robot Master Royal Battles.

The GRMRB was a 1 on 1 tournament, with 4 rounds and loss meaning elimination. Of course, there was much interest in the GRMRB, and it attracted only the most ambitious and powerful robots in the world.

However, the nature of the tournament was too ambitious for some, and unknown to Darkesword, an underground movement known as the Revenge Rounds, was held amongst the losers, to sabotage the GRMRB. The Revenge Rounds was held to find someone to challenge the champion of the throne, through the same methods as the tournament itself.

Zircon, A robot who was undefeated in combat, won the GRMRB and thus the throne. However, the winner of the Revenge Rounds, a Robot known as WillRock, challenged Zircon for the throne of MegaRock. Zircon, not wishing to risk his throne simply had WillRock publicly denounced for treason and thrown in the Royale Palace Dungeons, along with everyone else who was involved with the Revenge Rounds. However, WillRock, with the help of a powerful magnetizing robot named Txai, managed to break out of the prison, and with the help of the the rest of the Revenge Round robots, took over the Palace and kept King Zircon prisoner. He forced DarkeSword to host another GRMRB, threatening to take out both Zircon and Darkeswords batteries if they didn't comply. His intentions were simple, to win the GRMRB, and become king publicly.

Thus a new GRMRB was held. WillRock fought his way to the final round, only to be stopped by Txai, who had his own plans to seize the throne. A massive battle erupted and Txai emerged the Victor. He was crowned King of MegaRock. Txai's involvement in the Revenge Rounds was not public knowedge, unlike WillRock, and WillRock threatened to expose Txai as a traitor publically unless he agreed not to throw WillRock into the Dungeons. His hands tied, Txai complied with the demands.

However, shortly after finishing the Tournament, WillRock got the help of halc and Nutritious, both being good friends with him, to once again break into the Castle. This time, with halc and Nutritious helping him form a small army, he invaded the royale castle and took out the batteries of the imprisoned Zircon, as well as King Txai, making them stop working. With the two kings out of the way, he once again forced darkesword to host another Tournament, while keeping the whereabouts and heath of Txai and Zircon secret. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, they had simply vanished.

However, The Robot public started to suspect foul play. Two Kings disappearing without a trace, as well as WillRock's Reputation for treason, and his publicly unexplained freedom was a cause for concern amongst the Public.

Another GRMRB was called to action, and WillRock, whom many suspected of being behind the disappearances of the previous kings, got to the final round. He was up against Prophetik, who was a right and just Spring Knight of the Cyber Peacock, a holy order of protecters for the planet. WillRock managed to beat the Knight in a climatic battle and was winner of the tournament. WillRock attempted in his rage to remove Prophetik's Batteries but Prophetik managed to get away from him.

WillRock finally ruled MegaRock, and appointed halc and nutritious his personal advisers and bodyguards. In his position of power he removed DarkeSwords Batteries, making him stop working until he was needed again.

After becoming King, WillRock plunges the World into darkness. However, WillRock finds out to his peril that Darkesword in fact has a secret brother that has a claim to the throne. Frightened that this information meant he would no longer have a claim to the throne, WillRock sent halc to bring back Neblix to the castle where WillRock would decide what to do with him and Darkesword. However, the information reaches the ears of two of the royal guards, who pass on the message that WillRock is not the true king. They set out to find Neblix, and join him as his personal protectors against halc's impending arrival. As word spreads, Various groups of robots, many of them contenders from the Tournaments, but also various other robots from around the world, formed alliances against the king. WillRock, sensing danger, brought together a powerful army, headed by halc and Nutritious.

And thus, the War of Thrones began.

Who shall win the War of Thrones, and what shall become of the world of MegaRock?

And shall Darkesword, Txai and Zircon ever get their batteries back?


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