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This is a remix competition. The goal is to make "well-executed" remixes, not "solid covers".
Sorry, let me clarify: I enjoy solid covers, but I wouldn't vote for one in this context. That's also why, while I enjoyed several of the mixes this time, I didn't vote for them because I couldn't hear much of one of the sources, and why I didn't vote for the mixes I enjoyed the most in the last round because I felt they were too derivative. My top vote this round went to a piece I didn't enjoy at all, because I felt it did the best job of meeting the compo criteria.

Not sure if C7 would be happy seeing that, but I still thought it both combined the source really well and matched the production really well. I haven't voted yet, but I'm sure it will make my top 3.

As for Topsy Turvy, I caught Wily straight away, which is odd for me because i'm unfamiliar with much of mm5's score. I can feel here because it seems that we try so hard to make both themes present but we still get shot down as if we didn't make one source clear enough. But it may be something to learn from even if we may not necessarily agree with what they're saying.

Sorry, let me clarify: I enjoy solid covers, but I wouldn't vote for one in this context. That's also why, while I enjoyed several of the mixes this time, I didn't vote for them because I couldn't hear much of one of the sources, and why I didn't vote for the mixes I enjoyed the most in the last round because I felt they were too derivative. My top vote this round went to a piece I didn't enjoy at all, because I felt it did the best job of meeting the compo criteria.

at some point you should probably stop posting in this thread. you're just digging a deeper hole for yourself. case in point: flex's remix has more than enough wily in it. you just can't hear it because it's not OMG WILY NAO.

If what he wants is something that's more coverish then it's well within his right to vote accordingly.

This is a remix competition. If everyone started voting on tracks they thought sounded most like covers, it would defeat the whole point of the compo.

Granted, he is entitled to his own opinion, just as we are entitled to remind him the purpose of this compo.

Sorry, let me clarify: I enjoy solid covers, but I wouldn't vote for one in this context.

Everything you've said up to this point gives the impression that you are interested in covers. I think the problem is you are judging the mixes based on whether you can hear the main melody or not. Some mixes won't use the main melody from the source. If you can't hear the source in a mix, I suggest you go back and listen to the source. The whole source. I think you'll be surprised just how hard many remixers try to make the source recognizable, while still blending in with the other theme.

at some point you should probably stop posting in this thread.

Whoa, hold on. I think some sort of understanding can be reached, so there's no need for that. Besides, OCR is an inclusive place. I don't think MindWanderer needs to vacate the thread just because he has a dissenting opinion, even a silly one.


Personally, the way I vote is that I do a score system and vote for the tracks that get the highest... half of it is arrangement and production, the other is my personal enjoyment out of it. That way, if a mix is lacking in some areas of arrangement and production, but I enjoy it anyway, it'll still do well in comparison with a mix I thought hit the compo criteria perfectly, but I didn't enjoy in the slightest.

Its up to people how they vote, but if a track I didn't enjoy hit the top of my list over a bunch I loved to bits, I'd feel I was doing an injustice with my voting.

Also, for the record, quite a lot of the time I use more than just the main theme of the tracks in my remixes. Because of that, some people don't hear source usuage I use because they don't dissect the sources enough. For example, the 16th note arps I use in the intro of my remix were all from wilys theme, but people might not hear them as source because in the source, they are only used once or twice as part of a bigger melodic phrase, which was in the background.

My top vote this round went to a piece I didn't enjoy at all, because I felt it did the best job of meeting the compo criteria.
Not sure if C7 would be happy seeing that, but I still thought it both combined the source really well and matched the production really well. I haven't voted yet, but I'm sure it will make my top 3.

Haha nah, I don't mind. It's his own voting criteria, and I can't fault someone for disliking a genre--I don't like 80's pop-sounding stuff. I'm glad he was open-minded enough to still vote for it on other merits than his own enjoyability. I take the opposite approach, usually, but I don't mind. I wish everyone enjoyed stuff like that, but no way to please everyone!

Hehe and thanks! I can't wait to get to listening and voting.

Would you like a source breakdown? Half the song is Wily.
OK, I finally caught it, by assuming that everything that wasn't Top Man was Wily. And yeah, it's there, but it's heavily arranged, in a different key, and in small snippets. And it seems like most of it is the "introduction" of the Wily theme rather than the main melody. But several remixers took that approach this week. Which I found odd--it's a great source, I'm surprised that so few of you used the whole thing, and so many took the least interesting part.

That being said, the two parts are really well integrated, and props for that.

As for Electric Sleep, listening specifically to the end, I can finally hear the other half of the Elec Man theme. Again, it's just really heavily altered.

IMHO, more divergent and adventurous remixes work best when they go through a theme once "straight" so that the listener can hear the source tune done in the style of the mix. Once attuned, it's easier to pick out the source when it's heavily altered. For instance, The Frog Dance: It's one of my favorite mixes now, but the first time I heard it I couldn't tell what the hell it was until halfway through, when it does the Frog theme "straight" for the first time. After having heard that, I knew what to listen for, and I could go back to the beginning and appreciate it for what it was.

This is a remix competition. If everyone started voting on tracks they thought sounded most like covers, it would defeat the whole point of the compo.

Granted, he is entitled to his own opinion, just as we are entitled to remind him the purpose of this compo.

... Not really catching onto this, myself. The purpose of this compo is to mix two themes together (one provided by oneself, one provided by Darkesword) in any way that you see fit. This isn't about making OCR submitable material, if that's not what you want to go for in a particular round, nor is it a necessity that it factors into one's vote. There is no 'purpose' outside of mixing the two themes together.

Do I (along with most other people voting) agree that it's better to make a mix that is clever in the way that it incorporates the themes? Absolutely, and that reflects in the voting patterns that have arisen - but I'm afraid that I can't agree that it's the purpose of having the compo.

All that being said, I should probably vote before I go AWOL for the rest of the week. :P

... Not really catching onto this, myself. The purpose of this compo is to mix two themes together (one provided by oneself, one provided by Darkesword) in any way that you see fit. This isn't about making OCR submitable material, if that's not what you want to go for in a particular round, nor is it a necessity that it factors into one's vote. There is no 'purpose' outside of mixing the two themes together.

Wily Castle REMIX Gauntlet

This is a remix competition.


He coined the term "ReMix". Not "remix".

A "ReMix" is DJP's fancy spelling for "rearrangement". It is simply that way because OverClocked Rearrangement sounds really dumb.

Remixes have been around since before any of us were even born.

And I quote

It has never been a rule in the four megaman compos that you need to strive for OCR-style arrangements.

He coined the term "ReMix". Not "remix".

A "ReMix" is DJP's fancy spelling for "rearrangement". It is simply that way because OverClocked Rearrangement sounds really dumb.

Remixes have been around since before any of us were even born.

Well duh. Ocr has a different definition than the rest of the web. Why do you think I posted a quote making that very point?

Are you suggesting that this isn't a rearrangement compo at all?

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