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Check first post for this week's wily theme.

Got 10 mixes this week. Had to fix some file names.

Also for The Skull Men, even though Luke was supposed to mix this week, Jakesnke17 sent in a mix instead, which means Jake went twice in this set. You guys should send me a PM before doing something like that. I'm not going to disqualify the mix because it sounds like a lot of work went into it and it doesn't actually exceed the hard quota (i.e. only three rounds per mixer) for the competition, but I really wish you guys would have cleared it with me first. :\

Jake, if we look at the scoreboard we can see that since you missed out on your first week and did mixes for two other weeks, you've done "three weeks" now. This means until we hit Round 10, your team members will have to cover the rest of the competition. Specifically, one more mix from Chernabogue, and two mixes from Luke.

Mixes will be up later today, and scores and tallies will be updated either tonight, tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.


Red Chamomile - Nice rock arrangement, and one of the only ones this round. Really can't complain about it, and definitely one of the better mixes this round. It could have easily broken into the top three if the mood had struck at the time I listened to it (and it still yet may)

Air-Cossacks! - Definitely doesn't have the usual polish that I'm used to from WillRock, but the arrangement is actually one of his better ones. The production, while not up to his usual standards, wasn't so bad that I couldn't enjoy it. Loved the solo at 2:02. This one just barely beat out a couple of others for the number 3 spot.

twenty-six alpha - Ah, the return of jazzy/mellow pieces from prophetik. Awesome. As soon as I was 35 seconds into this one, I knew it was going to be in my top 3. It sounds like you used some of the jungle-y samples from your final GRMRB 2011 mix, but they are deployed much more effectively in this mix, IMO. Really love it. My #1.

Standing On Top - You said that you weren't too happy with the way the mix turned out, but it really isn't that bad (or maybe you didn't want to feel left out from all of the other mixers who were complaining about how their mixes turned out this round, I don't know). Anyhow, I didn't mind the the vocals that much in this mix, but something about it just didn't click with me. The way you and your team's mixes have been going so far in this compo, though, I wouldn't be surprised if this one won this round, too.

Northern Lights - This song and Zerothemaster's are a great example of one of the reason's I love these compos: watching people improve. This one could have easily been my #4. Just a huge improvement over your last one (and your last one wasn't really bad). My only complaint would be that it seemed to get a little stale by the end, but it was still a catchy arrangement and very well executed. Nicely done!

License to Chill - Like I've said before, I'm not a huge fan of orchestrations. I do love the James Bond inspiration, though. I could definitely see it in a Bond movie, and you definitely get points for creativity. Nice work!

Eye Of The Storm - Ah, more trancey goodness from Jewbei. Much better combination of the two themes this time, around, too. Yet another contender for my #3 spot, and if the mood strikes, I may find myself changing it.:nicework:

Groove, Swing, March - I really liked the little chip-tune interlude in the middle. I actually really liked the whole thing...sigh, yet another contender for #3...

No Time for Doctors - No time, indeed! This mix sure is in a hurry! Unfortunately, it is a bit short (in a round where most mixes are shorter than usual). Still a good arrangement and nice production, I just wish it was longer.

Villainous Revelry - Another great piece from Jakesnke17, and, unless we hear from him in the infamous Round 10, perhaps his last mix of the compo? Anyway, I don't really know why I liked this one so much, but I did. I think Jakesnke's mixes have great way of delivering something without beating you over the head with it. There's a lot going on with it being overwhelming, and I can chill out while listening to it, but it isn't really that slow-paced and it certainly isn't boring. Like I said last week, it's great to have you back!


If anyone wants the lyrics to Standing On Top, I'm just gonna post 'em here:

(Verse 1)


Pain and suffering

I can see


Paths I’m covering


Every hour I breathe I falter inside

Still I’m pressing onward

For the ones who survived how many have died

Climbing free

(Verse 2)


Thankfully I see

Pathway’s end

Regal sight

End of my journey

Hope again

Though my body is tortured I’m still so alive

I have made it through this

Dreams sustain me, the truth I cannot deny

I am free


To fellow Skull Men: Alright you guys, you heard Darkesword...I can't submit anything else until Round 10. Chernabogue, Luke...sort it amongst yourselves...if ya need any help with a collab, lemme know. :D

On another note, awesome round you guys! Great stuff.

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