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Now that this thread is about shit, and my post is on topic, I really look forward to my evening monster shits these days. It seems like the most relaxing time of my day, and I'm a guy who really does not like shitting at all, it's not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination. Also, Ben took the lead on our track, then sent the midi to Rexy, then she's going to work for a while, then I am going to work and I'll make sure it's at least 20 minutes long. :-)


~~~~~~~ Poop talk intermission ~~~~~~


~~~~~~~ As YOU WERE (men and feminine robot masters... (That means you Plant Man)) ~~~~~~~

Too bad pH already quoted me :) Bwahahaha

~~~~~~~ Poop talk intermission ~~~~~~

I'm surprised no one picked Dark Man for this competition just to screw with Darke :) True he's more of a Cossack or Mr. X character but technically he fits the bill... What are your thoughts?


~~~~~~~ As YOU WERE (men and feminine robot masters... (That means you Plant Man)) ~~~~~~~

Dammit, now everyone knows about my Dark Man idea! HOW COULD YOU DO IT

I'm surprised no one picked Dark Man for this competition just to screw with Darke :smile: True he's more of a Cossack or Mr. X character but technically he fits the bill...

Dark Man's theme is pretty cool, but he's never been allowed because he isn't a traditional Robot Master in his own right. He's not one of the "classic" 8 Robot Masters you fight during the course of the game, he doesn't have his own stage (part of Wily/Protoman Castle) and you don't get a weapon for defeating him. So unfortunately no :(


Jeeeeez :( This thread is sooooo dead. So how are you or your teammate's mixes coming along? There needs to be more propaganda and boasting going on here.

On a side note let's interview our gracious organizer and ask him some questions.

Shariq, what inspired you to come up with these megaman competitions in the first place (Please elaborate on a childhood memory if applicable)? What's your favorite megaman game? Who is your favorite robot master?

Who is your favorite robot master?

Being the DarkeSworde that he is, I'd gladly place a bet on his favorite robot master being Dark Man or Blade Man!







It's a decent track. Not the best on that soundtrack, but it's alright.

I LOVED sword man's track. It's got that temple-y vibe that I love (but you all already know that). And it's fucking hard to analyze, like a few other MM8 tunes (*cough*SEARCHMAN*cough*)

But then again I grew up on MM8, and it remains my favorite to this day. Next robot master comp I'm taking Saturn Tengu to the top

Next robot master comp I'm taking Saturn Tengu to the top

Awesome, I LOVE that theme! I actually just recently pulled out my old Saturn to be able to play through Tengu Man's stage with that music.

The bonus was playing through and remembering that there are fights against Cut Man and Wood Man in the game.

Shariq, what inspired you to come up with these megaman competitions in the first place (Please elaborate on a childhood memory if applicable)? What's your favorite megaman game? Who is your favorite robot master?

The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle was inspired by Mega Man 6. That was my game back in the day, and I loved the premise of a World Tournament for robots.

My favorite Mega Man game is Mega Man X4. My favorite Robot Master is Knight Man.

The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle was inspired by Mega Man 6. That was my game back in the day, and I loved the premise of a World Tournament for robots.

My favorite Mega Man game is Mega Man X4. My favorite Robot Master is Knight Man.

X4 was flippin' incredible, especially coming off of the SNES X games. It was probably the primary inspiration for my purchasing a PSX, actually, and it didn't disappoint!


My favorite mega man game is Mega Man 2. I think of mega Man 2, and I think of my childhood. Sitting on the floor, playing on an old ass 14 inch tv all afternoon.

Favorite Robot Master has to be Metal Man. Great music, Great Weapon, Great yet simple robot master design.

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