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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Alternatively, you could add tracks from ToS 2 and make the wait even LONGER! :-o It's just being thorough after all. Same world and what have you.

For that matter, there could be music from Tales of the World: Summoner's Lineage.

lol obscure tales games no one (in America) has heard of

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In serious business:

The music side of this project is practically finished. I need everyone to go through the tracklist on the first page of this thread and make sure all of the songs are accounted for. With so many tracks, this isn't easy to keep track of, so make sure I haven't overlooked anything.

Also, my mirrors list is a bit outdated. Please confirm with me if you are on the list and still able to host the project. We will also additional need HTTP hosting mirrors. Please let me know if you have about 500-600 megs of hosting space available and good bandwidth. Trust me: It WILL get used.

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