KWarp Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I'm around, though it ain't good manners for me to listen before Arek. Patience is virtue or something. Anyway, gotta Dedede Animation Problem. Both Hock and Kine are crunched on time due to collage. Sadly animation is quite a time-consuming work. Enthusiasm for the project has kinda dwindled on Kine's part, and Hock can't incorporate some of the work into his class like he planned to. I've developed my Animation ability some, but that hardly makes up for lost ground. In short, I'm considering cutting the animation from the project all-together. This would allow us to redirect Hock's abilities towards more Storybook art and the Storybook comics he chose to do. Kine will be off the hook (I think he wants that to happen anyway). This kind of decision is too big to make on my own. Everyone please express your opinions! 1) Yes, keep the animation. <reasons> 2) No, drop the animation. <reasons/agreement> 3) Here's another idea. <explaination> I'm leaning toward option 2. If I wasn't overseas during my whole winter break, there might be some hope. Sadly that isn't the case.
Cyan_Ide Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 maybe if arek came online, i'd show him my wip. HOLY JESUS AWESOME!! Myth IS on this project! You can't really tell from the IRC channel, considering you're in every other channel I'm in almost and only talk in #ocremix. Be more social, JERK!! I don't have an answer, KWarp. Need some thinkin' time.
Navi Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I requested not to have my name put on the list until i had a wip that i was happy with. as it stands, i have a wip i'm happy with.
Arek the Absolute Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 I'm around, though it ain't good manners for me to listen before Arek. Patience is virtue or something. Anyway, gotta Dedede Animation Problem. Both Hock and Kine are crunched on time due to collage. Sadly animation is quite a time-consuming work. Enthusiasm for the project has kinda dwindled on Kine's part, and Hock can't incorporate some of the work into his class like he planned to. I've developed my Animation ability some, but that hardly makes up for lost ground. In short, I'm considering cutting the animation from the project all-together. This would allow us to redirect Hock's abilities towards more Storybook art and the Storybook comics he chose to do. Kine will be off the hook (I think he wants that to happen anyway). This kind of decision is too big to make on my own. Everyone please express your opinions! 1) Yes, keep the animation. <reasons> 2) No, drop the animation. <reasons/agreement> 3) Here's another idea. <explaination> I'm leaning toward option 2. If I wasn't overseas during my whole winter break, there might be some hope. Sadly that isn't the case. My take? HELL NO! We aren't cutting it. If we have to, we can wait. I would rather produce something groundbreaking than just something semi awesome. My vote? 1) YES, KEEP THE ANIMATION! maybe if arek came online, i'd show him my wip. You can thank good old SBC for me not being online. Service for my area has been down for a week so I have been having to go to my friend's house and leech his net. It has been a very annoying. I wonder when SBC will get their act together and fix the net already. And yes, Myth HAS been in the project the whole time, but like he said, he chose to keep it a secret. Glad you got your WIP ready dude. I can't wait to hear it
CIaude Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Shit son! An art WIP deadline?! Damn, I was hoping to avoid this. Alrighty, I'll do my best to get my shizzle on the webizzle before novizzle twizzle... Word.
Arek the Absolute Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 I would like to officially welcome Mythril Nazgul to the project!
-RK- Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I say keep the animation. Arek brought up a very good point, you cant rush project. Despite wanting to get the finished product out the door, I think that the product should be somewhat groundbreaking in terms of OCR site projects. I want this to be one ot remember.
Arek the Absolute Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 I want this to be one ot remember. Quoted for damn emphasis
Liontamer Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I'm around, though it ain't good manners for me to listen before Arek. Patience is virtue or something. Anyway, gotta Dedede Animation Problem. Both Hock and Kine are crunched on time due to collage. Sadly animation is quite a time-consuming work. Enthusiasm for the project has kinda dwindled on Kine's part, and Hock can't incorporate some of the work into his class like he planned to. I've developed my Animation ability some, but that hardly makes up for lost ground. In short, I'm considering cutting the animation from the project all-together. This would allow us to redirect Hock's abilities towards more Storybook art and the Storybook comics he chose to do. Kine will be off the hook (I think he wants that to happen anyway). This kind of decision is too big to make on my own. Everyone please express your opinions! 1) Yes, keep the animation. <reasons> 2) No, drop the animation. <reasons/agreement> 3) Here's another idea. <explaination> I'm leaning toward option 2. If I wasn't overseas during my whole winter break, there might be some hope. Sadly that isn't the case. 2. As much as everyone would like to see the animation alongside the project, it just sounds like attempting to retain the animation despite the time and personnel issues will only hamper the project's completion. Unless new guys can step up out of nowhere, I'd drop it and be content with just some storyboards or something to that effect.
Usa Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 1) Yes, keep the animation. I've already done a mix and Arek doesn't want it to be released on And also I really like the idea of having animation in there.
The G-Man Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 1) I say don't drop the animation just yet and wait and see what happens later on down the road. Animation is time consuming like you said, and they already sunk in time starting it- so it seems like it would be a waste to drop it now. If push comes to shove, how about a semi-animated storyboard, or "animatic" of sorts? That would lessen the load.
NeoForte Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Numero Uno! (#1) I would really like to see this.
OverCoat Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 3. Perhaps you can retain the animation but try a different method? Since this is a children's book, how about just movable cutouts? Something akin to Space Ghost Coast To Coast without any animation tweens? It would be an easy method, and of COURSE it would just look absolutely adorable.
KWarp Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Glad to see the opinions coming in. This is truely a point of the project where it can fall either way. Another idea I've been considering is something like the RoFL: Plutonium Edition seen in the Duck Hunt Remix project. If the animation is done in time for the project, great! If not, we can add it on later. For those of you who want to use your animation talents to help with the project. I recommend against it. Animation teams cut down a lot of work, but the larger they get the more leadership and organization it takes to make the team effective. We're only as fast as out slowest hiker. We have 2 now (me being an unofficial 3rd), and any larger than that will make the project too stressful. (Still, chat with me. Something might be worked out.) I also may as well post the status of the animation: Nothing. No concept art, storyboards, anything has been done past that first 5-second WIP. That's exactly why enthusiasm for the project has hit rock bottom. The only time both of them have time to work on the animation is winter break, exactly the time when I can't supervise them. >_< Once again I stress that this can succeed, or it may not. It's all about staff opinions and concise planning at this point. Now where's Kine.. *emails*
NeoForte Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Fine...heres an Art update >.> Something I did before all this hurricane crap. Anyway I'm gonna start doing roughs of my final WIPs soon. Enjoy hehe
The G-Man Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Lookin' prooty good there Forte. I too have something I've done over the past day or so: The Kirby Funnies!
Arek the Absolute Posted November 10, 2005 Author Posted November 10, 2005 Betta run kirby! Ness is right behind ya. + 1
KWarp Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 ??? Just to let you guys know, I'm leaning towards keeping the animation again. *evil plotting*
-RK- Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 ???Just to let you guys know, I'm leaning towards keeping the animation again. *evil plotting* SCANDAL!!!!
KyleJCrb Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 ???Just to let you guys know, I'm leaning towards keeping the animation again. *evil plotting* SCANDAL!!!! I like project scandals. Keeps it interesting and fresh. THIS PROJECT IS FRESH FOR YOUR PROTECTION LOL
Bongo Bill Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 I'm considering mirroring this.... However, I won't be able to mirror both this and Chrono Symphonic at the same time. So if you decide to keep the animation, and the project takes a few more weeks as a result, you will have an additional mirror.
KyleJCrb Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 Count me in as a mirror, of course. Whether I'll be able to mirror the storybook AND the music will remain to be seen, but I know I can at least handle the music.
OverCoat Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 KWarp <3 everyone. Are you considering my moving cutouts idea? WE NEED TO TALK so I can explain it in greater detail
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