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Thanks to djmokram for bringing this to my attention.

I tried warning the staff in irc and posted in the Wild ARMS thread, but was met with little to no reaction.

So in a desperate move, I decided to hit the last hope of mankind: no, not Mirby. The KNGI chatbox. ;P

Glad to see people are finally taking this seriously though, cause this is serious business.

And it seems that what I uncovered was only the tip of the iceberg...

I remember Stevo kicking their ass last year, when they tried selling Lucid Dreaming.

Attempting to make a profit from someone's work without their consent is just plain robbery.

These scumbags need to be stopped before they can do anymore damage to everyone.

I tried warning the staff in irc and posted in the Wild ARMS thread, but was met with little to no reaction.

So in a desperate move, I decided to hit the last hope of mankind: no, not Mirby. The KNGI chatbox. ;P

Glad to see people are finally taking this seriously though, cause this is serious business.

And it seems that what I uncovered was only the tip of the iceberg...

I remember Stevo kicking their ass last year, when they tried selling Lucid Dreaming.

Attempting to make a profit from someone's work without their consent is just plain robbery.

These scumbags need to be stopped before they can do anymore damage to everyone.

I just happened to see the links in the chatbox while checking to see if anyone else in the Cid Project had registered yet. And, being the kind person I am, spread the links and credited you because you were the one to bring it up.

But yeah, these folks need to go DOWN.


You know that this isn't a concern about our copyrights being infringed with the VG music being sold as much as it's Nintendo, Squaresoft, etc.'s music being infringed? One reason we avoid making a profit on these things is because that would infringe on other companies rights on these songs. Not that I want to bring in the bigger powers against the arrangements (since I can't say how far those companies would go - wouldn't want to accidentally cause OCR trouble, for example), but I think it's an interesting predicament, nonetheless.

You know that this isn't a concern about our copyrights being infringed with the VG music being sold as much as it's Nintendo, Squaresoft, etc.'s music being infringed? One reason we avoid making a profit on these things is because that would infringe on other companies rights on these songs. Not that I want to bring in the bigger powers against the arrangements (since I can't say how far those companies would go - wouldn't want to accidentally cause OCR trouble, for example), but I think it's an interesting predicament, nonetheless.

This is basically what I said a few pages ago. :nicework:


There's pretty much nothing anyone can do about it since it's run in Russia. I tried getting them to pull some of my original stuff and never got a response. It's basically like fighting the Pirate Bay or something. Even if you had the money/resources to pursue legitimate legal action, they'd just pop up in another form shortly down the road anyway.

Sucks, but there's really just not much I can see anyone doing at this point other than helping make people aware that it's not legit in any way.

That said, on the scale of people who are douchebags, it's one thing for people to pirate my music, and it's another thing to be the guy who uploads my music so that people can pirate them. I do not like either of these people that well, and certainly the latter moreso than the former. But people who SELL my music illegally and keep the money, well, they should pretty much die in a fire. That is all.

You may refer to this scale as "THE BGC DIGITAL DOUCHEBAGGERY SCALE" if you like.

You may refer to this scale as "THE BGC DIGITAL DOUCHEBAGGERY SCALE" if you like.

So while abbreviating this, would I abbreviate your abbreviation, or would I expand that abbreviation? What I mean is, would the abbreviation be BGCDDS or BDDS? The second one just flows off the tongue so much better, but the first oneis more 'correct' technically...

On that note, I would certainly rate this site a nine on the BDDS.

There's pretty much nothing anyone can do about it since it's run in Russia. I tried getting them to pull some of my original stuff and never got a response. It's basically like fighting the Pirate Bay or something. Even if you had the money/resources to pursue legitimate legal action, they'd just pop up in another form shortly down the road anyway.

Sucks, but there's really just not much I can see anyone doing at this point other than helping make people aware that it's not legit in any way.

That said, on the scale of people who are douchebags, it's one thing for people to pirate my music, and it's another thing to be the guy who uploads my music so that people can pirate them. I do not like either of these people that well, and certainly the latter moreso than the former. But people who SELL my music illegally and keep the money, well, they should pretty much die in a fire. That is all.

You may refer to this scale as "THE BGC DIGITAL DOUCHEBAGGERY SCALE" if you like.

This times 1000. I just don't want someone going here and thinking it's 100% legal. I'm fine with someone stealing my music because they know what they're doing just like I know what I'm doing when I do the same thing. But this isn't cool.


Holy shit, but anyways, who will actually be in the market to buy them? Anyone who knows about anything about OCR will just head on over here, either directly or look up Mega Man songs from OCR on Google.

Anyone that doesn't and is browsing that site, well they're cheapskates to begin with. The type of people that go to these cheap download sites are the ones that wouldn't want to pay the full 0.99 to 2.49 per song on the legit websites. When push comes to shove they'll Google for "XYZ Song name download" and get to any free links they discover. I don't see them making much of any actual sales from those particular songs.

But hey, you can probably lash out at them on Facebook.

Legal Sounds

the new victorius album is avalible on legalsounds.com

Joe Ferrara

fuck you



I could see someone who knows nothing about OCR coming up on legalsounds and seeing the songs for sale, then seeing them on OCR and thinking "Damn rip-off thieves OC ReMix, trying to give these artists' work away for free" then buying it from legalsounds. :-P Some people like to support the artists financially. I've been assured that such people exist, somewhere. But it may be a myth.

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