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Wow! I'm really impressed with the amount of interest everyone has expressed! It's making me want to start this thing sooner rather than later though!

So, I've been throwing around the idea of trying to come up with a theme/narrative to tie the compo together (as both DarkeSword & Rexy have suggested). It would have to be something good though, I'd rather have no "storyline" than a stupid and cheesy one. With that said, I've come up with one possible cheesy narrative. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any good ideas! Here's what I've been able to come up with:

We'd have 2 tournament brackets: a Sonic bracket and a Dr. Robotnik bracket. A good guys vs. bad guys kinda thing. Each remixer would choose a "home" zone to represent them. This would be the theme they mix with every round. For example, I could be "SuperiorX, from Green Hill Zone". The goal would be to race through each zone (each opponent you face along the way) to collect the Chaos Emeralds, in an attempt to save/destroy the world, depending on your bracket. Each round you'd mix your theme with the "home" zone theme of your opponent. I was throwing around the idea of having a Chaos Emerald be the "prize" for each round in the bracket (otherwise saying you're collecting Chaos Emeralds seems trivial) from a particular Sonic game. For example, in Round 1 you could be racing against your opponent to get a Chaos Emerald from Sonic 2. During the round you would be required to remix your home zone and your opponent's home zone theme, and you could optionally choose to mix part of the Special Stage zone music (where you get the emeralds) from Sonic 2 in your mix as well. The next round could be a Chaos Emerald from Sonic 3, so you would mix your theme, your opponent's, and the Special Stage music from Sonic 3 if you choose. When we get down to the final round, it would be a battle between the winner of the Sonic bracket and the winner of the Robotnik bracket. You would need to mix your theme, your opponent's, and maybe some final boss theme? Good vs. Bad showdown to decide the fate of the world!

I'm not sure if I entirely like my own idea. I'm worried that giving the option to mix a third source may needlessly complicate the competition in an attempt to fit a storyline/theme, which may not really even be necessary. I guess it depends on if people think having an overarching theme/narrative is that important, or if everyone just wants to remix some Sonic songs :smile:

Let me know what you guys think! And if anyone has any suggestions, free feel to post them!

Might be too complicated. xD

Might be too complicated. xD

Haha. Agreed. I'd rather keep it simple. That puts me back at no theme or narrative tho. I'll have to keep thinking of ideas!

Multi-tier competitions are the new album/project. Twice the mixes in half the turn-around time!

And yeah, more like 1/48th of the time :)


we need more emerald plant and hill ocean mixes, but adding the chaos stuff is going a bit to far.

maybe hidding a chaos emeral in some bracket (and the winner end up with it) could be used as a bonus for the remixer but i don't see what type of bonus you can come with for the contest to remain fair.


Every match is a distortion of the space time continuum where two stages blend together.

Sonic is running through all of the stage combinations, hoping to find the emeralds and restore peace back to the universal plane of existence. (and time if you want)

Act 1 will be one competitor's mix, Act 2 will be the other guy's mix.

The person who wins is the stage that doesn't get destroyed/lost in the void.

The last stage in existence is the one that holds all 7 chaos emeralds (which is why it wasn't destroyed). Sonic finds the emeralds in that stage and saves the world and the universe and cake and stuff.


I forgot how much ppl do you need.. Well if you'll need one more remixer in a last moment, call me. I'd like to try. ONLY in a last moment.... i hate sonic

But TEAM idea was great imo. Think about it. Team must include one posted ReMixer and two/three newbs. Main condition is a COLLABORATION! Could be useful for ppl and OCR itself?

Every match is a distortion of the space time continuum where two stages blend together.

Sonic is running through all of the stage combinations, hoping to find the emeralds and restore peace back to the universal plane of existence. (and time if you want)

Act 1 will be one competitor's mix, Act 2 will be the other guy's mix.

The person who wins is the stage that doesn't get destroyed/lost in the void.

The last stage in existence is the one that holds all 7 chaos emeralds (which is why it wasn't destroyed). Sonic finds the emeralds in that stage and saves the world and the universe and cake and stuff.

Sounds a lot like the storyline for Sonic Generations, with the whole space time continuum and restoring zones and stuff :-) But yeah, that fits well enough for me. Then the mixers in the Robotnik bracket would be trying to destroy the worlds with the emeralds, cause they're bad guys and stuff :wink:

Like I said earlier, I don't want to needlessly complicate the compo and I really want to keep the structure similar to the GRMRBs, with just mixing the two zone levels. This would allow for that! And it seems most people just want to remix Sonic songs anyway :mrgreen:

But TEAM idea was great imo. Think about it. Team must include one posted ReMixer and two/three newbs. Main condition is a COLLABORATION! Could be useful for ppl and OCR itself?

It's a good idea, but I don't really want to run a team competition. Collaboration is fun and all, but I want this to be a single elimination 1-on-1 compo. If this ends up being wildly successful, then it could be cool to add in some team components in a future compo, but for now I want to keep things simple. Thanks!


If you're still taking ideas, I'd like it to be a possibility to allow collaborations with other artists. In the last MM compo the team aspect allowed for some neat possibilities, and I'd like to see more of that.

Not a rule, per se, but a removal of a possible restriction, if it came up.

If you're still taking ideas, I'd like it to be a possibility to allow collaborations with other artists. In the last MM compo the team aspect allowed for some neat possibilities, and I'd like to see more of that.

Not a rule, per se, but a removal of a possible restriction, if it came up.

Yeah I don't think I'd restrict it outright, except maybe for collaborating with other people in the compo (unless they've already been eliminated). Kinda how SirNuts had someone do vocals for him on that song in the GRMRB 2012. That would be ok, as long as the compo mixer did the majority of the mix.

Since im a bit new to this, how would one enter? and are there any rules? :o

Well once we decide when the compo will be, I'll make a thread in the "competitions" forum. Anyone who's going to enter would post there. We'd have like 2 weeks of recruitment before the compo starts. And yes there would be rules. Mainly stuff like you'd have one week to make your song, you'd need to use your zone theme and your opponent's. It would need to be turned in within a specific time. Then there'd be a week of voting. If you win, you move onto the next round and go against your new opponent. Nothing too crazy. I'd post all the full rules in the compo thread when it actually starts.


That reminds me of the Sailor Mouth episode of Spongebob:

Patrick: Uh, hey! I think I know what that means. That's one of those sentence enhancers.

SpongeBob: Sentence enhancers?

Patrick: You use them when you want to talk fancy. You just sprinkle it on anything you say, and Wham-O! You've got yourself a spicy sentence sandwich!


On a serious note, I'm psyched for this. Provided my BK track is in a good position by then, I'm totally in 8-), crappy entries or not. :tomatoface:

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