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So while listening to The Annihilation of Monsteropolis by The Megas, I got to thinking, "If we were to create a 'believable' Mega Man story with threat levels all up ins, what Robot Masters would realistically cause the most damage to human society and Earth?"

My original premise is that Dr. Wily went rogue and after acquiring enough capital and resources was able to create 8 robots and you all know the rest as that's pretty much business as usual. What I'm thinking though is that contrary to what always seems like a conflict restricted to a specific warzone, I want this to be some near post apocalyptic shit. I'm talking Dr. Wily has almost won, humans are living at the fringe of the planet, continents are blasted barren, etc. What 8 robot masters from all over the classic series could accomplish this realistically and how would they do it? I already have a few ideas to get us started.

Air Man - Could create large scale atmospheric disturbances to take out strategic locations.

Sheep Man - Could hack into diverse networks to bringing them down, disrupting communications, and disable power grids.

Shadow Man - High-class assassin disrupting chains of command by taking out VIP targets.

Wave Man - Disrupt oceanic supply lines by causing tsunamis, whirpools, and other aquatic disturbances.

Have at it, OCR.


Have you ever heard of the protomen?

the two albums they created really bring a rather deep story to the megaman franchise.

The whole of humanity being enslaved was used in these songs but without actually naming a single robot master.

but to answer your question its a tricky one.

Gravity man for obvious reasons

Magnet man because he could potentially control the magnetic power of the entire world.

Flash man he has the power to stop time itself.

Thats the main ones i can think of atm.


You can't have post-apocalyptic without Napalm Man and Grenade Man IMO - both robots based on weapons of mass destruction (assuming that nuclear war will be in the equation), and could fit suitably well in a situation like that.

Cool idea though; would be interesting to see how others think about this. :razz:

Galaxy Man.

Nothing sucks more than a black hole.

I see what you did there.

I think Mars would make Napalm Man's and Bomb Man's weapons look like pea shooters, in comparison, but I'm not sure if stardroids count as robot masters... They WERE a part of the Mega Man Classic mythos, though, so they might.


I like the responses, but explain why each robot master's abilities would cause mass scale terror and panic in a realistic sense(ie. is Wood Man REALLY that menacing?). In a certain class of robot master, fire for example, who would be the head honcho? Would it be Fire Man as the "archetype" model, or would it be Magma Man or Flame Man? I'm trying to stay away from one offers like Cutman and Bubbleman though, because either they can't really orchestrate mass terror on their own or they'd be someone else' underling.

Napalm Man is definitely in there, since he's essentially a Metal Gear minus the nuclear capability(though artistic license could say he is!). Mega Man V for the GB is one of my favorites, so naturally Star Droids could fit in as well. I worry however that they along with any space-based Robot Masters like Star Man or Galaxy Man might be a bit OP, but go nuts!

Mavericks are definitely awesome, and while I'm framing this as containing mostly classic robot masters, stuff like viruses, the near- or post-apocalyptic setting, and not just Mega Man, but an entire force of "allied" robots could be present. Like I said, go nuts!


First post, hi y'all -

I reckon that Astro Man could really wreck the infrastructure up in some major cities, somethin' nasty. Also, I think that Magnet Man could mess up some computers, and the whole world would be out of pornography. It would be mass panic. And cathode ray TV's wouldn't stand a chance!

First post, hi y'all -

I reckon that Astro Man could really wreck the infrastructure up in some major cities, somethin' nasty. Also, I think that Magnet Man could mess up some computers, and the whole world would be out of pornography. It would be mass panic. And cathode ray TV's wouldn't stand a chance!

Best first post EVAR.

Hi :-D

I think Magnet Man could do more damage than just to mess up a few computers. He could throw the entire Earth off balance or somethin'.


Dustman, cause when everyone's computer would be filled with dust, shiz would get real.

As for serious master bot, Shadowman could assassinate some high class targets, sending the world into chaos and whatnot. Causeing a mass panic in a different way than mass destruction.


Ha ha ha! Well ya know, I guess the reason I picked Magnetman only doing something as lame as destroying all the pornography (ya I know, its a frightening thought, but not world-threatening), is because looking at the magnet of the aforementioned which is perched on his forehead, it doesn't look..... powerful enough to do anything significant. Honestly, it looks like the best it can do is push Megaman about three inches backwards. But, if we were to look at relative intelligence of the master robots, I think I know


There's clearly some favorites, so I'll go for one of the other ones...

Ice Man - Ability to cause another global ice age at will. Could be disasterous for crops, living organisms incapable of transitioning to freezing temperature so quickly, transportation both on land and on sea grinding to a halt, etc.

Centaur Man. I mean, Kintaro was a legit threat in the second Mortal Kombat movie, so Centaur Man should be just as threatening, right?

I had this discussion with someone else earlier, but Centaur Man has the potential to be the most destructive of all the robot masters. Why? Let me ask you - what IS his power?

Well, when you fight him, he can teleport, shoot bullets and stop time. When you use his power, however, it just destroys everything on screen. The report on him doesn't help (it says his power is 'UNKNOWN'), so at this point we must draw conclusions.

He's a robot master who can destroy virtually anything in the flash of an instant in any given area, stop time and freakin' teleport. As there is nothing known about his power, we can fill in the blanks with whatever we want and say that's what he's doing, giving him the potential to be more destructive than any other robot master in existence.

He's like a blank check for our imaginations.

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