Ionyze Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Pretty good. Simple and sweet, like the description promises. Polished in overall composition, but some individual elements seem just a little neglected. The drums really have no acoustic meat to them. The vocalist hits all his pitches and harmonies, but I agree that the song would be more enjoyable in a slightly higher key. This reminds me a lot of Star Salzman's "Dreams Come True" mix from MegaMan X, with maybe slightly less energy and acoustic polish. Overall fun to listen to. Makes me wish Star Ocean saw American store shelves back in the day. Quote
synthetic_realities Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 I dunno, the production sounds good, but I really didn't get into it. I can tell that lots of work was put into it, and it is a great effort, but I didn't particularly enjoy it. Well, you can't please everyone, but don't let this discourage you from doing more remixes! Quote
Aki Kitsune Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Get it. If you like this genre and have a thing for catchy tunes, give it a listen. When I saw another remix for my favorite series, I had to hear it. When I was reading the review on it, I was a little put off to hear it was something with lyrics, but from what I read, I was still hopeful. My problem with a remix having lyrics is that most I have heard were rap (Which isn't a bad thing, I just don't care for it) or the singer's voice wasn't enjoyable for me. I almost never listened to anything with lyrics on this site so the first time I was simply listening to how everything and trying to catch some words here and there. Wow. I got hooked in and I am so glad my first thoughts were wrong. I went back to the page and saw that lyrics are at the bottom, and much to the dismay of my family, I havn't stoped singing since. This remix had to have lyrics in it. The music is nice and catcy but I'm not sure if it is something I would listen to just for the sound. His voice though, very nice. Everything comes together and is very solid from my view point. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Thanks everyone for listening and reviewing! It's much appreciated. I knew going into this that this wasn't going to be a song for everybody. Some people loathe straight up pop like this with a passion, while others simply enjoy it. To each his own. I have to say I was quite amused by the prospect of submitting this song and catching people's reaction to it. It's been interesting for me so far to see who's digging it and who doesn't. I'm glad that a good portion of you got something positive out of it though. Many people have pointed out the drum kit as a flaw in the mix. I tend to agree somewhat. Unfortunately, my old Pentium II couldn't handle loading the drum kit soundfont that I wanted to use, so I went with the drumkit that was available on my soundcard's synth. Also, I have a mere 256 MB of RAM and my computer seemed to refuse the new RAM I attempted to install, perhaps due to the fact that my computer is so old. I basically tried to mix them the best I could with what I had to work with. Zyko made a comment about the production of the vocals which I also need to take to heart for future mixes. I've kinda always had a hard time producing vocals in such a way that they don't sound too flat and are just sitting in the mix. Maybe that's just a matter of doing some more tweaking by working on more effects processing during the mixing phase or what have you? I'm not too sure exactly, but I'll work it out. Also, I know some people thought this would have sounded better if I had sung in a higher register by transposing the song. I sort of agree to this, but only somewhat. On one hand, I think it sounds perfectly fine myself. It's easy to sing along to, which I wanted and everything sounds in key. Had I sung any higher, I would have also risked not being able to sing the higher octaves in the background that you hear. So with that, I'm glad that I decided to perform this song in the key it's in. Who knows, maybe I could have pulled off singing those octaves a few keys higher, but that might have also meant having to sacrifice my manhood in the process if you catch my drift. I'm definitely happy overall with how it turned out. It's my personal best as far as production and performance goes. Hopefully I will only get better at it with time. Thanks again everyone! Quote
Wicked Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Argh...okay, so I half-heartedly bashed this song before. I remembered I loved the last minute and a half or so and out of curiousity, I gave the song another chance. Maybe I was in a bad mood that day or something. Must've been because suddenly I found my head bobbing a little bit during the whole thing. While I still echo some of my original sentiments about the vocals needing some work, they're actually not bad. I've heard much worse. If anything, you sound kind of like I do when I try to sing some time early in the day after I've woken up. I sing ten times better after about half the day is over because my vocal cords are properly warmed up. I wasn't paying attention to the drums before but man, they do sound like ass. lol Quote
Jabberbox Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 its wierd... but well... the chorussounds like it was written my some tyrant trying to break the spirits of the people... I just cant get past that... and it bugs me... a lyricless version would be nice... or maybe an alternative... it just really really buggs me for some reason... Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 its wierd... but well... the chorussounds like it was written my some tyrant trying to break the spirits of the people... While I can't say I'm entirely familiar with the time you live in, I definitely think that lyrics, in any given song, are often left to everyone's personal interpretation. If it would make you feel any better though, I could explain to you what they mean to me. Quote
Wicked Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 I figured the song's lyrical inspiration came from Dorn, one of the characters in the story that gets turned to stone. Quote
NuGeo Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Wow. I've never played Star Ocean before and probably never would've given this remix a listen had it not been featured on VGDJ. For some reason I'm a sucker when it comes to this kinda music. I wouldn't compare it to today's pop music at all. It really is more akin to something like The Beach Boys. This song is really a joy to listen to especially since I don't come across gems like these too often. Good stuff. I'll definitely rotate it in my playlists for many times to come. Quote
Jabberbox Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 its wierd... but well... the chorussounds like it was written my some tyrant trying to break the spirits of the people... While I can't say I'm entirely familiar with the time you live in, I definitely think that lyrics, in any given song, are often left to everyone's personal interpretation. If it would make you feel any better though, I could explain to you what they mean to me. would help, im sorry I can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, I do admire the melody, and the way its all Driffftiing awaaaay and that part, I also have great respect for those wo remix like this, once I get my QC lisence, I might radio-broadcast OC-REMIX so you can turn it to AM (AM because it can bounce off the earths magnetic feild nd reach around the world) 13.20 o something and this will probably be the opening track (this i gonna be a few years in the future, though, im 14) its just me about the lyrics, sorry again. Quote
Quiver Posted September 14, 2005 Posted September 14, 2005 The thing that turned me on to this song is that it didn't sound like the typical pop crud on the radio. The volcalist actually knew how to sing! Also the lyrics wouldn't normally appeal to to the age group that most songs in the "Popular" catagory are targeted for (e.g. 12 - 17 with verry low measurable IQ and an over inflated self worth). In fact it seems verry Irish. Somewhat typical of most Irish rebel songs, depressing, but in a uplifting sense. In fact for some reason that I can't seem to put my finger on I don't think it would be verry hard to adapt the lyrics into a Irish style rebel song, or possibily an Irish-American Civil War varient. In case you're wondering what the heck I ment by that there is a fourth verse to the "Minstrel Boy" added by Irish immergrants who faught for the Union: The minstrel boy will return, we pray, When we hear the news we all will cheer it. The minstrel boy will return one day, Torn perhaps in body, not in spirit. Then may he play on his harp in peace, In a world such as Heaven has intended, For all the bitterness of man must cease, And every battle must be ended They added a happy ending to it after he was lost. Great work hope to see more soon. Quote
Jabberbox Posted September 25, 2005 Posted September 25, 2005 The thing that turned me on to this song is that it didn't sound like the typical pop crud on the radio. The volcalist actually knew how to sing! Also the lyrics wouldn't normally appeal to to the age group that most songs in the "Popular" catagory are targeted for (e.g. 12 - 17 with verry low measurable IQ and an over inflated self worth). In fact it seems verry Irish. Somewhat typical of most Irish rebel songs, depressing, but in a uplifting sense. In fact for some reason that I can't seem to put my finger on I don't think it would be verry hard to adapt the lyrics into a Irish style rebel song, or possibily an Irish-American Civil War varient. In case you're wondering what the heck I ment by that there is a fourth verse to the "Minstrel Boy" added by Irish immergrants who faught for the Union:The minstrel boy will return, we pray, When we hear the news we all will cheer it. The minstrel boy will return one day, Torn perhaps in body, not in spirit. Then may he play on his harp in peace, In a world such as Heaven has intended, For all the bitterness of man must cease, And every battle must be ended They added a happy ending to it after he was lost. Great work hope to see more soon. I noticed that, it does seem alittle like "so sad but oh well" kind of mood, I kind of like that, now that I have aquired the taste after listening to this about 1.0x10^1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000'th time. this is a good bgm for a graduation montauge, it could be translated into a scenario of a young man stepping out into the world. Quote
Particleman Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Dorn the inspiration for the lyrics, huh? I hadn't considered that. For some reason I thought of Marvel instead when I heard this mix. Regardless, I second (or third, or whatever) The sentiment above: Yes, it is awesome that the vocalist ACTUALLY knows how to sing. Overall, I like this one a lot, and while I thought the lyrics were a bit repetitive, they're still good. As Quiver said, it has kind of an Irish feel to it, which I like. Anyway, this is excellent, and I'd like to hear more like it. Quote
Jabberbox Posted October 1, 2005 Posted October 1, 2005 hmm, they're right! the vocalists actually CAN sing! its amazing, last five hundred pop songs I overgeard, I swear, I almost had an annurisim from how collectively bad the vocalists are XD Quote
BlackLuster Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 É um dos melhores, senão o melhor remix desse site!!! E eu já ouvi todos... Quote
NeoZF Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 Does anyone know the chords for the song, i would love to learn how to play this its a great song, i remember listening to it for most of the summer Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 Does anyone know the chords for the song, i would love to learn how to play this its a great song, i remember listening to it for most of the summer E, B, C#m, A, E, B, A, B, E And the chorus is (roughly) C#m, A, B (played 4 times) That's just going by ear; I haven't actually sat down and double-checked these, so some of them (especially during the chorus) might be wrong. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 Does anyone know the chords for the song, i would love to learn how to play this its a great song, i remember listening to it for most of the summer E, B, C#m, A, E, B, A, B, E And the chorus is (roughly) C#m, A, B Yeah, that's pretty much it for the bulk of the song. The chorus has two extra chords, so it goes like: C#m, D#, E, A, B Quote
your the man now dog Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 This song was one of the reasons I registered here. Amazing work, some of the best vocals on OCRemix, and much better lyrics than any other pop/rock song out these days. Quote
Amaranth Posted May 23, 2006 Posted May 23, 2006 Calm Time is one of my favorite VG tracks, and this is an interesting take (to say the least) on it. The lyrics are ok, and it makes for a fun listen, especially if you're familiar with the original music. Quote
Barnsalot Posted June 8, 2006 Posted June 8, 2006 This song's been out for ten months now. It was my favorite on the site the first I took a listen and still is. Quote
MedHead Posted June 9, 2006 Posted June 9, 2006 One of the few lyrical songs on this site that I actually enjoy! I find myself singing this song at work, in the car, at home - well, pretty much everywhere (though not in that wow-crazy-fan-singing-all-the-time style). I like the way this sounds: there may have been some criticisms on its quality, but I've always felt it sounded similar to how a garage band playing in the - yes, you guessed it - summertime. It has a homegrown simplicity while trying to sound professional sound to it that gives it personality in my eyes. Perhaps that wasn't the intention, but that's what I got out of it. Granted, there are parts about which I wasn't wild, such as the breakdown or whatever it's called around the 2:10-2:15 mark: the motion/inertia/speed of the music fell apart, and felt a little jarring to my ears. Fortunately, it starts back up for the finale, and I soon forget it happened. Overall, one of my favorite vocal tracks from the site! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 I am shamed shamed! that i missed this gem the first time around and it's taken me a few years to get caught up. Simple and unpretentious, it's straight ahead rocking with a home-grown feel. I agree with some reviewers that the drums are a little thin sounding, but that's super small potatoes compared to the big picture. Beautiful harmonies throughout; I love the 'why try', but i think the real star is the 'understand' backing vocals. Very emotive and enjoyable. I'm inspired. Awesome work, dude. Quote
anosou Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I'm a bit late for the party, I just came to tell you that man.. I love this song. It's the perfect cheesy yet energetic love song ever. Kudos for bringing general college rock to OCR but without the things that makes general college rock bad The mixing is not the best around but the general feel and the concept of the track makes up for that, big time. Great stuff Quote
LuckyXIII Posted February 12, 2008 Posted February 12, 2008 I had never listened to this one before, but it came up on the shuffle of OCRemixes of my iPod and it's now in regular rotation. I was astounded at seeing the post date of the mix being about 3 years ago, but it really has only been in the last few months that I've been getting into the vocalized remixes. Had this come up in the shuffle sooner then it may have accelerated my acceptance of these kinds of mixes - but it's never too late 'til you're dead! Rock on, Mr. Bopp! Quote
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