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I know it's not really abandoned, but it seems that there has been a major drop off of interest since the Sonic compo started, and there was that bit of shenanigans with the Capcom involvement. It was more of an invitation for more discussion.


Well, right now it only has two participants involved - most of the hype has waned considerably. Most of the compos do this, toward the end, with the exception of the Wily compo (since that had the full participation of every member every round, everyone remained interested in it throughout). Admittedly, though, the whole Sonic craze is soaking up most of the attention right now, though. ;-)


Nice work from everyone here, especially at the end. It really feels that, while this compo has gotten less and less attention as time passed on, people really did push hard in this competition, which means those of us who have been sticking with it through and through have been rewarded with some great music, in the end.

I do hope that more people come in here and give GLL a nice pat on the back, though - his victory is well deserved. Dusk, too, should get some praise for really stepping up his game at the end, here, too.

Nice work, great compo and I'm happy to have been listening the whole way through. 8-)

I do hope that more people come in here and give GLL a nice pat on the back, though - his victory is well deserved. Dusk, to, should get some praise for really stepping up his game at the end, here, too.

I can second that - great work, both of you. And congrats to the winner. :-P


Agreed. Two really solid final tracks, and a really surprising one at that from GLL. I enjoyed them both, as well as this entire compo! I've never really played much SF either, so I wasn't really familiar with most of the sources, but that didn't stop me from enjoying all the great music created. Nice work everyone!


Meh @ You Capcom>

Just curious, Dusk did you send them a Direct link to your song or a Youtube version with a link in the descrip?

Because i'm starting to wonder if you'd've been more likely to be chosen if you sent a DDL. (And I emailed them asking about this too. I DID get a reply to my email (Thanks Dusk for recommending that)about whether they even got my entry and that was : )

Hi Nick,

We apologize for any concern we may have caused. We did receive your entry, but were unable to send an confirmation response simply because we had over 400 entries (practically an entire day’s worth of music) which were sorted through by hand, and simply did not have the time to respond individually. We are still going to be sharing music throughout the year in our community channels (which is scheduled to begin after E3), and we’ll let you know if/when your song is selected for that. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks for writing!

~The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Team

I sent a youtube link with a DL link in the descrip because I couldn't get my song under the file size limit (5MB for both WAV and MP3...)without significant audio quality degradation.

No, I sent a YouTube link too. For all of my entries, actually. Personally, I'm a bit surprised they chose the one they did, considering the two I sent afterward were quite a bit better imo.

Really, I think being picked for being the disc involved a lot of different criteria. It sounds like they were trying to get a lot of different themes and genres covered, and I think having a long song might have kinda had an influence on their decision as well; mine was only 3:20, which is modest, but a 5-minute track takes up a lot of real estate on a 70-minute disc. Having a remix that encompassed two themes probably helped quite a bit in my case as well.

Just speculation of course, I don't really know what criteria they used for choosing the tracks.

Apparently, they're done sending out invites for the remix disc, but if they get a large enough number of people that can't send in the necessary info, they may approach some others, but vibe I'm getting from the email is that I wouldn't hold my breath on that.


Well I got an email reply from them.

"Oh alright.

Thank you for at least emailing me back. Knowing is better than being left in the dark.


--- On Tue, 5/29/12, SF25Music <SF25Music@capcom.com> wrote:

From: SF25Music <SF25Music@capcom.com>

Subject: RE: Music submissions

To: "nick perry" <*REDACTED*@yahoo.com>

Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 8:45 PM

Hi Nick,

The format of the submission had no bearing whatsoever on the selection process. You were completely fine. It was simply a tight competition for a relatively small number of spots. (We don’t know if this will make you feel better or worse, but looking through the emails amongst our team, your Dan remix actually got very close to being on the discs. Again, considering the number of quality entries we got, that’s no small feat. Nothing to be concerned about at all.)

~The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Team"

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride!

lol XD


I sent em an email too for poops and guffaws

Hi Brandon,

We apologize; it was not our intention to make anyone feel bad for not making it. The problem with selecting what music would go on the CDs was that there were hundreds (literally, over 400) submissions, the majority of them were good (and many were great). We have two CDs included that will be included. That means we have a little over two hours to fill, and essentially 24 hours to fill it with. When we were choosing between songs, we were asking “which is better” and the answer was that they were both great. The committee who chose the songs took other factors into account, such as musical genre variety, pace, etc, but the fact of the matter is that there had to be “casualties” that, through no of the song or the creator, weren’t chosen. It was a long and utterly bittersweet selection process, as we were able to listen to wonderful pieces that we knew couldn’t all make it.

We are still planning to promote the music we’ve through our community channels throughout the year (the plan is to start after E3). We’re not sure if that makes you feel better about the situation, but that is out plan. To answer your question, we do genuinely like your song. However, looking through our records, we actually never received your submission (and we also checked our spam folders every day). We only have a single Guile/Chun-Li mix, and it’s significantly different from yours. So, in that particular case, yours wasn’t considered, but listening to it now, it likely would have had a good shot at making it through at least a few rounds of the selection process. Hypothetical, we know, but take that for what you will.

So, to be cut down on a lengthy email, if we made you or your friend feel bad about the situation, we apologize. Our job is to make people happy, and it is never good for us to hear that that is not the case. And this is one of those situations where, just due to the reality of what we’re doing, there will be varying degrees of disappointment for those who couldn’t make the CD. We only hope the disappointment passes, as we found the amount of talent we saw from pretty much everyone participating to be incredibly inspiring.

Thanks very much for writing. J

~The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Team


Our job is to make people happy

Wait, isn't your job supposed to be killing fan-favorite game series, re-hashing major beat'em up every six month and hiding DLC on game discs?

Oh, and also attempting to make profit off of your own fanbase while masquerading it as part of a celebratory collection.


You know, for all the shit Capcom has been getting in this thread alone, I gotta point out that whoever is responding to your emails sounds honest, eager, and professional. Say what you will about the business and legal robots behind them, but give their community team credit for trying hard to make this a good experience.

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