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i'm not trolling, i'm serious when i say i am done with music. it holds no interest at all as a hobby anymore. if i do anything music related, it will be on my own terms and a lot of time will be taken with it, and it probably won't be here.

i just felt it was better to lay it out and not pull a graylightning.

that said, deuces.

There IS a distinct lack of Nekofrog original music.

It'd be cool to see you write something original and substantial in that regard. :-D

But, adios.


I don't know who you are Nekofrog, and you don't know who I am. But I am curious - what are you moving on to in life? What other things have your interest now? If it's personal stuff so be it. Best of luck, fellow human.


I don't know who you are Nekofrog, and you don't know who I am. But I am curious - what are you moving on to in life? What other things have your interest now? If it's personal stuff so be it. Best of luck, fellow human.


Well, since Nekofrog has not replied yet, time to place bets.

I think he's in the military. My bet is that.


Nekofrog, I just want to say that I LOVE your Xenogears Awakening metal mix SO much. Thank you for that and good luck with your next endeavor.

I gotta say though. Something similar kinda happened to me too. I used to be all about OCR and enjoyed hearing all the different interpretations of each song. Then I later decided that I liked stuff like Tri-force Majeure where it sounds extremely close to the original. By about remix 1700 or so, I completely quit listening to remixes because I just wanted to hear the originals instead. What the hell is wrong with me?


I have 7 tracks by you and tons more from people you collaborated with, your music is really good. Your guitar work is amazing.

I play your music in turntable too (don't know what that is? check my sig), and I will always have your music on last.fm

Sad to see you go, but branching out and trying other things is good.

Don't forget the OCR and people whom you've collaborated with, use the same inspiration and aspiration you once found in OCR and branch it out into your next thing of whatever it may be.

Thanks for the tunes.

The Great Suicide of 2012

Everyone's leaving

More like the Rapture of OCR.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you lost interest, even though I just got here and barely know you. I hope you are successful in whatever you decide to do.

More like the Rapture of OCR.

Well... these seem more like suicide notes than heavenly ascensions.

And by heavenly ascensions I'm referring to the other Artists (can't think of the specifics right now) who have earned paying gigs that take up most of their free time taking away from any Remixes they might do or those people who do change their interests and sort of fade into oblivion of the great beyond.

This thread is... interesting.


I don't know you, but this made me feel sad, because selfish logic said "OMG, I want to make money through making VGM in the future, what if I get bored of it?" Alarm bells have rung... But I do have one question for you.

You're bored of music? Or you're bored of making the specific genre(s) of music that you have been making. There is a big fucking world outside of OCR and VGM... Maybe venture out there before laying down your sword to rest.


Further clarification and reasoning:

Life situations and other things have occupied so much of my time that my ability to sit down and do anything music related has impacted this decision. Not to mention getting older and more fed up with the retarded "nerd" scene

But probably one of the biggest things was the secret ff6 invite only project. Massive bullshit and total bad form at the highest level in the community. That was probably one of the breaking points. While ill still do musical things from time to time as i have time/motivation, it wont be for ocr.


Funny, since I think others would think the FB Likes thing would fall under the bad form category.

Ah well, do what you feel needs to be done, Neko. I don't think anyone has a right to decide what's best for you other than you.

And since you've already decided that, see you around! Good luck with everything.

Also there's a few projects you mentioned to me in our interview; hopefully those will come to fruition sometime in the future. :3

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