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Yes, it's that time of the year again where local aspie and community chamberpot Meteo Xavier makes his own birthday thread in what ultimately amounts to a cacophony of TROLLFACE.JPG!


28 years ago on a frozen night in Kearney Nebraska, Meteo Xavier, the illegitimate son of Robert Moog and Andy Dick, was born in an understaffed hospital by a tree surgeon in an iron lung, who was also in labor. Doctors said I'd either be dead before I turned 15 or grow up brain damaged. Well, I made the right choice!

I'm doing this several days early because I'm going out of town for the next few days. It's called "Community Service" and I'll be sleeping in a tent. You know the only time you can legally shoot a whale in Tennessee is from a moving truck? But they sure as shit don't want you doing it anyway....


If anyone's looking for birthday present ideas, I'm out of condoms. Please send some by the 18th so we can start making balloon animals.


And finally...


EDIT: Some pictures taken out because despite all my attempts, they still came out way too large. Sorry about that.


The one and only!

So, in an unusual tradition of receiving game systems I did not ask for, we are now the proud parents of my first Xbox 360. It's actually my wife's old Xbox from Hawaii, but they sent it over and now we're an Xbox family. Weird how that works out.

So now I guess I'll be paying attention to Xbox releases and bugging people for recommendations there and on Xbox live arcade or whatever it's called.

Now that's a birthday present. :)

Thank you again Ocre!


If life has taught me nothing else, it's to not expect things like Birthday Threads from people unless I do it myself.

Oh shit, yeah, that means I actually have access to Mistwalker and modern Square Enix stuff. I'm kinda scared to get into relatively modern era RPGs though, I just barely got through PS2 era RPGs. I was mostly looking forward to the Xbox Live kinda stuff though.

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