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OCR00577 - Super Mario Bros. 2 "Super Buck II"


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This is my favorite mix ever, and probably will remain so for eternity. Just wanted to say that. Also, I wanted to say that apparently Estradasphere has forgotten all about this, as I asked them about it last year at their show and they all got blank looks on their faces. So much for hearing more of them.

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  • 2 months later...

Real awesome, professional jazz here. Perfect execution.

Whenever I was younger I had always thought of jazz as being boring, uneventful music; but after listening to several jazz pieces on this site [i.e. AmIEvil's Battle Rocks, and Mazedude's Trippin' on Snails], I learned that jazz was the complete opposite of that. Now I'm interested in getting a lot more jazz...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, I'm a Music Ed/Composition major at SUNY Geneseo. This song is truly awesome. Seriously, when I heard it I was in shock. So much shock that I arranged it for Big Band. If anyone wants to use my arrangement, you can e-mail me at mrm12@geneseo.edu and I can send you the Sibelius file. Everything is all written out, including the exact alto sax solo and the bass solo, the solos are transcribed note for note. My high school is working on it currently. So if anyone wants a copy, just email me and I can get it to you.

I just recently posted the arrangement on SibeliusMusic.com. You can listen to it and print it out right from here... http://www.sibeliusmusic.com/cgi-bin/show_score.pl?scoreid=55070 . Thanks for all the emails I've receieved, and even more thanks to Estradasphere, who have created such an awesome arrangement.

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  • 3 months later...

This is clearly the best remix on this site. Many of the posted songs are the result of glamer-kiddies who get their hands on a copy of Fruity Loops and have no feel for the music, and essentially just create a "techno enhancement" that ends up sounding manufactured, lame, and most of the time, I'd really rather just listen to the original NSF.

For this song, however, that is clearly not the case. It did not surprise me to see that this jazz band did mostly other things, "normal music." In their music, they demonstrate a clear understanding of the style, and take a melody that has always been one of the staples of great video game music and follow its natural evolution to give it the proper treatment in the style it was composed in in the first place.

The improvisational breaks, most notably the first solo, are a pure joy to listen to, as they build on the progressions in silky smooth fashion, and the way this performance pulls us back, keeping the intensity at full blast, and expertly builds us back up to their rocking finale leaves nothing to be desired. In the end, its artistry and expertise set it in a class above all the rest of the songs on this site, and far above all but the very best of the rest. It takes something like this to make a listener realize just where the bar should be. Highest recommendation. *****

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is the first REAL non-synthesized jazz mix on OCR that I've heard, and this is some real skill. The sax and bass player have some amazing improvisation. Great arrangement, all the players really can swing. Me being in a jazz band, it's nice to finally have a jazz song with a feel of swing on OCR. Good stuff, I'm really excited. This stays on my playlist for a long time.

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Hi, I'm a Music Ed/Composition major at SUNY Geneseo. This song is truly awesome. Seriously, when I heard it I was in shock. So much shock that I arranged it for Big Band. If anyone wants to use my arrangement, you can e-mail me at mrm12@geneseo.edu and I can send you the Sibelius file. Everything is all written out, including the exact alto sax solo and the bass solo, the solos are transcribed note for note. My high school is working on it currently. So if anyone wants a copy, just email me and I can get it to you.

I just recently posted the arrangement on SibeliusMusic.com. You can listen to it and print it out right from here... http://www.sibeliusmusic.com/cgi-bin/show_score.pl?scoreid=55070 . Thanks for all the emails I've receieved, and even more thanks to Estradasphere, who have created such an awesome arrangement.

I love you guys. Thank you so much for doing this. I gotta give this to my band teacher first thing monday morning at jazz band.

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In fact, nobody (where by nobody I mean myself, if that wasn't clear) has repeatedly plugged this song as probably the best that OCR has to offer. You must have just not been listening ;).

And yes - this is pretty much the best song on OCR, no joke.

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  • 4 months later...

Gotta love it! Those improvisations give it that extra authentic jazzy flare that just gets it swingin'! Imagine this: you're in a schmancy nightclub, spring of 1927, fancy dresses and flapper bob hair dancing freely Chicago style to this amazing (drastic understatement) remix! Now what can top that?

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....wow. 8O

finally, my love for jazz and video games have united, and truly given me a masturbatory moment of bliss. That bass solo is unbelievably sexy. I had to go back just to make sure I heard it right. Too much good stuff here.

Ha, I can't stop smiling. This has to be THE best remix on this site. Not to slam the others, but this is just exactly what I think when I think 'game remix'. Sooooo good. Almost too good for words. 8O

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  • 1 month later...

I'm currently on a trek to listen to every single OC Remix (well, the one's that have been put up in torrents at least) and I can honestly say that this is, without a doubt, still my favorite OC Remix track out there. The theme music is preserved, yet it sounds like this work is completely original. Not a hint of being forced into the jazz mold and then the jazz itself is top rate. The solos are to die for and just the whole big band feel in general is enough to make this both my favorite and most listened to track.

I give it a solid five out of five sporks and if I could give it more, I would.

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