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*raises eyebrow* :whatevaa:

You know that I only have 30 seconds in this track and I planned on having this track be a vocal track since the beginning of the compo, right? I also was unable to produce my music soon enough for my vocalist to get anything in to me (entirely my fault), so I'm now stuck on my own.

Trust me, you very well have a chance at winning this. This was not my week, at all.


Gario... D:

I know shit happens, but I LOVED the fact that you picked Sky Sanctuary for this competition; makes us all feel sad that there's prospects that you're probably not going to make it.

But come on, if Enigami can pull something off in the last 4 hours, then anything can be possible. Crud happening or not, I really hope you'll be able to pull through.


I'll have something. It's just going to absolutely kill my day in a few hours, is all. :sleepdepriv:

Not the first time in this compo that I'm working through the night, anyway.

... It's a bit odd, but I kind of like it.

EDIT: HA! I got the arrangement done. Time to master it, send it in and go to slee... I mean, go to school. :sleepdepriv:

EDIT2: Submitted. No freebies, this round.


I swear to god, because of all of the RadioSEGA ballot stuffing, if Rexy wins this round, I'm never going to pay attention to one of these competitions again if Rexy is involved.


plovianx, you know that's really hurtful to say at this stage, right?

Besides, I said that after this one, I probably won't take part in any more of these knockout things anyway. They have just been doing a number to my mental health either way :s

I swear to god, because of all of the RadioSEGA ballot stuffing, if Rexy wins this round, I'm never going to pay attention to one of these competitions again if Rexy is involved.

Ya know, these compos are all in good fun. There's really no ballot stuffing; all RadioSEGA did was give support and publicize the compo. I fail to see how that's a bad thing.

But hey, if you want to quit compos solely because this one left a bad taste in your mouth, then by all means feel free. This comment right here flies right in the face of the camaraderie of the musicians here. I mean, Brandon is offering to help out his COMPETITOR; that says something right there.

Ya know, these compos are all in good fun. There's really no ballot stuffing; all RadioSEGA did was give support and publicize the compo. I fail to see how that's a bad thing.

Oh come on. A ton of brand new users show up, all with Sonic usernames or avatars (one even with RadioSEGA in his name), and they all vote for Rexy. Something tells me that none of them even contemplated voting for Amphibious. How is that not ballot stuffing? That's the definition of ballot stuffing!!

Ya know, these compos are all in good fun. There's really no ballot stuffing; all RadioSEGA did was give support and publicize the compo. I fail to see how that's a bad thing.

But hey, if you want to quit compos solely because this one left a bad taste in your mouth, then by all means feel free. This comment right here flies right in the face of the camaraderie of the musicians here. I mean, Brandon is offering to help out his COMPETITOR; that says something right there.


Plus, we might gain a few new community members out of this - some of the people who listened to the RadioSEGA stuff and came here to vote might like what they see in the community enough to stay and become part of it. And new community members is always a good thing.


I have absolutely NO problem with Radio Sega publicizing this competition. That's really awesome to have that kind of exposure.

What I DO have a problem with is a bunch of them joining our forum in the semi-final and voting exclusively for one mixer. If they've been following this since the beginning, how come none of them bothered to vote in any of the other rounds? Its pretty unfair to literally everyone involved. Imagine how different some of the rounds could have turned out with those 6 or more extra voters. There have been some REALLY close matches this competition. Maybe me or Rexy wouldn't even be in this round.

Just my 2 cents.


Guys, this is going to be really hurtful to both sides, but I feel that there's only one way to resolve this safely.

I am choosing to resign from this competition.

I didn't want to do this as I was really looking forward to the prospect of mixing either Planet Wisp or Sky Sanctuary (can I do either anyway?), but if all that happened in the past 3 days just angered people as well as the compo organizers, then I have no choice in the matter than to step down.

The support while it lasted was very good, and I felt greatful for getting this far. Though, I just can't see myself being a part of something that just really messes around with the mental health of the competitors.

If you guys don't want me to take part in another compo again, then that's fine. I won't. It'll be all the better for both of us - I won't be stressed at these every single week, and the people will be better off without my involvment.

Brandon and Gario, I hope you guys both come up with some good ideas for mixing your sources with Rusty Ruin. I hope you two will keep things up for the rest of the way, and good luck with your matchup tonight.

Amph, even though you may have been cool with all this, I hope you go far as well. You've shown yourself to be a far more worthy lizard than I, and I hope you'll have a good showdown against the Robotnik victor.

With that, I'll leave here, and probably would never come back. Thank you all for the support, whether good or bad, and god bless.

Guys, this is going to be really hurtful to both sides, but I feel that there's only one way to resolve this safely.

I am choosing to resign from this competition.

I didn't want to do this as I was really looking forward to the prospect of mixing either Planet Wisp or Sky Sanctuary (can I do either anyway?), but if all that happened in the past 3 days just angered people as well as the compo organizers, then I have no choice in the matter than to step down.

The support while it lasted was very good, and I felt greatful for getting this far. Though, I just can't see myself being a part of something that just really messes around with the mental health of the competitors.

If you guys don't want me to take part in another compo again, then that's fine. I won't. It'll be all the better for both of us - I won't be stressed at these every single week, and the people will be better off without my involvment.

Brandon and Gario, I hope you guys both come up with some good ideas for mixing your sources with Rusty Ruin. I hope you two will keep things up for the rest of the way, and good luck with your matchup tonight.

Amph, even though you may have been cool with all this, I hope you go far as well. You've shown yourself to be a far more worthy lizard than I, and I hope you'll have a good showdown against the Robotnik victor.

With that, I'll leave here, and probably would never come back. Thank you all for the support, whether good or bad, and god bless.

you know it's a great phenomenal feeling knowing that all my positive reinforcement fell on deaf ears



Rexy, I'd hold that thought for a second :P

One thing I will say is that there is no proof that they didn't listen to the tracks first and make an honest opinion. However, its highly likely. Push comes to shove guys, you could just discount the votes for rexy that we know for a fact come from Radio Sega.

I do see where you are coming from, and measures should be taken to prevent this, say for example, you must have been registered on the forums for 3 months to vote. Would mean its kept within the community where there is less bias for one mixer. Atm, if some famous youtuber like Pokeremixstudio joined a compo, all he'd have to do is post a link to the youtube vid of his remix and all his subscribers would flock in and vote for him. Similar idea here, altho rexy to be fair had nothing to do with it herself and i don't think she should suffer resignation or disqualification for it.


I'm probably misunderstanding something here, but surely its great that some people have taken such a shine to Rexy's music and want to support her? If they didn't like what was being made then surely they wouldn't vote.

I'll probably be ignored, but I think you should stay in Rexy. You've competed hard for this as has Amphibious and everyone else. Give him the match up he deserves.

Having said that, if its too much then fair play. I just don't feel that this should be seen in such a negative light. It seems as though we have some new people taking interest in the community and it shouldn't be discouraged when it is in fact a positive thing.

Rexy, I'd hold that thought for a second :P

One thing I will say is that there is no proof that they didn't listen to the tracks first and make an honest opinion. However, its highly likely. Push comes to shove guys, you could just discount the votes for rexy that we know for a fact come from Radio Sega.

I do see where you are coming from, and measures should be taken to prevent this, say for example, you must have been registered on the forums for 3 months to vote. Would mean its kept within the community where there is less bias for one mixer. Atm, if some famous youtuber like Pokeremixstudio joined a compo, all he'd have to do is post a link to the youtube vid of his remix and all his subscribers would flock in and vote for him. Similar idea here, altho rexy to be fair had nothing to do with it herself and i don't think she should suffer resignation or disqualification for it.

I was going to say something similar, although I was thinking post count might be a better way to do it - anyone with less than 5 posts, maybe? But the three-month rule would probably work, too. Surely if you do something like that, it would eliminate the "ballot stuffing" you're worried about.


OK, first off I apologize to everyone for taking so long to respond to this. I've been trying to figure out how best to word this, not to mention numerous people have been contacting me now. Also my house has had no power since yesterday so I'm not even home :whatevaa: but anyway...

Anyway, Rexy's resignation will stand. We've discussed, in private, and came to the agreement that it was the best solution given the information that was presented (information that may or may not be publicly known). For everyone crying foul about the influx of new voters the past couple of days, I hear you. It is a legitimate concern, and is something we need to consider in any compos going forward. We never want to turn away new voters, or new community members, but we also don't want these competitions to become popularity contests where people only join at the last minute to vote for a specific person and have no other community activity. Especially when it may be an issue of voter politicking or vote-stacking. It's a fine line to tell the difference, and I have no proposed solution for this, but it is something that deserves thought.

Without disallowing any votes, Amphibious still won by one vote anyway, so that is the end of that. He will be moving on, regardless of if Rexy resigned or not.

Please know this next statement is not directed at any one person but as a general statement due to numerous events involving numerous people, which I feel needs to be said... Going forward there will be rules specifically outlawing any sort of vote-stacking, voter politicking, directly contacting or recruiting people to specifically vote for you, etc. New forum profiles may be investigated by site admins to ensure they are genuine. This unsportsmanlike conduct is extremely inappropriate and would be grounds to disqualify a competitor if there is proof of this type of behavior. Things like this shouldn't need to be said, but it is necessary. I've spoken with Shariq (Darkesword) about this, among other things, last night and he agrees that going forward we'll make rules like this explicit.

I think we often forget that the point of these competitions is to just enjoy the music! It is all about the music and the camaraderie we have from being in the tournament together. Sure winning is great, and winning is fun, but honestly we ALL win when we get to enjoy all the great music we are creating. Any time spent arguing, complaining about voting, hurting each other's feelings is just wasted time. I know we're all capable of being adults, treating one another with respect, and appreciating one another without reducing ourselves to pointless bickering. Giving criticism is all good and a necessary part of musical development, but we just need to do it in a way that is not degrading to others involved. It's called constructive criticism.

Given all that, I'd appreciate if everyone can just remain civil and move forward now. Please don't call anyone any names (pancakes and lizards are ok :-)) or make any disparaging remarks. The decision I came to is the most fair thing for everyone involved and that will be the end of it. Believe me, I didn't like being put in this awkward situation either and it's not something I anticipated when I first started the compo. Regardless I've still thoroughly enjoyed hosting the competition and enjoyed all the new friends I've made here. I hope you can all still enjoy yourselves too, especially as the compo nears it's completion.

Now that that is said - the Robotnik Bracket finals songs will be up shortly. Thanks.


worrying about compos when any and everyone can vote is futile, IMO. There is no real rules as to voting that are enforacble, and I guess that is part of the charm. Also, i've only skimmed, but I guess there are some hurt feelings that people are having favorites and such? it is a competition, and that's generally how they go. When all info is public (who is voting for who, and the tallies, as well as who did what song), that is generally what happens, and that is part of the charm of the OCR ones, as opposed to the DoD style, where all info is secret until the results are posted. i personally prefer the DoD style, but there is room for all kinds of compos.

Anyways, anyone even having the guts to enter a compo gets props from me, because they are by design huge challenges, whether you personally are competing against yourself or others, they force you to really try your hardest.

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