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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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Posted (edited)

Last update: Sep 29th 2018 - Fractions of inches.

Rozo says:
Trailer released!! It's been a long, long time indeed.



The tracklist:

101 Not Awaken - Usa
102 Where Angels Fear to Tread - HoboKa, Archangel
103 Ordinary People - Archangel
104 Whiz Kid - Jago
105 Walls and Steels] - pu_freak
106 Axe Bring Storm - the Dual Dragons
107 Little Sweet Cafe - audio fidelity, flutetopia
108 Witchmakers - Archangel
109 Another Winter - Abadoss
110 Ancient Dolphin - Archangel
111 Hope Isolation Pray - k-wix
112 Raven - mak, Mozzaratti, Rozovian
113 Damn Damn Drum - Harmony, Level99, LuIzA
114 Innocent Sea - k-wix
115 Swivel - Sam English
116 Oh I'm a Flamelet - Brandon Strader
117 Evening Star - Brandon Strader
118 Don't Hunt the Fairy - Sam English
119 Fable - Chris | Amaterasu - name plz

201 Left-Handed Wolf- LuIzA, zyko
202 Person's Die - ilp0
203 Harvest November - mak
204 Few Paths Forbidden - DarkeSword
205 Female Turbulence - Jeffrey Hayat
206 Intolerance - The Dual Dragons
207 Different Road - zyko
208 Powell - Karth, Meteo Xavier
209 Political Pressure - HoboKa
210 Nuclear Fusion - The Dual Dragons
211 Positive - Meteo Xavier
212 Meridian Child - beckett007
213 Closed Garden - Meteo Xavier, Jeremy Robson
214 Splash Hop - The OverClocked Plaid Muffins
215 Innocent Water - Emunator, Ergosonic
216 Delicate Affection - TheDeath
217 Three of Darkside - The Joker
218 Last Audience - Rozovian
219 Obsession - The Dual Dragons
220 Strange Medicine - Phonetic Hero
221 Frenzy - Rozovian

301 Can You Fly, Sister? - Jovette Rivera
302 Decision Bell - rebrained
303 Secret of Mana - Dj Mokram
304 Faith Total Machine - Usa, Jackson Lawhead
305 Weird Counterpoint - Rexy
- Daniel Rosenqvist
306 Rolling Cradle - Jago
307 Black Soup - Blaine
308 High Tension Wire - Nutritious
309 And Other - TheDeath
310 Electric Talk - Reuben Cornell - name plz
311 Religion Thunder - Mozzaratti
312 Angel's Fear - Jovette Rivera, ISAO
- Hylian Lemon
313 The Sacrifice part I - Dj Mokram
314 The Sacrifice part II - Theophany
315 The Sacrifice part III - Mozzaratti
316 Reincarnation - Usa
317 Farewell Song - pu_freak
318 Breezin - Willrock
319 Return to Forever - Archangel
320 Long Goodbye - Meteo Xavier

rsn#61 Flight From the Holy Land - Sixto Sounds

rsn#63 Level Up! - mak
rsn#65 Sleeping - hakstock


Snesmusic.org's sd3 chiptune
Where the tracks are used in-game


We proudly present you a remix project that covers the soundtrack of the famous SNES action RPG, "Seiken Densetsu 3", aka "Secret of Mana 2".

Songs of Light and Darkness

-project direction-

With a plan to enhance, extend, and elaborate on the music in the game, Songs of Light and Darkness is meant to be in keeping with the general tone of the original soundtrack, but updated to modern standards and with the personal touch of fans of the game, its music, and game music in general. That means we're looking for tracks that maintains a flavor of world music and atmosphere. It's so the album will be cohesive. We're looking for most kinds of music, but for a cohesive sound we would prefer you don't rely on heavy electronic beats and only electronic-sounding stuff. For exceptions, contact me asap, bring examples. We do like atmospheres and stuff, like weather, waves, ppl, nature, stuff. Just not too much. ;) And hey, try to use as much of the source as possible. Judges like that, we like that, and you ought to like that. :P

The scope of the Seiken Densetsu 3 remix project is enormous, as it's a 60-track OST that we want fully remixed. And now it is.

-project staff-
Rozovian, director and coordinator, feedback, often hungry, likes wavs
Meteo Xavier, assistant director, does more than Rozo does
Keiiii, art, a window into the world of sd3
Usa, mastering, consultation

-remixers, we need-
- your consent to use your tracks
your track as a wav, aif, or other high-quality format (if you can master it yourself, fine; otherwise plz leave dynamics enough for us to work with)
a name for your track, which isn't a need I was expecting to have to list...
- info about the track, your thoughts about it and/or the source - we can make something up, too
- info about you, a brief bio, formal or informal - again, we can make stuff up if we don't get anything from you
-your email address, so we have reliable and consolidated access to you all

-help wanted-

Promotion - We want people interested in jrpg soundtracks to hear about this album.
Supporters - We like this, so should you.

-last notes-

I've been at this since 2008, and I wasn't the original director of the project. We've been at this for a long time. Are we there yet?

So close you can hear the whole thing... if you're on ocr staff.

Edited by Rozovian
last edit?
I'm still planning to tweak my track a bit, if time allows. So, yeah, be on the lookout for that Project heads.

Jawesome :D, can't wait to hear it dude.

BTW if any1's interested in hearing my mix (asides from Rho), PM me please. Thanks.

and man...I really need a cool picture signature lol


I'm glad to see I'm in the blue.

Also, there's a track missing. 1-19: Legend. Fable is 1-20.

Also, also, I talked with Jeremy Robson - he has a ReMix of "Ordinary People" posted - and he said that if anyone wants to play it, he's willing to contribute a piano reduction of his mix.

I'm glad to see I'm in the blue.

Also, there's a track missing. 1-19: Legend. Fable is 1-20.

Also, also, I talked with Jeremy Robson - he has a ReMix of "Ordinary People" posted - and he said that if anyone wants to play it, he's willing to contribute a piano reduction of his mix.

er, what do u mean by "if any one wants to play it" as in remix WITH him or hear it???


Okay, if its okay with you I'd like 3 tracks (greedy ass):

I want to put Fable and Strange Medicine together into one mix, and I also want Little Sweet Cafe. That cool?

... throw in Secret of Mana into that first mashup too...

Okay, if its okay with you I'd like 3 tracks (greedy ass):

I want to put Fable and Strange Medicine together into one mix, and I also want Little Sweet Cafe. That cool?

... throw in Secret of Mana into that first mashup too...

is it ok if i collab with u on 1 of em :D?


I might do another track

I can't really work on Damn Damn Drum anymore, unless you want me to redo the whole thing from scratch [i never really like doing this], so the status on that one is up to you. I'm OK with the quality I guess, and I can just release it if you don't want it :3

Meanwhile, I'm thinking about the song I want to pick.

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