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Well I was a HUGE fan of Nightime Evolution so I was pretty pleased to see a new mix by you pop up the main page when I logged on this morning. I wasn't let down. The vocals fit the song's atmosphere well. Also, is it just me or does the voice sound a bit like Deepest Blue (maybe it's just the voice synth but there's a definite similarity)? Anyway, this one's going to be played many, many times in the next few weeks and then some. Thankyou.


Ah, how I anxiously awaited your next ReMix following your two previous OCRs, and I must say I'm thoroughly impressed.

This sent me chills throughout, and moved me emotionally. The percussion itself enough to send me into an ecstatic state; the guitar(s), orgasmic. This is a superlative ReMix and one of the best OCRs I've heard in a long while (which is saying something, since I enjoy the vast majority of OCRs quite fully).

Harmony, I admire you. Thanks for brightening up an otherwise depressing day for me (I'm sure this will cheer me up on numerous occasions in the future, as well). :D And once again, I anxiously wait for your next incredible opus to be made/posted.

Secret of Mana 3%

Original 97%

I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

Your calculations are a little off. I would say it's more like around 50%. :P

Great stuff btw, Harmony! Pillar of Salt is not an easy mix to match. :)

Yeah, I think this is great, Harmony. This is probably around exactly what I would have wanted from that WIP...I don't even remember what my "simple suggestion" really even was...but from listening to this, I am very glad that it helped you.

Anyway...yeah, the source material is all over this arrangement, Harmony doesn't even really meander away from it for more than a second or two without reminding the listener with a few more familiar notes exactly where we are in the song. And with the 5/4, going back and forth and transitioning so much is exactly what this song is calling for, and so if you aren't that familiar with the source tune, you may get a little lost, and misinterpret what is just another reminder of the original song as some sort of long improv. At least that's my take on it.


This song is beautiful! I'v heard some excellent music here, but few songs can compete with this one.

The best part of the song is from around 1:50 to about 2:35. I could play that part over and over again. The vocals are the best part.


I've been listening to OCRemixes for, oh, probably at least four years now, but I've never really felt I had a need to post on these boards until now.

This remix is excellent--thank you for reminding me of my childhood.

The layered vocals are excellent. But I think the part that most resonates with me is after they cut out and the guitar comes in on Prophecy's melody around 4:15. That's just beautiful. Harmony has done a great job taking some of Hiroki Kukuta's best work and expanding upon it.


Amazing piece. The overall feeling of nostalgia is overwhelming, and the music itself speaks volumes without speaking at all. The vocals add something truly beautiful to the mix, something only a human voice could add. I appreciate the work, and I really appreciate this remix. It's gorgeous.


Secret of Mana 3%

Original 97%

I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

lol yep.

people sure are making a huge deal over this track.

i find it to be a good track, not a great track. i understand what harmony is going for here but some of the elements aren't executed well enough for this track to live up to the hype everyone's been giving it.

first off, the vocals are blurry. for two reasons, #1 being the lack of highs but also in combination with #2, being the volume. the lead vocals aren't loud enough and are being smothered by the instruments. so the lyrics are pretty hard to make out.

the 1:58 dropout of the percussion is sudden and does not work. the 2:33 works because you're changing the mood of the track, and you also used the bells/cymbal to help smooth out the transition.

a boost in your bass and kick would be nice for some low end. the mix seems a little light because of this but not by a lot, just a small bit.

the time change from 5/4 to 3/4 at 2:31 was slick. aside from that nothing made me say 'wow' in the least.

also, does anyone else think harmony sounds incredibly white when he sings?


Well considering it is (was?) my absolute freakin' DREAM to remix Prophecy, and Harmony accomplished it with amazing skill, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! It's got a little something for everyone...I thought it was good until 4:00, at which point it got GREAT. Makes me want to jump up and play a game of SoM right now.


I know my opinion doesn't count (see low post count), but: I didn't like it. That puts me firmly in a minority, I undestand, but I don't give a damn.

Usually when djpretzel speaks highly of a song, it's a must-have: see Pillar of Salt or Stormlord Seneca's Marble Pack Edit. But frankly, the vocals grated me in this one, and the whole thing lacked balls. I recognize the effort and polish, but I just don't like it. And I'm a big fan of the source material in this case (who isn't?).

Secret of Mana 3%

Original 97%

I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

lol yep.

people sure are making a huge deal over this track.

i find it to be a good track, not a great track. i understand what harmony is going for here but some of the elements aren't executed well enough for this track to live up to the hype everyone's been giving it.

No one is giving it "hype". It's PRAISE. I hope you get your english right the next time round, or do you just love being one of those off-beat cynic judges? :P

But I can appreciate some of your opinion -- when turned up loud the singing becomes pretty bad; the balance gets thrown off and my ears hurt (from the singing in the earphone).


Oh wow everyone, thanks for all of the compliments and criticisms :D . And what an amazing write-up from Dave, thanks man! I’m glad to hear that this brings back memories for some and is a just a great listen for others. I've put a lot of work into this and the appreciation is GREATLY appreciated.

A few clarifications are in order I suppose. Yep, part of the song is in 5/4 but at 2:31 it switches to a cool 6/8 for “Secret of the Arid Sands” and the second half of “Prophesy.” It briefly goes back to 5/4 for the outro (which I’m so glad that you guys are enjoying).

As for the source usage, the only significant stretch where I don’t explicitly use one of the sources is from 2:07-2:49, but even there if you’ve played the game you’ll recognize that the lyrics are directly referencing the game. I’ll say, SoM 85%, original %15. Meh, that’s alright Mustin, I still like Secret of Spram. I do enjoy infusing original solos and melodies into my mixes though and I think that B1itz Lunar’s comment did a good job of explaining what I was trying to do here.

Again, thanks OCR for the feedback so far and the feedback to come.

also, does anyone else think harmony sounds incredibly white when he sings?

LOL, I also "talk white" if that has any meaning whatsoever.

Secret of Mana 3%

Original 97%

I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

lol yep.

people sure are making a huge deal over this track.

i find it to be a good track, not a great track. i understand what harmony is going for here but some of the elements aren't executed well enough for this track to live up to the hype everyone's been giving it.

No one is giving it "hype". It's PRAISE. I hope you get your english right the next time round, or do you just love being one of those off-beat cynic judges? :P

Actually plenty of people are giving this "hype". Seeing as how there's links to it on other message boards and that I've gotten IM's about it. I believe that would qualify as hype. But you're the english major here. I hope you'll decide not to open your mouth about stupid shit like that next time round, though you probably won't.

Hype is PRE-product release generated excitement.

Hype: Loud advertising and promotion. Example: 1) The new movie by Steven Spielberg is getting a lot of hype. 2) Don't believe the hype!

also check out,

Hype:Extreme promotion of a person, idea, or product.

You also didn't consider (due to your extreme ignorance) the fact that the IM's and message board posts contained phrases like "You gotta check this track out" & "If you haven't heard this, what are you waiting for?"

But I shan't derail the thread anymore.

Thanks, hope you stick to your words kid.


lots of hype for this track...

i'm not sure any piece can possibly live up to that kinda hype, and i have to say that for me it was not a "life changing experience" or the BEST SONG EVAR!!11!!

but i do think this is excellent work.. everything fits in very well. guitar and vocals are good and the whole thing has a nice flying sensation to it. it really brings out the feelings of Secret of Mana

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