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OCR01404 - Secret of Mana "Dragon Song"


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At first I got myself psyched up - a friend referred me to this song, I saw the reviews, I read DJPretzel's comments, then I listened to the song.

The first time through I was unimpressed. I was expecting something else by that time. So I played it again, listening to the parts people were pointing out, still not really that impressed. So I walked away... but for some reason, I really wanted to hear it again.

I probably played it twenty times in a row before my housemate went insane, not knowing what exactly it was I was listening to. The song really does speak for itself in the end. It's mysterious, unexplainably alluring, deep, and to sum it all up in one word, beautiful.

The vocals are calming, yet intense, and overall SO well done - looking back on it, a female vocalist would've ruined the song entirely. Even as a long-ago huge SoM fan, I can't quite recall which song this is remixed from, but I don't even care, because it's just that amazing. Some parts I can pick out, especially the piano, which is just incredible.

There's a reason why people rave about this song, I'm glad I was also able not just to find, but to feel what that reason was.

And for the record, I also pronounce it, Flam-E.

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This is by far my favourite song I've gotten off OC.

I got it before I went to school, and was late cause i listened to it so much :)

Seriously though, I love how relaxing this song is, it really gives you a feeling of peace.

Flam-E is the way to say it, just try to pronounce in it romaji, its the only way that makes sense.

BTW: Its from the final flight theme and kakara desert.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"take me to meet my mother" is cheesy? Damn, who makes up these "cheesy lyrics" rules anyways? Guess they all need to be about armpit hair and hot-rods...

and "my baby"

I agree that the vocals make the song. The lyrics aren't important, it's the way they sound that matters.

i finished listening the 1386 remixes available here (at least once ) and i also agree that the vocals make that song n°1.

when i listen to it (for the 50th time) , I dream that I am who I want to be , That I’m successful and I’m free , Life's no longer a mystery , I’m a hero on the big screen ... sorry , dont remember the lyrics of the curent song ; just the sexy voice that make cry every girls and could turn you gay ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

All the ReMixes I've been grabbing lately have been jackpots, and this one continues the streak. I'm glad to see a ReMix of these tunes from SofM, along with "Negai" it's one of my favorite themes from the game. The vocals do it for me here; this song would not be as good without them IMHO (including the great oh's, ooh's & ah's). Fantastic joint; it's in the favorites pile for sure.

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So, as everyone else says, this song is beautiful and, as much as Bladiator will hate me for saying this, I do think the lyrics are the only thing holding it back. They're just too blatantly about the game; there's no subtlety in them at all: "fly me, my Flammie"?

I know this is a little absurd of an example but, can you imagine if the lyrics were more like, "I fell down a waterfall, I found the mana sword, I fought a killer mantis, the elder kicked my out of town... etc. etc." You can at least see where I'm coming from on this, right?

Anywho, that minor (incredibly minor) issue aside, the song truly is one of the most beautiful vocal tunes on this site and, by far, my favorite Harmony mix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a big fan of this mix since I first heard it maybe a year ago, but for some reason I never thought to post my thoughts on it here.

I always go crazy over the little acoustic guitar licks at the beginning and throughout the piece. The sitar-ish strings at the intro along with the drums (bongos?) give the entire song an almost south-east asian feel, but the guitar reminds me of some Spanish ballad. Then throughout the whole darned thing is this powerful piano that pushes to the forefront in some instances then becomes an underlying element.

Then perhaps the most decisive part of this song (you love it or hate it) are the lyrics. Now right off the bat, I think the vocals are well done. They were mastered well and Harmony's voice is, to say the least, not taxing on the ears. Now the lyrics are decidedly very game related (referring to the tree of mana and flammie). Now I personally think more universal lyrics would have given this song greater appeal. By singing less about dragons and talking about "flying" like a metapohrical escape for example. But if Harmony did that the song wouldn't be as much of an homage to Secret of Mana, would it?

Who knows, who cares?

Basically, this song has like TEH BEST OPENING EVAR!

And then it proceeds to the song kicks all sorts booty.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to be very sorry if this makes me sound obsessive but I have to say that this is my favorite song ever. Honestly, to me, it doesn't compare to any other song I've heard in my lifetime because it moved me. Everytime I listen to this song the dueling between the beautiful Spanish-like guitar and piano melody just make me feel so relaxed. The percussion is very well balanced and not overbearing, which is great and amazing to me because I've always had problems making percussion match the music mood. The singing in this is fantastic and very convincing because I sense emotion behind it, the same yearning that matches the lyrics very very well. Very rarely do I hear an amateur song with convincing vocals. I think the composer should be VERY proud of this piece because they've touched at least one person in this world.

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Prophecy was one of the best songs in a VERY up-and-down SOM soundtrack (there were some *really* bad songs that overused that annoying percussion or just had worthless melody.)

Piano is excellent and other instruments are not bad.

I'm not a big fan of lyrics in OCR songs unless they are flawless; they can be severely out-of-place, badly chosen, and some people just can't sing, but these are above-average.

You mostly did it justice, B+/A-

Flammie rules (brought back sooooo many memories of Falkor from "Neverending Story.")

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  • 6 months later...

I caught this song while listening to OCRemix Radio. The first thing that immediately grabbed my attention was that voice. A smooth and sweet voice that gave me chills and swept my imagination away to fly the skies. Then when I realized what songs were remixed, I was floored and floored HARD. Gorgeous music and an equally gorgeous voice. Simply EXQUISITE remix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the best mixes on OCR. Without a doubt. Both excellent and inspiring.

On a seperate note, the lyrics really make me want to play this game, because they seem to have so much in common with one of MY favorites, which is of course Final Fantasy Adventure.

Brandon, if you still stop by, I hope you are proud of this piece. You certainly have earned your props.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know what more I can add that hasn't been said before but I'll try anyway: to say this is gorgeous, moving, well-done, and a genius of a song, not just a remix, is a total understatement. The vocals are just perfect, the guitar work is amazing, the lyrics are soothing, the timing is awesome. This is going to go on my short list of remixes to listen to over and over.

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