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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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It is coming ASAP, sometime between now and December 13th. Dunno if it is really necessary to keep face pressed-to-monitor all day today. Besides, that's how grease fires get started BADUM-TISH!

The trailed was definitely smexy. Brad, was it JBxR who put the rain in our track or did we do it, I can't remember.

It is coming ASAP, sometime between now and December 13th. Dunno if it is really necessary to keep face pressed-to-monitor all day today. Besides, that's how grease fires get started BADUM-TISH!

The trailed was definitely smexy. Brad, was it JBxR who put the rain in our track or did we do it, I can't remember.

you added it in :<

also, urdailywater, there's a genre restriction - it was supposed to be "rainy-day" mixes, all more chill and ambient. electro-rock isn't a style that generally fits into that listing =)

you added it in :<

also, urdailywater, there's a genre restriction - it was supposed to be "rainy-day" mixes, all more chill and ambient. electro-rock isn't a style that generally fits into that listing =)


Ambient/mellow mixes make up my favorites on This website actually. I thought the general feeling of the tracks in the trailer was coincidence.

This has actually made me 10 times happier. Wow.

I just noticed my tracks name is spelled wrong... on the front page as well as the judges que. It's Evigilo Insperatus. Is it spelled that way on the project art?

It's spelled correctly in the actual files. There's no back cover art with a tracklist, just FYI, only a front cover.


Yeah, that genre restriction reminder just made me anticipate the album even more. (1) restrictions make interesting and focused records, (2) that definition will likely fit my musical taste deliciously, considering the source material! (not that there's anything wrong with wider scopes and different genres of course)


your excitement only lasted 35 hours? =( =( =(

Oh I'm still excited! Just not as jumping up and down, peeing my pants excited. My excitement is a more mellow sort now. I'm sure when it's out and I'm downloading I'll be losing my mind in Link's Awakening induced ecstasy. :-)


I think Brad's now just needlessly inflating his postcount because when they lock this his posts won't disappear. That, and he probably also wants the last word in the thread.

For shame, Brad. I thought we got past the pettiness of numbers and last words. :lmassoff:

Also, thanks for reminding me that I did put the rain in there. Getting to that point where I forget the specifics of a song that took over two years to finish, haha.

It is coming ASAP, sometime between now and December 13th. Dunno if it is really necessary to keep face pressed-to-monitor all day today. Besides, that's how grease fires get started BADUM-TISH!

The trailed was definitely smexy. Brad, was it JBxR who put the rain in our track or did we do it, I can't remember.


best present ever omg <33



you originally asked to be credited as redshojin, so i stuck with it. didn't hear anything different from you when i sent you a PM a few months ago, either.

I definitely responded to that PM, and you replied back to me after I said I wanted to be credited as Artem Bank. I've got it right here. :)

But it's all good, since it's all right in the project. Can't wait for this thing!

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