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I forgot to vote on this while on the panel.

The reverb at times could have been a bit denser and darker for my taste. I'd like to have heard this mix with some more bottom end at times.

Nice mix. Good instrumental, and percussive variation throughtout. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

How could you have forgotten to vote on this? It was there FOREVER. :P

Anyway, this is a nice track; good job DZ.


Hey this thing is finaly up!

I didn't get to hear the final iteration on the wip boards, but this is a good improvement for sure.

I still think you held some of the notes out too long in the cadenza but that's just me :P

Great work, probably the best of your creations, and very fun to listen too. I hope you keep makeing cool starfox stuff!


Some interesting stuff here - the melody and the tension and buildups are quite nice. It's catchy and has a great flamenco feel to it.

The instruments sound painfully synthy, however. It doesn't take away from the dynamic arrangement, and the sequencing is still quite powerful, but you can't help but to notice it when you first play the piece. Danny B I MEAN ANALOQ said it well when he said that because the whole piece sounds pretty fake, it's easy to suspend the disbelief and just listen.

Lots of exchanges between the various horns and the strings. That's some fun stuff. Good dynamic range and buildups and releases, as well. The song has a very nice pace to it as well. It's very energetic, and sounds like something that you'd immediately put into a video game as the "fast paced chase theme".

The percussion in the background, and some of the instruments sound pretty bad in the higher registers, but outside of this, it's quite a worthy first submission and posting.

About time that DZComposer had something posted. Way to make an entry!


I'm listening to the song as I type this, and I have to say, it does a damn good job in capturing the esscence of the "Starfox" feel- the thrill and the heat of the battle, specifically. I happen to think the military-style drums could've been a bit louder throughout, but who am I to complain when something this wonderful is executed so well? I give props to the composer, as this is a work of art, and deserves the praise it will undoubtedly recieve.


I like the song only... for some strange reason it doesn't remind me of Starwolf...

I'm no musical expert, therefore i can't give you the techincal jargon of it al, but i think there is something in the the horns/strings combo, and the way that it's played, combined with the mexican like trumpets, that give the music a greater feeling of "honor" then it should! When i hear the original tune, i think "Starwolf! Scum!" but when i hear this remix i think "Starwolf! Good Guys?!"... Asides from that the whole makeup of the song is pretty good kudos on that...if only you'd have chosen another song of Starfox and present it with the same instruments... well...

Another thing: Mercenarios de Lobo means Wolf's Mercenaries in portuguese! im portuguese, so i deduct one thing: You inserted Wolf's Mercenaries into a translation program and it gave you that! well i think that, in order to make the title sound betterm it should be either Mercenarios do Wolf ou Mercenarios do Lobo. Not mercenarios "de" but mercenarios "do"!

Overall: good mix- B+!


Good to see that you guys like it. ^_^ I've got another Star Wolf work coming. It's the 64 Vers. theme. It will be in a different style, though. I also have the Sector X and the Warp BGM's in the works too. Not sure which will be out first. But anyways, Methinks it's time OCR had a Star Fox 64 section. ;)

"PS edit:

[01:51:55] <Fox_E> Tell him I like it too. D=

[01:52:20] <Fox_E> ...It's very ~blue~."

Hmm... I haven't talked to him in a long time...

"When i hear the original tune, i think "Starwolf! Scum!" but when i hear this remix i think "Starwolf! Good Guys?!"..."

Don't feel bad. Star Wolf actually fought on the good side in Star Fox Asasult. ^_^

Oh, and it is Spanish, not Portuguese. ;) I didn't use a translator either. I used what little I remember from High School Spanish. :roll:


I adore this remix. Can't say as I've heard the original, so no comments on how it relates (not that I really ever make them when I review anyway...), but I absolutely love this. I CAN say this: Even if I had no idea this remix was even loosely inspired by the Wolfen crew or Star Fox in general, I would have instantly, definitely, absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, been reminded of the Wolfen dogfights in StarFox Assault upon hearing it. It has an identical feel. It's superb. Excellent. Wonderful. I only write reviews for remixes I really appreciate, and I give this one a 10/10, hands down.


Oh of course! I should have remembered about it being Spanish not Portuguese... rofl... Anyway, it's spelled exactly the same, and the suggestions i made stand for the title in spanish too!

And also even if Star Wolf fought with teh goodies on Armada i still think of them in the best SF game: LYLATWARS! I chose to partially ignore Armada for obvious reasons... :P


I have to say I love the remix, especially because Spanish music fascinates me, thumbs up for you!

However, I do have to agree with the portuguese-speaking fellow about the title, if you translated it from Wolfen Mercenaries, "Mercenarios Lobunos" might be a better translation for the title.

I'm looking forward to your next Star Wolf remix.


Even though the instruments really sound like synths, I think it sort of gives the arrangement a classic feel to it. I don't mind the light reverb because Starfox is a flying game, and it woudl be more fitting if the reverb was light. That is of course unless you're going for an ocremix on the Battle with Andross. Anyway, nice job on the mix DZ. I'll be waiting for your next Star Wolf remix. 8)


Damn, s0lidsn4k3, that animated pic on your post disturbs me.

Very nice Mexicano rendition. Lotsa emotive force and retention; two very under-appreciated aspects of remixing. The horn solo is a nice touch, though, it sounds a bit synthy for such a use. The sequencing on that horn is great. The bells, timpani and quick strings add to the flavor very well. Excellent contrast and transition. Replace that horn sample and you got yourself a fiver.

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