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OCR00591 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Crystals of Kakariko"

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Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Crystals of Kakariko'

When two excellent remixers like NoppZ and Protricity team up, you know you can't go wrong. This is one of the "Two in One" remixes that I enjoy so much, starting out with a remix of Kakariko Village, then Zelda's Lullabye after a short interlude, then it switches between them. It's a very effective combination, if I say so myself, and these mixers turn it into a very laid-back and very enjoyable mix. I only have three complaints: the sax in the beginning is a little out of place, especially considering the softer instruments that show up right after it, it tends to drag in some parts (probably too repetitive), and it *really* should be listed as a Zelda 64 mix, as Zelda's Theme did not to my knowledge appear in Link to the Past... could be wrong though. Anyway, well worth a download.

  • 3 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

it *really* should be listed as a Zelda 64 mix, as Zelda's Theme did not to my knowledge appear in Link to the Past... could be wrong though. Anyway, well worth a download.

Actually, it did. When you rescue Zelda, and the maidens.

Anyway, I love this remix. It brings back so many memories of playing Link to the Past way back then... It's definitely suitable for a peaceful town, but for some reason, this song reminds me of an indoor pool in a hotel I went to a long time ago... It played this kind of music. :lol:

Anyway, highly recommended.


I really think this song doesn't get the loving it deserves, as I judge from the lack of reviews.

When I downloaded it, I said, "5 and a half minutes? Jesus!" I didn't want to have to suffer through that long of crap.

But it wasn't crap. It rocked my world. Marvellously orchestrated, good fills, good transitions, very fluid. What can you say bad? Nothing.

One of my favs. No excuses. Download now.

  • 1 month later...

Otherwise good track, but... that "sax" patch? *shudder* Maybe it's because I went to a jazz concert tonight, but... Awful... it almost ruined the whole thing for me.

The guitar was very well done. I also found it very nice to hear this song in a different meter than what's in my head. But I personally didn't find everything else as strong as the other comments suggest. Overall good, yes! But not /that/ remarkable...

  • 4 months later...

Does anyone recognize the part from 3:15 to about 3:30 as the Cynic Project's? I don't remember which song it was from, but everytime I listen to that section, I am reminded of TCP.

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  • 2 months later...

I absolutely LOVE this song... it's so... beautiful. That's the only word that can describe this song: beautiful. I especially love 3:16 to the end of the song where it slows down into Zelda's Lullaby. Perfect. Beautiful. Absolutely great. Not to mention, this song makes me think about my friend, Ashley Rusie, who passed away on January 11, 2004 due to a fatal car accident. She was only 16 and had just gotten her license. We were friends and I will never forget her. And any song that makes me think of Ashley is... great. Thank you for such a great remix. I love this song. :D

  • 8 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

Great, dreamy piece. The acoustic guitar loop adds alot of depth. My favorite part is a 3:38 when Zelda's Lullaby comes it. Very nostalgic :D

  • 1 year later...

Samples are way dated in both the guitar and the "sax", and things feel pretty mechanical, but the source is strong with this one, and the themes do actually fit together really nicely.

The percussion seemed to come and go as it pleased, and faded out before it could assist in transitions.

Balance is nice, and the bells and supporting strings hold up decently well.

It has a good nostalgic mood to it, and is a fun listen, but I can't help but imagine this completely redone by say, Taucer and Proph, with live instruments. Maybe I am just spoiled. :-)

  • 8 months later...

I can really dig the guitar music but not so much the sax. I do no think that it is the sax itself but more of the type and quality of the sound made. Seems a little outta place. But really, this music is awesome!

  • 2 months later...

If only the sax were better, this would be an awesome song.

oh, well.

Everything else about it is great, though.

but I can't help but imagine this completely redone by say, Taucer and Proph, with live instruments. Maybe I am just spoiled. :-)

Oh yeah, that'd be awesome. :-D

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Not going to win any awards for the way it sounds on a subliminal level, that's for sure. There's an air of casualness to the instrumental approach, not so much that it wasn't cared about, but moreso that it was irrelevant to the respective arrangement. And in a way, its true. I don't think the extremely synthetic sound cripples this in any way, but it does have some unflattering connotations to various other ugly areas of music for me.

The arrangement is standout, however. Two unique perspectives on two amazing melodies. I've never heard either of these tunes arranged quite like this. Slowed, but not to a sombre level. Expanded, but not to a verbose, unnecessary extent. Both tunes take on a completely different demeanor than the original, which I happen to like very much. Both Protricity and NoppZ are legendary at mining golden musical tangents out of the most stringent melodies, so it a dream to see them tagteam their skills on this.

Samples withstanding, this is an adorable double-artist double-feature. Now everyone have a cookie.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

A good ReMix for straight out chilling. The sax is a bit bothersome, but I can handle it. Prot. and Noppz did work well on this one, but I can't help but wonder what would have happened if either did it as a solo track. Both are really good. The whole song just has a beautiful tone and works well for me.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00591 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Crystals of Kakariko"

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