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Previous FF6 Kickstarter *cancelled* BUT new one in the works!!

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  • OMG, FF6:


I've been wondering for quite some time now when OC Remix would tackle my favourite game in the series after seeing FF4, FF5, and FF7 albums released. The artists' work is much appreciated and I'm looking forward to the release of this album.

Someone...SOMEONE had the cash to put a FIVE K DONATION on the board. Whoever the heck that was. I salute you sir. Good god.

He/she must really want OCR to remix a certain game soundtrack. Makes me wonder what will he/she ask for? Man, if I had the ability to ask for an album to be remixed....


For this site, for my favorite Final Fantasy, for the music and all the good memories.....50 bucks is the least I could do for you guys.


I'm so encouraged and excited about this project. $50 is a bargain for the quality of work the artists put into their remixes - and to have physically printed CDs that are professionally designed is just plain awesomeness. I hope that the success of this project will result in similar projects in the future. Thank you for being so awesome, and I'll be keeping my eyes open for future projects to fund.

He/she must really want OCR to remix a certain game soundtrack. Makes me wonder what will he/she ask for? Man, if I had the ability to ask for an album to be remixed....

Think the reward is actually an original soundtrack for the game the donator is making, not a remix of an already-existing game. If I recall correctly.

Which is still pretty cool. :-)


So, yeah. I just chipped in 50 bucks to the Kickstarter, can't wait to see the album. Not only do I love FFVI, but I see this as a way to pay you guys for the FFIV and Badass albums. Can't wait to get a sneak peek come December or whatever!


Searching for a specific Final Fantasy VI remix is what brought me to Overclocked Remix back in early 2002. The remix I wanted did not exist (still doesn't), but I bookmarked this site and have lurked ever since.

My pledge of $50 is a small way for me to say thank you (the physical copy and WARM FUZZY FEELINGS are a nice bonus!). I've been waiting patiently for this. This is a great game score that will be re-imagined by a very talented community, and it's great to see this project off to such an astounding start.

Stay awesome, OCR community.



after all those years (6?) filling my MP3 with 80% OCR, I finally get to give something and feel useful about it :)

I noticed the 2*5000$ gifts for free 60min soundtrack were already checked out. It got me thinking, from a company's point of view, isn't 5000$ for an hour of OST not very expensive?

I mean, some of you guys out there did the OSTs for pretty big titles of pretty big companies (*wink* *wink* mass effect3, soul calibur 5 *cough*) and I suppose it was as much your pleasure than theirs to hire you, but if you did most of the OST for such big titles, I would think you'd be paid more than that...

Anybody care to tell me otherwise/argue/say "omg! you're so smart!"?

whatever, I'm glad I spared 25$ for you guys, you make my world rock along with a few others (my little ponyyyyyyyy !!...)

It got me thinking, from a company's point of view, isn't 5000$ for an hour of OST not very expensive?

I had a similar thought. I don't think it's a bargain, but it does seem like it'd be a reasonable rate to me, assuming the sponsor highly values the skills of the OCReMix community (which they probably do, since they are donating to this project). A lot would depend on how complex they'd want the music to be.

That being said, I'd guess that a lot of indie developers don't have $5k to spend on their game's music, and that a lot of the bigger companies would rather hire an individual composer or composers, instead of hiring a "collective" like OCReMix.

All purely speculative on my part, though. Regardless of whether or not it's a "good buy", I've no doubt that those two folks are gonna be supremely happy with the music for their game (or other project).

Edited to add: Hopefully this does not spark a massive controversy over whether or not it's ethical for a not-for-profit org like OCReMix to "sell" their talents in this manner.

I noticed the 2*5000$ gifts for free 60min soundtrack were already checked out. It got me thinking, from a company's point of view, isn't 5000$ for an hour of OST not very expensive?

No, it's not very expensive at all - it's actually very, very cheap, considering the people that will be working on it.


I have read the latest update: "FINAL FANTASY 7: Voices of the Lifestream Reprint Added to EXISTING $50 & Up Rewards" and I am slightly confused by the later "Every backer at the $50 level". Does this mean that if I give $50 now I will or will not get a copy of Voices?

I have read the latest update: "FINAL FANTASY 7: Voices of the Lifestream Reprint Added to EXISTING $50 & Up Rewards" and I am slightly confused by the later "Every backer at the $50 level". Does this mean that if I give $50 now I will or will not get a copy of Voices?

You will, anyone $50 and higher -- I don't think they can tell who donated before or after :-o

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