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RIP, Nintendo Power. No definite date for the last issue yet, but it's definitely coming to an end.

I remember getting Nintendo Power through most of the 90s. I moved in 2001 and never picked my subscription back up; this news makes me want to resubscribe just to get the last few issues. Back in the days before the internet, Nintendo Power was an awesome way to get tips and hear about secrets that you hadn't figured out on your own. It hasn't been nearly as relevant in recent years, but anyone who was a Nintendo fan in the 90s had a subscription.

We'll miss you, Nintendo Power! Even the people who thought you'd been canned years back.


Man, I still have the issues I bought back in the 90s too. Those are the few things I have left from the era that was before I started turning into a petty creep trolling around Overclocked Remix and its main competitor Pornococked Remix.

Whats Nintendo Power like now? The last few issues I have are from 2002 or something like that.


Man, I remember the days back then; it was just me, Nintendo Power's tips and tricks and walkthroughs, and the game.

No Internet.

I'd constantly read each issue over and over; especially Counselors' Corner and Classified Information - my two favorite sections.

Farewell Nintendo Power, and thanks for the great memories.


Man, I can't believe they're still in print (or were).

While I have some fond memories of the magazine, it's quickly overcome by the rage that was most blantantly biased reviews, pre-Game Informer.

It wasn't so bad that Nintendo titles were getting sky-high scores, it was more like other titles from non-Nintendo companies never scored nearly as high.

I stopped reading it way before the 16-bit gen was over, so maybe things changed a little, but anyone who gives Zelda II for NES higher marks than Mega Man 3 is smoking crack (or just printing lies).


I thought Nintendo Power's ratings were ALWAYS generally much higher than most magazines, not just Nintendo fare. In some ways, I actually kinda liked that - it was like they weren't trying to review them as academic authorities on the art of game design, but as regular people giving each game an unbiased shot. That's just me though.

Of course, your comment goes against the historical fact that Nintendo in-house games generally turn out better than most anyway.


Damn, it's sad to see NP go. Yeah, the reviews weren't as great, but the writing was hilarious, at least before they switched publishers (to future us i think).

its main competitor Pornococked Remix.

I'm intrigued.

Who remember getting super hyped when they got that 15 minute, DKC preview VHS tape in the mail from Nintendo Power?


Don't forget the KI tease at the end.

That reminds me, I gotta see if I can find that Sega Saturn Promo Tape with all the theater of the mind commercials, somewhere.

Videogame promotions, like videogame commercials, used to be so much more awesome.


I got a serious kick out of the Star Fox 64 promo VHS tape Nintendo Power sent me back then, the one with the Sony and Sega guys trying to uncover the secret of the rumble pack, or something along those lines.

I also liked those 12 issue long comics for games like A Link to the Past and Super Mario World they did. I would seriously consider buying those as a compiled collection (which I think they were released as, I just didn't have my own money at the time or something).

I haven't read Nintendo Power in several years but it is kinda sad that it's ending.

I got a serious kick out of the Star Fox 64 promo VHS tape Nintendo Power sent me back then, the one with the Sony and Sega guys trying to uncover the secret of the rumble pack, or something along those lines.

I also liked those 12 issue long comics for games like A Link to the Past and Super Mario World they did. I would seriously consider buying those as a compiled collection (which I think they were released as, I just didn't have my own money at the time or something).

I haven't read Nintendo Power in several years but it is kinda sad that it's ending.

Good luck finding those graphic novels they were off the friggin chain. And Star Fox was among them too. I still have my Super Metroid Samus Pendant. :)


I remember reading a nintendo power a year ago, with a quiz that asked who was on the cover of the only all silver cover of Nintendo Power. (Give you a second to see if you can figure it out.)

It was megaman X, I still have that and some other sweet posters. I'm glad I kept those so I can laminate them and hang them up.

Good luck finding those graphic novels they were off the friggin chain. And Star Fox was among them too.

Those were absolutely the best, anyone remember that nester guy?


I still have that tape too. It's so cheesy, but I watched it over and over and over and over and over and...

However, my best memory of Nintendo Power? Probably getting mentioned in it.

Don't feel like rewatching the video but I remember it being corny as hell, and it kind of soured me on the game. Luckily, not enough that I didn't rent it and enjoy the hell out of it. It's a good thing Nintendo made good games that spoke for themselves, because I remember thinking their promotions and ads at the time being really bad.


Ah, back when Pokémon was still new and they had a constantly updated section just for it. Things like running a comic book scan of the cartoon, or strategies for the Stadium games. People would send in their teams and the staff would rate them, and actually somewhat correctly. They would suggest type coverage, team diversity and alternate moves, just like most of the fansites do now. It was a haven for early fans, and the best thing until the internet provided far more and much better coverage of all things pokémon.

They also had the fun retrospectives that covered old series, systems and the occasional tie-in like the Mario Bros movie. A lot of it was pointless fluff, but there were hundreds of gems scattered about the entire run of the magazine.

The best issue I ever got (I didn't have a subscription, I mostly read it in stores or picked up a copy one every few years) was the one showcasing the as-of-yet unreleased GameCube and GameBoy Advance. It showcased all the crazy shit that they could do, like hooking up your GBA to your GameCube to play games on them both at the same time.

Good memories. Thanks, Nintendo Power, for all the cool articles, reviews and screenshots over the years.

Don't feel like rewatching the video but I remember it being corny as hell, and it kind of soured me on the game. Luckily, not enough that I didn't rent it and enjoy the hell out of it. It's a good thing Nintendo made good games that spoke for themselves, because I remember thinking their promotions and ads at the time being really bad.

Yeah, the video was pretty bad. I definitely couldn't bring myself to get through it now. But when you're like, 10 and can't tell the difference between good and bad and just wanted to watch things related to video games, it was AWESOME.


I will always be in debt to Nintendo Power simply for providing me with that one Gamecube Zelda Collectors disc with Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (and a Wind Waker demo?) all in one. Such a sweet deal, especially since I was recently N64-less. Even though I never did actually beat the NES games, and I already played and beat MM to death when I did have a 64... well at least it gave me a chance to play Ocarina. I still love this thing okay.



They used to have some awesome contests. I was really lucky to have been one of the winners of a Surfing Pikachu for Pokemon Yellow, which was so, so exciting at the time.

But to tell you the truth, I will never forget the contest which had a grand prize of starring in "The Mask 2." Now, "The Son of the Mask" came out in 2005 - 11 years after the first one - and I'm pretty sure that the contest took place within a year after "The Mask" came out in theaters.

Leaves me to wonder if the winner of that contest happened to have gotten a call during filming in '04 and was at least offered a role as an extra....


I was really fond of the magazine as a kid - gaming news/info was at a high premium back then, since the internet didn't become more popularized until later.

It's a shame that it has come to an end - I know people complain about bias and such with it, but I enjoyed it for what it is.


And another magazine I had hoped to write for someday bites the dust. First Tips & Tricks and now this. Oh well.

btw I managed to score a bunch of old issues, including all of 1992, so I have the entirety of the LttP and Mario comics (and I have jan 93 so i have that mario & wario oneshot roughly based on sml2)

EDIT: From GoNintendo

Nintendo can confirm that Future US will end the production of Nintendo Power magazine with the last issue slated for December 2012. For Nintendo Power subscription inquiries, please visit nintendopower.com/customerservice. Check out Nintendo at nintendo.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/nintendo or on Twitter @nintendoamerica. - Nintendo statement

Nintendo has also confirmed that the magazine is not moving to a new publisher, which is definitely the death knell for the long-time magazine.

Also worth noting, some of the staff have said that they're going to try doing something special for the last issue, but tweets making that statement have since been removed.

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