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RWS 1-1 - ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 1: Spooky!

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Can't believe i didn't see this thread earlier. Only two days left.

I'll sign up as a novice.

Here are a few of my more recent ones that i've posted.


http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/magicknightrayearth-bossremix (8 hour punchfest compo)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGaLulrvxs4&feature=plcp (just for the hell of it)

I should be posting some new stuff very soon.


These aren't exactly my most recent, cutting edge tracks, but they're the most recent ones I have uploaded to soundcloud, so it's the most convenient for me to post them. In any case...




So uhhhh... novice or star?

I have much to learn, but I have plenty to teach, so I'm ok with either role.


Ecto - You could push a star pretty easily. You're a competitive force to be reckoned with in the compos past, and I've personally enjoyed your stuff at a professional level for some time.

Sir_nutZ - Yeah, time commitments are tough, and I understand if you can't join. Consider, however, that you're not the primary mixer. You're really only responsible for giving guidance and/or providing a short part or two for what is primary another person's remix. Won't be nearly as demanding (for you, anyway) as the GMRB has been.

Sir_nutZ - Yeah, time commitments are tough, and I understand if you can't join. Consider, however, that you're not the primary mixer. You're really only responsible for giving guidance and/or providing a short part or two for what is primary another person's remix. Won't be nearly as demanding (for you, anyway) as the GMRB has been.

Oh what the hell. It always feels good to help the community.

Count me in.

I would love to help as a star, but with the current commitment I have with the Maverick Remix Battle I don't know if I'll be available by the time this one starts.

I finally have a reason to vote against you now.

just kidding lol :)

Thank you for volunteering squirrel lover!


Current count:



Cash and Change



The Eluryahn

Dafydd (willing to be dropped)











Nice! If Syllix and ectogemia are put in as Stars, we're at 7 and 7. A bit less than 24 hours to go, but that's a pretty good turnout already.



Since voting for this month closes on October 31, in celebration of Halloween, this month's theme is Spooky! All entries should either:

  1. Be based on a source or sources from a game, area of a game, etc. that's all about ghouls, ghosts, goblins, witches, vampires, zombies, or anything else that goes bump in the night, or
  2. Use any source or sources from any game or games, remixed to sound like something that belongs in a haunted house, horror movie, etc.

Remixes should not be judged based on how well they apply the theme, it's just a guideline.


  • shadow24 with DusK
  • Cash and Change with Rozovian
  • Trism with wildfire
  • ProjectSpam with ectogemia
  • The Eluryahn with Gario
  • Dafydd with Sir_NutS
  • Garpocalypse with Syllix

Have fun!


Be based on a source or sources from a game, area of a game, etc. that's all about ghouls, ghosts, goblins, witches, vampires, zombies, or anything else that goes bump in the night,

Lavender Town, Pokemon RBY. Someone really should do it. :-P

Great theme. Looking forward to what you talented folks make out of it!

lavender town, pokemon rby. Someone really should do it. :-P

great theme. Looking forward to what you talented folks make out of it!

where is the like button.

that was in all caps once, but apparently I have to use my inside voice *shhhh*


On the way to work this morning, the main theme to Metal Gear Solid 4 came on my music player, and I found myself mentally changing it into a minor key, played with a church organ. I hope everyone who chooses option B comes up with something as good as that sounded in my head.


My schedule SHOULD be opening up this week sometime so I'm looking forward to starting something for this! Gotta figure out what song I'm going to attempt, but it sure as hell won't be Toxic Seahorse's theme.

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