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I remember seeing this post back when it was in the workshop, loved it then and i love it now.

Congratulations sockpuppet I knew you had it in you to get your mix posted. :D

Hope to hear more from you.


Gosh, I swear, when I first heard this on YouTube, it sounded like a Mix of Mt. Moon and Astral Observatory, from Majora's Mask.

I usually don't like such liberal Mixes, but this has such an odd charm that I can't deny. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more contributions from Sockpuppet, this is definitely worth the download.


I was literally listening to the FireRed soundtrack last night and thinking that it was a wicked shame that nobody has remixed the Mt. Moon theme yet. So nice timing.

As for the mix itself, I really dig it, despite the fact that it's not the kind of music than I really get into. It's really mellow and easy going without being flaccid and boring like most "chill" music is. This is easily my favorite Pokemon mix on the site. Looking forward to hearing what Sockpuppet does next.


I wonder why so many familiar remixes have been coming these days! XD

Congrats Sockpuppet! I'm still not so keen on those ton-tons at the beginning, but why should I complain about such a small thing. The song as a whole is quite a jewel, especially when you compare it to the original. :nicework:


Like the author, I'm in agreement that the source tune is rather forgettable, and it's one of my least favorite tunes on the track. I wasn't expecting much from this remix, but this is just beautiful. It has such a peaceful, curious vibe to it, which is slightly deviating from the original (which I always saw as a tune that made the cave seem ominous, which works in context), but the mysterious vibe is present here as well, and it fits like a glove. I get images of the Ice Cavern from Ocarina of Time, funnily enough.

Beautiful mix, one of my new favorite Pokemon Mixes on the site.

  • 3 weeks later...

Very creative remix of the source! You've managed to stretch out the whole thing into a beautifully mellow piece that's really relaxing. I can just imagine sitting on a bea- DELELELELELELE! Wild ZUBAT appeared!

Congratulations on getting posted after all these years!

  • 4 weeks later...

So I was watching Wilfred the other day and the

of the show totally reminded me of this mix.

Anyway, definitely digging the laid back feel, and I like how well you shifted it to major. Nice Work!

  • 4 months later...

This is very good. It's like a nostalgic ride through the Moon Cave kind of feeling.

I loved how you kind of just let the music go even when there isn't much going on. Where you just kind of play around with the song, it makes it feel more like a journey. Great job on that.

I'm really digging the sounds here. The drums especially sound fat which I like. And the samples are more than passable. Not the most realistic things ever, but it's still hard to tell whether or not they're the real thing sometimes, so that's good.

Recommended. This one is fun to listen to :)

  • 4 months later...

Mt. Moon was always one of those themes that would get on my nerves if I spent too much time in those caves, so to hear a ReMix take that source and give it a spin that sounds great and not get grating is absolutely delightful. I really enjoy this upbeat arrangement a lot more than the dreary original. Very nice.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02514 - Pokémon Red Version "Moondrops"
  • 4 months later...

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