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Posted (edited)

higashizawa.gif Higashizawa

minamimoto1.gif Minamimoto (1)

minamimoto2.gif Minamimoto (2)

minamimoto3.gif Minamimoto (3)

minamimoto4.gif Minamimoto (4)

minamimoto5.gif Minamimoto (5)

konishi.gif Konishi

kitaniji.gif Kitaniji

And I've finally posted all of my World Ends with You avatars.


Now if only they were accepted...

LT: They all lack sharpness, and the cropping around the neck looks awkward, with a couple of exceptions. Generally, the crops at the bottom are too tight, cutting out the neck/chin areas. (threedux)

Edited by Liontamer
double post merge
Posted (edited)
blindman.jpg bLiNdman

edit: plz?


Afaik, distinguished members of the boards get to pick a unique avatar. I don't know if it's enough to be a distinguished ReMixer. Or if random, non-game characters are ok, or even if this is one. Googling for "blindman" found me another japanese, strange band I'd never heard of before.

LT: It's enough to be a ReMixer, sure. ReMixers are OCR's primary contributors.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)
I fixed the avatars I posted previously, but I'll post those later. This place needs many more Guilty Gear Avatars. I will name the specific game for each avatar.

LT: I took a couple, but most of them were resizes that weren't sharp. Some of the sprite-based ones were the only ones that turned out decent. Thanks for what did work though.

So you took them...are you adding them anytime soon? :-o

LT: Did a while ago.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

I have to wonder whether or not this is still happening.

LT: Once in a blue, I check this. We have over 1,000 now. We're pretty good as far as avatars.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

Metroid Prime Hunters:


Hm... Used sharpen a bit. Too much?

I want these. Dibs on Noxus. :D

All 7.

You don't have anything better to do, Liontamer or whoever's gonna add them. You don't have anything better to do. No. You don't. :D

LT's comments:

Kaden: Can barely tell what that is, but looks some sort of honeycomb thingamabobber. Sure. Sylux too, I'll live.

Noxus/Trace: Doesn't look like anything.

Samus: Too tight of a crop, but I'll live.

Spire: Ugly.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

requesting disgaea avatars, preferably Laharl/Etna/Adell/Prinny

th_PrinnyAvatar.gif Prinny (dood!)

LT: Not a good crop. But if you can figure out a better crop and keep it sharp, we can roll with it.

Edited by Liontamer

i have a question, since user CP mentions the ability to use a custom avatar, how do I manage to get one, I can make an avatar in no time...especially this size, I'm just curious as to how to get one on the site? Any help available?

i have a question, since user CP mentions the ability to use a custom avatar, how do I manage to get one, I can make an avatar in no time...especially this size, I'm just curious as to how to get one on the site? Any help available?

I think you just post it in this thread and Liontamer or whoever's in charge will add it to the database when he feels like it.

Posted (edited)

ok so fine larry if you read this at all i guess you didnt wanna use my custom belle avatar (pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease) but anyways i uploaded a regular belle one since you DO have a movies/tv section


LT: Way too dark. I think I'll pass on most Disney movie stuff anyway. Don't see any broader appeal.

also a couple from lucky star since there are none atm


LT: Sure


LT: Too bright; not enough contrast.

please upload these!

edit oh yeah heres aurora from sleepy beauty too


LT: Uhhh...pretty irrelevant. I'll have to pass.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

Is there any chance we could get some other mod or something to go over these and approve them?

LT: Nope.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)
Is there any chance we could get some other mod or something to go over these and approve them?

what this honkey said.

i want my prinny ava!

LT: OK, but make it better.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

Uhmmm, how would you feel about having roughly 500 or so? I think I can get some Pokémon related ones, namely each pokémon and some game-related symbols and icons.

LT: I'd pretty much use my discretion on what I'd take, but feel free to do a few to make sure they're the right quality and we'll move from there.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

Not without shrinking it down to 32*32 or whatever the standard is now.

Then it's the question of whether Larry approves of the image (relevance to video game/geek culture, copyright, stuff like that), and then finally a matter of when Larry gets around to check this thread and in what order he adds what he chooses to add.



1. Basic format is that pics should look good when cropped/resized/F'ed-around-width. That means centered, with sharp resolution, and with transparency when necessary. Shit that looks poorly done is gonna be mercilessly called out by me.

2. 32x32 is the maximum dimensions we accept. Smaller than that is OK. GIF format is the ONLY file format we accept.

3. Please name the files or detail in your posts what characters/games are being shown so that we'll be able to seperate the avatars by game series, company, whatever.

4. Anime, comic book, TV and other types of avatars are allowed, but this is primarily a video game devoted site and the major majority of avatars accepted will be VG-related.

5. I will edit my comments into your posts, so please check what you're posting in order to see my direct comments. I save everything I think is already good and will host them on OCR's FTP when they're needed.

LT: What he said. I probably wouldn't take that heart. Doesn't look like it would shrink down well.

Edited by Liontamer
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Would someone do every vocaloid, or have they already done so?

I'll try my hand at some later, but right now I don't have access to my Photoshop.

LT: Cool. Vocaloid one are welcome.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

I don't even know if they're doing it anymore; they haven't added a new one in ages.

LT: You sure do complain a lot. Consider changing your handle to wah6173. :-)

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

Whenever there is time, could this replace the current avatar? details are below.

Cowboy Bebop - Spike Spiegel

Read that anime was part of the exceptions, does this still hold true?

Let me know the report on it when you get a chance. Thanks

LT: Anime avatars are fine, but that one barely looks like anything. No dice.

Edited by Liontamer
Posted (edited)

How about something from System Shock 2?

CyberModule.gif Cyber Module

Psi.gif Psi symbol

TheMany.gif The Many

MedHypo.gif Med Hypo






LT: Didn't like The Many; The Marines wasn't sharp enough. The ones with transparency weren't sharp and looked pretty bad. Taking just the OS Upgrade, but it's a nice one.

Edited by Liontamer
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