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Ducktales 'The Amazon Session'

Accordion? Cool. I love the instruments used in this mix. It gives it a feeling. What feeling I’m not sure, but it’s there none the less. The only thing that bothers me is that the right panned instrument (some guitar of sorts) was muffled. I’m sure that was done on purpose, but I didn't care for the sound myself. When the acoustic guitar comes in around the middle of the mix (~1:35) it sounds a lot better than the previous muffled guitar. The percussion solo at ~2:05 is really neat. The long drawn out ending suits the mix I found, along with the collective sound hit at the end. 3/5

  • 4 weeks later...

This game is a classic for me, and to hear a remix of this song brings back so many memories. I loved how the song sounded like a live jam session. The different insturments switching soloing definately made it for me.


I've always thought this was a unique & fun mix. I've enjoyed it for some time, very smooth and relaxing. I place this high on my list...especially since I don't hear many mixes from this game. :)

  • 2 months later...

I thought I should edit my old response to this song because it just didn't do Gux justice, but then I thought that this remix was so good that it needed to have some more attention brought to it.

I love this mix, I think DJP should have given even MORE kudos to Gux in the description. It is smooth, harmonic, and as a piece, wonderful to listen to. I could leave it on repeat for hours. Download it.

  • 1 month later...

This is a great remix! It had a huge impact on me and now I listen to this all the time. Gux has really managed to keep the feeling from the original NES song. The sounds are perfect as is the arrangement too. And the way the instruments are used is just perfect. The accordion has an incredible flow to it and the guitars couldn´t sound any better. This is SO SWEEEET! The original is an incredible song, but this is 100000000000000000 times better. One of my favourite remixes ever. And I´m sure it´ll always be just that.

I want more...

  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Wonderful instrument selection...love it.

I love when it goes jivey, with the swing drums playin....brilliant ^_^

I have to say I prefer the first part of the song...where the original melody is played on the electric(?) guitar...though Im not a huge fan of when the acoustic plays it...its the way the notes sound to me that does it...they sound obviously plucked...which Im not a fan of.

The ending is good...and puts me in mind of those french films when something slow like that plays while a broody poet reccounts his life...like that.

And the ending is pretty good too...the little one beat stab (for want of a better word) cant fail in making me smile....

  • 1 month later...

I think "Amazon" was meant to be heard like this. The instrumentation is perfect, the execution is ALMOST. The mellow jazz guitar at the beginning sings the melody in front of a laid-back accordian. They switch for the second verse. The solos go well with the song too.

Just a couple of hiccups. The first one is a judgement call, but I wish the awesome countermelody at 0:28 would've made it into this remix. The second one is more technical. The acoustic guitar in the third verse needs a little tweaking. It was obviously played on a keyboard, because it issues a loud TWANG above a certain volume. The result is sporadic twanging that covers up the melody underneath. (You'll hear what I mean). It's no big thing, just something that's always dogged a keyboard guitar voice.

Props to the composer, and I love the ending.

  • 3 months later...

I love this song, it's got to be at least my second favorite (after Star Selzman's own Incredible Singing Robot). I keep playing seconds 24-28 over and over again to here that great transistion. Seriously 10 out of 10.

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Wow, what a great ReMix. I had almost forgotten about what Ducktales sounded like when I stumbled upon this piece, and it brought all the great memories of smacking anthropomorphic dogs on the head with a cane flooding right back. Good show.

  • 8 months later...

Ah this truely is a great remix! I don't recognize the song but alot of it does sound extremely familiar. I just can't say how much I enjoyed this piece, it's so laid back but motivating at the same time, Gux just did an excellent job on this!

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...


This is as the name says, a jam session, a very good session if I might say. Although it´s supposed to be a place that´s haunted by bees and gorillas that doesn´t like ducks with with tall hats, I´m agreeing with pretzel that this has more of an Hawaiian or at least beach feeling. I don´t really knows what´s playing the lead, but it sure sounds good. Tune in this great work from Gux while you can.


  • 7 months later...

Kind of surprised I never saw Mustin comment on this one, but maybe he wasn't feeling it. This would sound great performed (and further arranged) by The OneUps. Great arrangement, Gustav. Volume was a little too subdued, but the ideas and execution are solid. Definitely an overlooked favorite.

  • 8 months later...

Hah hah!!! I hated this song in the original game.

But it's like, the only Amazon re-mix on here, and I was just curious to hear what they did with it.

VERY surprised. I would have never thought of re-mixing it in this genre. The whole time I felt I was at this Hawa'iian luau. The chords of the song just lend themselves to it too!

It WOULD be interesting to hear this live, with like a real slide guitar and everything.


  • 1 year later...

I loved this mix. It definitely got a 3 times through listen as I went through all the songs. Very lighthearted and upbeat without a random need for crazy dissonance to "spice" it up (except for a few times in the solos, but I guess I'll let that go). There weren't a lot of surprises here, and I don't have a problem with that. It started happy, ended happy, and made me happy.

Nice work.

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hot arrangement that is brought down by it's dated samples. Even as is, it's still a pretty effective mix.

I love the upbeat nature of this one, and even with the weakass samples, and bland production, there is a ton of personalization put into all the parts, and lots of velocity and mod changes.

I seriously can't tell if the guitar is sequenced or live. That's care put into a lead line.

While nothing will top the moon theme as my favorite track from the game, this is a pretty solid entry too, especially considering the age of the mix.

Nice work :-D

  • 6 years later...

Wow, this is actually really good for its time! I'm getting that island relaxation feel from this. While some of the samples are pretty bad, the solo acoustic guitar was pretty convincing (isn't that sequenced?), and I honestly can't tell if the right-panned electric guitar is real or not. But man, that ending though. Could have gone without that last note! :(

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00402 - DuckTales "The Amazon Session"

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