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There is a VC title that can go up to six (or was it 5?) players.

It says in the description that you can use four GCs and a wiimote.

I have to see which game though.

I'll have to check that out on Bomberman game when I get home. I'm just not sure how you'd pick who is player 5...

You guys realize what this update means, right?

It's theoretically possible to have an eight-player match in Brawl - four 'Cubers, four Wiimoters.

I still don't think so simply because of this.


As for the release date.

I'm still thinking mid July-mid August.

Can't be any later than that.


Hey Radical Dreamer! News from page 257!


As I have often stated:


I even questionned his answer stating that what I heard online was classic controller or gamecube controller. He repeated: "It's a Wii game, it's gonna use the Wiimote."

I'm sorry, but I'm taking that response with not a grain, but a mountain of salt.

Answers have been across the board when Nintendo employees have been asked about Brawl's controls. From my perspective, it's easy to see how a classic or gamecube controller would work - just like Melee did!

But a Wiimote + Chuck combo isn't likely gonna cut it. You have A attack, B attack, Jump (Not everyone uses up to jump), shield w/ grab, and shield w/o grab. Unless you want to use the D-pad on the wiimote, that's not going to work out. And if you do,it's not going to be comfortable.

I predict multiple control schemes, but I don't think many will use the 'mote.

I will personally disregard your theories. Nothing against you, but I prefer to listen to what an official employee (high ranking too) of Nintendo said than to go into the speculation realm of things.

Even if I am wrong and you are right, I believe that my information as of now has a semblance of credibility. Your theory is just that, theory.

Who's laughing now?


Oh, you fuggin' goofs. Who cares who was right. Whee, off work in 15 minutes. Going to drink some beer and play Megaman.



Seriously, find a post where I said the GC controller would NOT be used. All I said was that the Wiimote was gonna be used. In response to people saying the Wiimote would not be using.

Out of 4 schemes, the Wiimote is used more than the GC controller, again, going against the second bolded passage.

In fact, you claimed that the Wiimote would not work.

Lo and behold, two control schemes using the wiimote.

And you are gonna try and act like a dick when you claimed the Wiimote would not be used, and at most the classic controller, whereas I said that the only certitude I had was that the Wiimote would be use.


I said that wiimote + chuck isn't going to be practical/comfortable, not that it won't be used.

I did not say that gc controller would be the only mechanism. I said that I predict multiple control schemes.

Lo and behold.


Jeezus. Drop it, you guys. What a way to spoil a perfectly fine thread.

Anyway, I started playing Melee again, and I guess I never noticed how compact the stages are. I'd like to see a few more Hyrule Temple-sized levels. I don't want a whole game made out of them, but a wider selection of large stages might be nice.

Jeezus. Drop it, you guys. What a way to spoil a perfectly fine thread.

Anyway, I started playing Melee again, and I guess I never noticed how compact the stages are. I'd like to see a few more Hyrule Temple-sized levels. I don't want a whole game made out of them, but a wider selection of large stages might be nice.

I would agree, but I think something I'd rather address is the whole problem of character symbols getting in the way - drove me nuts in Melee when the fights would spread out and two characters at the bottom couldn't see what the other was doing because the characters themselves were too small and the damage icons were blocking them.

this thread is no where near fine

just wanted to tell you that

Thanks for helping oh so much. Your posting "he's got you there" helped us all a whole lot - as though they couldn't tell themselves.


Anyway, I started playing Melee again, and I guess I never noticed how compact the stages are. I'd like to see a few more Hyrule Temple-sized levels. I don't want a whole game made out of them, but a wider selection of large stages might be nice.

Personally, I loved the compact levels, made things much more hectic and fast paced. I'm really only used to playing tournament legal stages now. But all the same, I can see where you're coming from on the Hyrule Temple-ish stages, some friends of mine love that place and stages that size really are good for casual laugh with your buddies while playing Smash. Hopefully they'll have a better balance of large to small stages in Brawl.

I would agree, but I think something I'd rather address is the whole problem of character symbols getting in the way - drove me nuts in Melee when the fights would spread out and two characters at the bottom couldn't see what the other was doing because the characters themselves were too small and the damage icons were blocking them.

Argh, yes. I guess I kind of got used to it eventually when I used to play Melee tons, but I was playing Brinstar Depths yesterday, and I couldn't see what the hell I was doing on the bottom island piece, and ended up dying. Not so much on Rainbow Cruise, but on Big Blue, when most people are up on the higher platforms, jumping down onto the cars can be just plain guesswork, since they are covered by the damage counts.

anyways, the wiimote + nunchuck controller scheme probably would be great to use when you are in a very relaxed position

I don't see it. Whenever I have to play semi-motion controlled games (less motion than Wii Sports, around the ballpark of Godfather), I end up siting up, rather than my standard reclined position that I used for PS2 and 'Cube games. Maybe it's just me, but when I do motion control, I like to have my elbows free to do whatever.

So personal preference, I guess.

oh man playing wii sports while totally lounging is so awesome

then again i am a free runner that is extremely flexible so playing this while laying down in odd positions that you would only be in if you were completely lounging works for me and not for you

no i can do it too shut up

btw that reminds me of a great tweak quote

tweak, "yeah man, i've totally started exercising now i think im getting into shape"

me, "oh yeah? whatcha been doing?"

tweak, "well for one i've been playing that rayman for wii game-"

then i cut him off by laughing at him and he was too ashamed to talk for a few minutes

oh man playing wii sports while totally lounging is so awesome

then again i am a free runner that is extremely flexible so playing this while laying down in odd positions that you would only be in if you were completely lounging works for me and not for you

Wait, a free runner like that French guy that James Bond chases after in Casino Royale?

If so, that's awesome and a wii game sould be made about this subject.


For all you Smash players wanting to learn a better Link, I am writing a kind of guide in the form of the Link (SSBM) page on the Shoryuken.com Wiki, I'll tell you all when it's done

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