Broken Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Finally a release date. I'm done with this website thing now.
HideousBeing Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I am so pre-ordering mine when we can. Where should you go to look into making pre-orders?
Wipomatic Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I know there are still daily updates but this is still a bit disappointing.
BigBoss Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I know there are still daily updates but this is still a bit disappointing. OH THANKS NONE OF US KNEW THAT LIKE A WEEK AGO
Broken Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I know there are still daily updates but this is still a bit disappointing. Well they said they're going to set aside a special time for Brawl, so I suppose they want to focus all their attention on a specific day that the game can be spotlighted by itself instead of at E3 where it's 1 of many high profile titles on display.
eternal Zero Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Well, I agree with Nintendo on this one. Why do you want to show your entire hand at once? You already have your consumer's attention with showing them a little bit of information each and every day. You have them hooked, they'll keep coming back for more and more information. So why do you want to show them more than you have to? Milk it out. Keep it going until the day you release the game in order to ensure that nobody has the slightest chance of forgetting about the biggest thing that has happened to gaming. Ever. (That last part was in the eyes of Nintendo, not myself.)
Bigfoot Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I'm glad Nintendo isn't releasing a lot of details about the game. All of these little mini updates about one specific item or stage is a pretty good thing we have going right now anyway.
Devyn Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Yes, but if they keep giving updates until the release date, we will know everything. Some similar happened with Zelda TP, and it ruined the experience for me.
anthonium Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Well now that I know a release date I will no longer be checking the smashbros website since that is all the info I needed to know. I want the game to take me completely by surprise when I first play it. I don't want to know what items are already there and characters. That'll just ruin it for me. Well until December 3rd!
supremespleen Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Yes, but if they keep giving updates until the release date, we will know everything.Some similar happened with Zelda TP, and it ruined the experience for me. Then don't read it.
Wipomatic Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 The release date would mean more to me if it applied to Europe.
watkinzez Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 There also needs to be a giant explosion caused by Lanky Kong, completely obliterating himself, the DK Rap, and every other terrible idea that came from DK64, happening sometime before December 3rd. Hey. Hey. No knocking Lanky. That's going too far.
Strike911 Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 he can handstand when he needs to! and... I hear he can stretch his arms out... ...just for you
JackKieser Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 Wow, an interesting bit of trivia for anyone... interested. According to Wiki (which, as you know, knows all): "DK Rap" was the first-ever incidence of the word "hell" being spoken aloud in a Nintendo game. It ought to be pointed out that Rare is a British company, and in Britain the word "hell" is not viewed with anything like the opprobrium it is in the US. In order to avoid future controversy, when the Rap was used in later games, "hell" was replaced with "heck". Also worth noting: The line "His coconut gun can fire in spurts. If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!" was named the fourth worst game line ever in the January 2002 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. Wow, no love for the Rap. --Jack Kieser
FlagshipAmadeus Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 Donkey Kong looks far more disgusting than he did in Melee. However, this is a fine trait, and it makes him far more awesome than he was in Melee. -C.J. Ballwipe
supremespleen Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 Wow, an interesting bit of trivia for anyone... interested.According to Wiki (which, as you know, knows all): "DK Rap" was the first-ever incidence of the word "hell" being spoken aloud in a Nintendo game. It ought to be pointed out that Rare is a British company, and in Britain the word "hell" is not viewed with anything like the opprobrium it is in the US. In order to avoid future controversy, when the Rap was used in later games, "hell" was replaced with "heck". Also worth noting: The line "His coconut gun can fire in spurts. If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!" was named the fourth worst game line ever in the January 2002 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. Wow, no love for the Rap. --Jack Kieser I liked the 64 DK rap, the one playing in SSBM sucks.Several years ago, the kids section of the Chicago Tribune did a story writing contest. I wrote some godawful thing about Atlantis (which, at the time, I thought was the epitome of everything written ever). I lost, but was appalled to see that the winner plagiarized a large portion of the DK rap. I was furious, and wrote up a big letter to send in, pointing out this copier's dastardly deed. I never sent it though D:
defender!! Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 i can't think of a possible scenario when i would actually NEED to handstand
JackKieser Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 I liked the 64 DK rap, the one playing in SSBM sucks.Several years ago, the kids section of the Chicago Tribune did a story writing contest. I wrote some godawful thing about Atlantis (which, at the time, I thought was the epitome of everything written ever). I lost, but was appalled to see that the winner plagiarized a large portion of the DK rap. I was furious, and wrote up a big letter to send in, pointing out this copier's dastardly deed. I never sent it though D: Man, why not? That's a travesty (the plagiarizing, that is)... I wouldn't let that guy get away with taking stuff like that. Besides... if DK ever found out, that guy would be dead. It would have only been right to give him fair warning. Watch, one day, he'll answer the door and find a 600 lb. fake gorrila waiting to jump his ass. --Jack Kieser Edited for non-double posting: Man, I went back and watched the 15 second movie they gave us... Volt Tackle has some serious knockback... and damn, Fox DOES go really high. I really don't remember him flying that high with his UpB in Melee... Now, with even more triple-post editing power!: JESUS! That stage looks like fun. I can't wait to have K.K. Slider play during a fight!
Chuckles Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 Animal Crossing? Well, it's something different. Can't say I'll be the first one saying "Guys guys, it's almost 8, let's all go play Brawl on Saturday night!"
L.T.W. Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 The AC stage is sweet! I wonder if seasons will change too determined by the Wii’s internal clock. It would be awesome:D I can only hope though.
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