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I dig this update. Good times. Andross is essentially the perfect assist trophy imo. He's doing exactly what he did in StarFox, exactly. I like this kind of stuff. I want more retro goodness. ^_^ Thumbs up!

I also dig that that showed Meta Knight moves and said some moves will have hidden uses... but I guess it's been like that since Smash Bros 1, with Jigglypuffs punch move that could move you real far horizontally.

Maybe we'll see more innovative uses this time around...

I liked this update.


Man, oh man!

Andross FTW!

He looks just like I remember him when I was little :D

"Only I have the brains to rule Lylat!"

Uh...OK. He said it, not me...

That quote is really funny IMO XD

And the thing about special moves sounds cool. I suppose every character will have "a variety of hidden uses" for their moves. :P


Hey! Assist Andross?

Strange, I really expected him to be a boss character. Not much chance now (even in updated form would be a bit illogical) Starwolf fans be alerted :D

Hey! Assist Andross?

Strange, I really expected him to be a boss character. Not much chance now (even in updated form would be a bit illogical) Starwolf fans be alerted :D

I'm guessing you'll fight him in the Subspace Emissary, the single player adventure mode. It's always seemed to me like a lot of assist trophies would make decent regular enemies or even bosses for that mode.

I'm guessing you'll fight him in the Subspace Emissary, the single player adventure mode. It's always seemed to me like a lot of assist trophies would make decent regular enemies or even bosses for that mode.

Maybe you can unlock assist trophies from the bosses you kill on the adventure mode, which IMO would be really cool.

Hey! Assist Andross?

Strange, I really expected him to be a boss character. Not much chance now (even in updated form would be a bit illogical) Starfox fans be alerted :D

Fixed. (10.....)

Hey! Assist Andross?

Strange, I really expected him to be a boss character. Not much chance now (even in updated form would be a bit illogical) Starwolf fans be alerted :D

Hammer Bro. is an assist trophy too, but from the first so-crazily-named-mode-that-I-forget-the-name-of-it-though-I-could-have-looked-it-up-in-the-time-it-took-me-to-write-this update there was a picture of I believe Fox being attacked by one. So I would say Andross isn't totally out yet.

General Scales should totally be the Star Fox boss, only to bail out at the last second for someone completely different.

That would imply that the game being developed was actually Jungle Planet Star Fighters but that at the last minute, since the company realized it would be a massive failure, so they decided to tack on a popular name on it.

Hmmm, I wonder if other companies do that:

If Rareware ran McDonald's

Suit 1: So, our new chicken sandwich is being tested in 3 markets, and it's doing average. I'm not sure it will generate interest.

Suit 2: Hmmm, didn't bacon do a good job for our cheeseburgers? Why not tack on bacon, and remove the chicken all together, what with the avian flu and all. Call it the BaconBurger.

Suit 3: With Cheese

Suit 4: People are kinda hating carbs, remove the bread.

Suit 5: One of these markets is big on hipanic foods, how about we make it into a Fajita?

Suit 6: Hmmm, a bacon and cheese fajita, great idea, except it doesn't seem healthy... How about we replace the cheese with salad?

Suit 7: And the bacon with chicken, people like chicken, they think it's healthy even when deep fried.

Head Suit: Ok, call marketing and have them make an ad with dancing chickens.

Suit 1: What if the ad involved a pig for some comedic reason?


Yeah, sounds about right.


Well, so much for Andross as a boss. Oh well, Wolf is still a possibility. Or Pigma in a giant robot. ......Oh wait, Robotnik and Dr. Wily would sue his ass.

Maybe all three of the current members of Star Wolf take on Fox in a 1-vs-3 melee!!

...right, and then the dude from Zombies Ate My Neighbors shows up as a playable, I find a million dollars in a street gutter, and it starts raining chocolate syrup.

...Actually, Zeke from ZAMN with all of his wacky weapons would be a hilarious character.

Aaaaanyway, I personally loved the voice-acting in Star Fox 64. It was so cheesy that it was great. "Only I have the brains to rule Lylat" is an absolute paragon of groan-worthy archvillain banter. If you wish to contend this assertion, please do it, as I welcome hearing other cheesy villainous one-liners.


Hey thats cool, retro Andross, I couldn't stop laughing becuase he looks so outta place. And that Meta uhh... omg i forgot how to spell his name 0_0, anyway, maybe we'll see his character profile in tonight because of that special move update.


Funny as it sounds, I prefer old Andross anyways. I don't understand how anyone would listen to a giant monkey face free floating in space. Andross in Star Fox 64 is quite honestly freaky. I would have thrown up in that Arwing when I got to the brain and floating eyes. I mean, come on. Didn't anyone else have a problem with that?

Funny as it sounds, I prefer old Andross anyways. I don't understand how anyone would listen to a giant monkey face free floating in space. Andross in Star Fox 64 is quite honestly freaky. I would have thrown up in that Arwing when I got to the brain and floating eyes. I mean, come on. Didn't anyone else have a problem with that?

Not really, I thought it was pretty interesting really, and they probably intended something similar in the snes version if you look at how you can make his face fall off, and then shoot up that box with his face all over it. I guess box with monkey face still isn't quite the same as ZOMG BRAIN AND EYEBALLS!

I enjoyed the pun that went with it too...


I was thinking of the whole thing from a realistic point of view (Though I really shouldn't. I mean, how realistic are space animals anyways?). I would be completely tripped out if I was in Fox's position taking on Andross... I mean... a gianty gooey floaty brain thing that's a lot bigger than you. That's just gross.

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