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You know what would be neat?

A stage creator.

Like, you could put up platforms/walls where you wanted... and choose the style (ie. what game the stage is from) to get a series of special effects or background thingamajigs... like, if you chose Mario style, you could put in a Bullet Bill cannon, or something... and maybe the stickers could manifest themselves into hazards of just background things to make things more interesting. Like, if you have a Starman sticker, you could just have shooting stars in the background.

Just occurred to me. It probably wouldn't work for a variety of reasons, but it's still entertaining to think about...

**Inside Sakurai's mind**

"Well, it is almost time to update the site with a new secret character...*sips coffee*

Mmm maybe I should check OCremix first for some better ideas.

*drops coffee* 0_0; *gasp!*


Yeah, you know he does ;) We'll see it soon enough eheheh

**Inside Sakurai's mind**

"Well, it is almost time to update the site with a new secret character...*sips coffee*

Mmm maybe I should check OCremix first for some better ideas.

*drops coffee* 0_0; *gasp!*


Yeah, you know he does ;) We'll see it soon enough eheheh

When I read that, I pictured the "cartoonist heart attack scene" from Monty Python & the Holy Grail, except without the falling backwards and dying.

Heh, I wish he was still taking suggestions in forums. He did for a while on the Nintendo forums, from what I hear... wish I could've been in on that.

Hey, you know who would be an awesome dark horse? A secret character that comes out of nowhere and just freaking baffles everybody?

Geno. Yeah. Or @%#&$@, or however you spell his real name. Actually, anybody from SMRPG would be sweet.


<NrgSpoon> yeah i'll just check it later

<NrgSpoon> site is too overloaded

<Vintage> it's funny to me

<Vintage> because I imagine the site as a happy japanese man

<Vintage> just opening a door all smiley

<Vintage> then getting mauled by millions of people


I'm going to assume that the movie isn't really only 1.5 seconds long, and that the site is just WAY to overloaded.

By the way, sendspace blows; is there a more reliable place the movie is at?

--Jack Kieser


Um... lame video?!?! Are you kidding? That looked great! I was still a little worried about the adventure mode, but if it can keep my interest like that, it's golden.

And to whomever said the thing about a Kid Icarus with those graphics... sadly enough, I've never played the original. But, I would totally play that.

--Jack Kieser

Hey, I just realized this... but if the image Pit sees is to be believed (it looks pretty legit to me... lol), then Kirby (or whomever will fight Petey) either got his ass kicked, or couldn't stop the bomb, and had to settle for making his time. I wonder if this section is dependent on which princess you save and/or if you can actually beat Petey or not.


I thought the video was cute but im sorta getting tired of them just realeasing the movie out in segments one at a time. I rather see the whole adventure mode video in full length either on the site or when i play.

I thought the video was cute but im sorta getting tired of them just realeasing the movie out in segments one at a time. I rather see the whole adventure mode video in full length either on the site or when i play.

You do realise it's not one long thing?

"It’s storyline isn’t overwrought – it’s hastened along by a bunch of quick movies."

You do realise it's not one long thing?

"It’s storyline isn’t overwrought – it’s hastened along by a bunch of quick movies."

There should be an internet rule about quoting Sakurai in order to prove your point - sort of like the opposite of Godwin's Law: if you can quote Sakurai, even out of context, in your argument, then you automatically win. The only exception is using a Sakurai quote to compare your opponents to Nazis, if that's even possible.


I'm kind of hoping you need to unlock each character's Final Smash (imagine that said in Japanese accent) by playing/finishing the Adventure mode.

Sort of give you an extra reason to do so and stimulate you to play as each character at least a couple of times :)

I'm kind of hoping you need to unlock each character's Final Smash (imagine that said in Japanese accent) by playing/finishing the Adventure mode.

Sort of give you an extra reason to do so and stimulate you to play as each character at least a couple of times :)

The Final Smash is an item...so I don't think it will be unlockable...

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