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No one seems to be complaining about Samus being accentuated.... :P

Probably cause most of you are male, and there haven't been any ass shots of Samus, and even if there was she hardly has a large butt to be so...ahem prominent in any of the shots like Snakes has been.



Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.


Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.
Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.



Doubt we'll be getting any MGS character past twin snakes. Although Metal Gear Ray does show up in the background, but it would be hard to see someone from a game that hasn't appeared in a nintendo console to appear in this game.

I had my hopes up for gray fox though. But I guess this is better than nothing.


Psycho Mantis or Ocelot would be kind of cool.


Discussion about Gray Fox probably went like this:

DEV 1: Gray Fox is cool. He needs to be playable.

DEV 2: He has wonderful potential for special moves.

DEV 3: He has a sword. We don't need another sword character.

DEV 1: ...

DEV 2: Assist trophy!

Maybe Sakurai is hinting that playable characters also have their own assist throphies?
Basically, they’re guest characters separate from Smash’s playable roster! ... Bear in mind, though, that you can’t control any of the characters appearing on these pages. Let there be no mistake about that.

He's made it pretty clear that assist trophies and playables don't overlap. I think he's teasing us either because there's another (non- Gray Fox) Metal Gear playable in addition to Snake or because the rest of the playable roster is just so mind-blowing that we'll forget all about Gray Fox.

Doubt we'll be getting any MGS character past twin snakes. Although Metal Gear Ray does show up in the background, but it would be hard to see someone from a game that hasn't appeared in a nintendo console to appear in this game.

I had my hopes up for gray fox though. But I guess this is better than nothing.

Well keep in mind that version of Snake that's appearing is the MGS2 version, not the Metal Gear Solid 1 one... PLUS the song from the Metal Gear Solid 4 soundtrack showed up too...

I would imagine anything (At this point) would be fair game, although, personally, I doubt there will be any more metal gear stuff in Smash Bros (besides music ... AND possibly [yet highly unlikely] one item)

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