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or do you want my item?

if team attack is on there are tons of ways to coordinate things by attacking each other

All the damn time?

Are you guys mute or something?

This made me imagine a kick-ass mime team who plays Game and Watch doubles.

It could happen!

oh so without voice chat what about team battles

if youre playing a 2 on 2 match how do you talk to your partner

since without that its retarded

Oh please. Anyone who's ever played halo online for more than a few minutes knows exactly how much gets done by voicechat in a team game unless its a competitive match. Nothing. And aside from that, what is your purpose here? I'm sure that a good portion of people here wouldn't be too upset if there wasn't any online at all, we have friends. So seriously, its not that hard to fathom its an imperfect system, but its not going to kill the game by any means.

Oh please. Anyone who's ever played halo online for more than a few minutes knows exactly how much gets done by voicechat in a team game unless its a competitive match. Nothing. And aside from that, what is your purpose here? I'm sure that a good portion of people here wouldn't be too upset if there wasn't any online at all, we have friends. So seriously, its not that hard to fathom its an imperfect system, but its not going to kill the game by any means.






ok yeah the next time i play halo ill remember to not talk to my teammate

and to be honest im pretty much sick of all of you idiots saying YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL IT HAS ONLINE

if a game comes out for ps3 xbox 360 or pc that is FOCUSED ON MULTIPLAYER is online ever even a question?

if it were excluded on those platforms people would be UP IN ARMS

so why does nintendo get the special treatment

Heh, when I play 2v2, teamwork comes by complete accident. :)

hahahah yes it does. I find myself grabbing someone and my samus counterpart blasting him without us saying anything.

or the other way around, where I rest the poor sucka


Why don't you all just wait til the game comes out before you start complaining

They haven't released everything, afterall, it was just an update, not an announcement

Why don't you all just wait til the game comes out before you start complaining

They haven't released everything, afterall, it was just an update, not an announcement

because ive been pissed at nintendo for providing me with nothing that entertained me for a prolonged period of time for a while

Try Galaxy.

i know ive been hearing that i just have only enough money to pretty much buy food for the next few weeks so i cant really get it

man i wish there was a free wii games site

and ive been looking forward to it JUST LIKE IM LOOKING FORWARD TO BRAWL but i seem to have the tendency to point out every thing that annoys me

but i always hope that not much does

and for the record i really really REALLY REALLY hope im wrong about the bad things i say about brawl

but im pretty sure im not

Have you checked out the VC? I know it's not the same as getting a brand new game, but if you can afford $5 or $10 maybe you could look up some classic games until you save up enough?

i have a computer


and i own pretty much every old game i could possibly want already


Hmmm, well that's a position I'd like to be in, having more games than I could play. I have like 4 here at my college on Wii.

If you can rent the game a bunch of times, you could probably beat it w/o paying the full price. You might try that. Anyway, peace.






ok yeah the next time i play halo ill remember to not talk to my teammate

and to be honest im pretty much sick of all of you idiots saying YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL IT HAS ONLINE

if a game comes out for ps3 xbox 360 or pc that is FOCUSED ON MULTIPLAYER is online ever even a question?

if it were excluded on those platforms people would be UP IN ARMS

so why does nintendo get the special treatment

We should be thankful. They don't even have to give us any form of online service, but they do and it's free. If we were paying for Nintendo's current online system, I'd be pissed. I know, it's not that great of a system. People pay for XBL, so I expect it to be good, and it is. I don't care if it is only $50 a year.

I know, I know. Nintendo's online sucks. I'm not paying for it, so it's not like I should be bitching about something that is free. Bitching about it isn't going to change it. Maybe if Nintendo did a huge online survey that asked their customers how they felt about their online system, they'd see all the negative feedback. Maybe then they could change something.

We should be thankful. They don't even have to give us any form of online service, but they do and it's free. If we were paying for Nintendo's current online system, I'd be pissed. I know, it's not that great of a system. People pay for XBL, so I expect it to be good, and it is. I don't care if it is only $50 a year.

I know, I know. Nintendo's online sucks. I'm not paying for it, so it's not like I should be bitching about something that is free. Bitching about it isn't going to change it. Maybe if Nintendo did a huge online survey that asked their customers how they felt about their online system, they'd see all the negative feedback. Maybe then they could change something.

sonys is free as well

as is most pc games

they aint as good as xbl but a WHOLE LOT BETTER than nintendo

sonys is free as well

as is most pc games

they aint as good as xbl but a WHOLE LOT BETTER than nintendo

Virtua Fighter 5 for PS3 doesn't even have online where Xbox's does.

So what's up with that?

Anyway, this will go on forever.

Nintendo's Online service isn't amazing, we've all known this for quite some time :P

Virtua Fighter 5 for PS3 doesn't even have online where Xbox's does.

So what's up with that?

Anyway, this will go on forever.

Nintendo's Online service isn't amazing, we've all known this for quite some time :P

i know this could go on forever and to be honest CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU ALL THINK i dont want it to

just for the love of god stop saying we should be thankful for it

and people got pissed about the vf5 lacking online for ps3 because it definitely should have been there

Smash is in a lose/lose situation. People would complain if it didn't have online, yet people complain about it when it does have online.

ok now youre missing the point

if it were lacking a few things here and there that are done on other consoles in the online component id probably mention the flaws but not be too pissed

the reason i complain is that it is lacking EVERY ESSENTIAL FEATURE TO AN ONLINE GAME

if the online mode were halfway decent i wouldnt complain (ok maybe a little but nothing like this)

all of this being said hey bigfoot wanna play some gh3 with me :]

Why don't you all just wait til the game comes out before you start complaining

They haven't released everything, afterall, it was just an update, not an announcement

It's called 'speculation' and 'discussion'. They fulfill themselves.

I find it funny when people see this as 'whining' or 'complaining' when basically the only thing up for question is obviously the online mode. Again, the trackrecord says it will be pretty clunky + functional at best. I don't really care for it at all, but I understand the complaints. I bet even the most ardent complainers who own the Wii will eventually buy the game anyway.


Atma's fighting the good fight.

But seriously, I've been bitter about the Wii's online system since I first laid eyes on it. It worked perfectly on DS because of the fact that it's not that inconvenient to look at a computer screen and hook up with friends on a handheld. On a Wii it's a million times harder and less practical, and lacks some features that could seriously make this game blow everything out of the water, no criticisms required.

I think my favourite moments playing fighters with people were the days where me and online friends were playing King of Fighters while talking on Skype and just having a good time. It's been a while since I did that, but between all the joking and trash talk, you'd realize that being able to talk to the people you're fighting really makes a big difference in how much the potential for fun there can be when you actually have the option. Fighters for me have always been a social experience... a competitive one as well, depending on the game, but it's a good a reason I tend to play them more than most other games. You learn to appreciate having that opponent by your side for whatever you value having them most, whether it be to teach, to learn, or to talk and laugh.

I don't take for granted what I'm given and I don't think Atma is either. If anything I've come to appreciate the fact that he's honest about what he thinks. Other than that, I think we're done here, like Arek says.


Ok well now that that little saga is over and done with, (yea, we done?) let's move back to updates shall we?

Training mode looks good and Smartbomb is a long awaited idea.

But something caught my eye:


What the hell is up with the soccer ball? and that other white thing? Am I missing something here?

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