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I do think Nintendo is having too much fun getting artists to create tracks for them using their songs. It'd be a waste for them not to have them played, right? It's a fun option, but not suited for a game like Smash where they took so much time to get awesome tracks made specifically for it.

I do think Nintendo is having too much fun getting artists to create tracks for them using their songs. It'd be a waste for them not to have them played, right? It's a fun option, but not suited for a game like Smash where they took so much time to get awesome tracks made specifically for it.

yes there are tons of artists

yes the soundtrack will be excellent

no there is no reason why i shouldnt be able to use a LAST generation feature to add my own songs every now and then

ive played tons of games with excellent soundtracks but still had a blast mixing it up with my own mp3s


I agree Atma.

I don't think having custom tracks would hurt anything; it only helps, even if Nintendo has a ton of awesome music talent. If Brawl's Music is sooooOoo great, then I'll listen to it, but having the option to listen to my own songs is always welcome if some music isn't so great (which as we've seen, some aren't up to the standards we've been used to)

I've completely changed the mood of game's I've played on the old Xbox. Burnout 3 was a great game, but the soundtrack was meh. Being able to choose tracks opened the game up and really changed the mood of every race I played. The same could be done with Smash. Playing an epic movie soundtrack in the background would change the feel, just as playing a trance remix of something.

It's a powerful feature that I don't think developers realize how much us gamers actually want it included in the game.

And no matter how wonderful the Brawl soundtrack is, after we play the game for 4 or 5 years, having something in there to keep the game a little fresh will be a nice inclusion. Hell, even if they made Custom Soundtracks a super difficult secret to unlock, it would be worth it. Then we'd listen to the game music and have a new little toy to play with after we've beat everything.

I wouldn't be surprised if a custom soundtrack option is in Brawl though. The way you pick and choose music already in the game seems very similar to the way it might work with MP3s in my opinion.

I'm not holding my breath, but I could see it being implemented under Brawls current music selection system.

(AND how badass would it be to play custom music in your custom stages you build? Pretty damn, sir. Pretty damn.)


I agree with Atma and Strike. The soundtrack seems amazing, but if I make a FF inspired stage for Ike and Link, I'd like to have music better suited to the theme. The same with that bomberman stage a zillion pages back... why not use a Hudson MP3 rather than finding a substitute in the hundreds of tracks in the game.

Anyway, there still has to be one or two huge features they have left to 'unlock'. It'll be interesting finding out all the stuff they didn't include on the website come next February :-P


well thinking more about it and reading this it looks like nintendo for some reason thinks mp3 format is dumb

so it looks like there is an extremely slim chance that custom soundtracks will be available

i am not getting my hopes up

like many things that i complain about, this is not ESSENTIAL but could potentially make a great game even better

well thinking more about it and reading this it looks like nintendo for some reason thinks mp3 format is dumb

so it looks like there is an extremely slim chance that custom soundtracks will be available

i am not getting my hopes up

like many things that i complain about, this is not ESSENTIAL but could potentially make a great game even better

Cool. I'm actually pretty shocked at how well Smash 3 is evolving, it's already exceeded my expectations, and I'll probably be preordering it after Christmas.

I think Nintendo is somewhat partial to MIDI, though I don't know why... so it could be possible if they include some sort of converter in the game. If there was a 'music' channel available, I'd say we'd have a better chance, but as it stands, if they include a few other options but no customizable soundtrack I'll still be happy.

Cool. I'm actually pretty shocked at how well Smash 3 is evolving, it's already exceeded my expectations, and I'll probably be preordering it after Christmas.

I think Nintendo is somewhat partial to MIDI, though I don't know why... so it could be possible if they include some sort of converter in the game. If there was a 'music' channel available, I'd say we'd have a better chance, but as it stands, if they include a few other options but no customizable soundtrack I'll still be happy.

Somewhere earlier in this thread someone said that the Japanese tend not to view MIDI as inferior to live recordings like much of the rest of the world does. But, I don't know how true that is. Possible I guess, especially since the Japanese are willing to adapt and accept technology (and forms of technology) quicker than other cultures.... I guess MIDI is technically newer than recordings thus more acceptable ?? *shrugs*

I don't know.

I do know that, yeah, nintendo tends to like their midi files and ... they love not to add voice acting, too.

Wag of the finger, Nintendo. Wag of the finger to you.


I never bothered to say it until this point, but Strike, your sig blew me away the first time I saw it. I mean, it's just beautiful.

But yeah, custom soundtracks? I won't pretend that I don't want custom soundtracks in about 90% of the games I play, but certain ones... Zelda, for instance, I wouldn't mess with the music at all, unless I was adding OCR Zelda mixes. Smash Bros., though, I can see it working well. Ultimately, though, this is the biggest game soundtrack collaboration EVER; Nintendo probably spent many hundreds of thousands of dollars just on the soundtrack, judging by the composer list alone. Then again, maybe some got paid more than others. Maybe that's why the Meta Knight's Revenge track sounds like it does? :razz:

So yeah, I want it. It would work! I'm not going to expect it at all. It's the principle of the thing.

So Gimpyfish has been saying that DK is basically the same, except for:

*Huge buff to down B

*Nerf to range and power of neautral B

*Up air was buffed

*Random changes to range or knockback, very minor

...and not a lot else.

I liked DK in Melee A LOT, but I do worry that with all the mediocre to bad characters getting better and all the high tier ones being slightly toned down (except for Peach, who is the harbringer of DEATH now apparently) that DK's status of "in the middle" might not change at all. I mean, hge always did take considerable skill to do good with, and I liked that. I just hope he doesn't get left behind while too many other characters pass him up.

Is peach really better in Brawl? That's great news for me. And with fox apparently nerfed in Brawl (not hugely but sginificantly) there will be some d-smash and trunip retribution on the vulpine come February.

So yeah, I want it. It would work! I'm not going to expect it at all. It's the principle of the thing.

principal being that on a *competitor's* console not one game every year if we're lucky but every game has the ability to seamlessly replace all in game music with your own

also i dont even want the kinda thing that they use on the xbox, namely plugging in an mp3 player and playing a saved playlist without even having to think about it

i know thats WAY too much to ask

its been pretty much set in stone that wii games dont get patches (remember when they first announced wiiconnect24 and how youd get all sorts of new game content seamlessly AHAHAHA) so if they dont include this before launch they will never include it afterwards

they really need to wake up and realize that making games patchable is a really really good thing

Is peach really better in Brawl? That's great news for me. And with fox apparently nerfed in Brawl (not hugely but sginificantly) there will be some d-smash and trunip retribution on the vulpine come February.

Peach's down smash in Brawl is onyl good for stunning your opponent -- it won't even kill on Super Sudden Death. It was the one nerf Peach seemed to get (and it was needed, definitely). Everything else about Peach in the demo was the same or a bit better.

The balancing might be tweaked before the final release, but if not, then essentially you can expect Peach to be high tier yet again.

principal being that on a *competitor's* console not one game every year if we're lucky but every game has the ability to seamlessly replace all in game music with your own

also i dont even want the kinda thing that they use on the xbox, namely plugging in an mp3 player and playing a saved playlist without even having to think about it

i know thats WAY too much to ask

its been pretty much set in stone that wii games dont get patches (remember when they first announced wiiconnect24 and how youd get all sorts of new game content seamlessly AHAHAHA) so if they dont include this before launch they will never include it afterwards

they really need to wake up and realize that making games patchable is a really really good thing

I agree, they're not even trying to match the 360 in functionality. They had their chance, but they took the lazy route. The latest Fire Emblem game had a fatal error in the game disc that went unnoticed somehow. Instead on having you download a patch optionally, the only way to get this rectified is to send your disc in for replacement in mid-December. That's great for people who don't have their Wii online and all, but...

...but yes. The "principle" I was speaking of was actually that since Nintendo just got done paying so many composers lots of money, it's not likely they'd let this (really, truely) legendary aspect go quietly to the wayside as people load their The Used bullshit onto Battlefield, etc.

well thinking more about it and reading this it looks like nintendo for some reason thinks mp3 format is dumb

so it looks like there is an extremely slim chance that custom soundtracks will be available

It's not that they think mp3 is dumb, it's that AAC is technically a better format. It's the format that Apple uses for everything, it has better quality on lower bitrates. Hell, Sony has adopted it for the PS3. You really can't equate MIDI to AAC here. Not sure where you got the idea that Nintendo uses MIDIs for everything - we've been saying that these dojo music updates sound like MIDIs, but I'd be very, very surprised if they actually were.

Yes, AAC is still not as common as MP3, but it's the MP3 successor, and there are tons of converters out there. I would take the time to convert the few songs I would use in Smash if Nintendo used AAC for Smash - a proposition I think would be unlikely. Excite Truck used MP3s, IIRC, so our one precedent here doesn't even have the issue you're talking about.

Still... not a likely feature for Nintendo. Even so, if you had said they were gonna put a stage editor in, I would've said that would've been unlikely, so we'll see how it goes.

principal being that on a *competitor's* console not one game every year if we're lucky but every game has the ability to seamlessly replace all in game music with your own

Wait how is this done. Because the only game I have managed to do this with is Phantom Dust.

Wait how is this done. Because the only game I have managed to do this with is Phantom Dust.

uh if you have a 360 just go to media on the dashboard (or if you press the home button in game) go to music play a playlist and start playing

it can either be music ripped to the hdd, an mp3 player, or any removable media

all music in the game (not sound effects) will be replaced with your playlist

if youre on the regular xbox you need to make sure the game supports it (many do) if it does itll say custom soundtracks on the back

then you can play anything youve ripped to the console while playing

uh if you have a 360 just go to media on the dashboard (or if you press the home button in game) go to music play a playlist and start playing

it can either be music ripped to the hdd, an mp3 player, or any removable media

all music in the game (not sound effects) will be replaced with your playlist

Seriously? And it changes with each area/stage and stuff?

That's pretty cool. I'd never use it, but it's cool.

Seriously? And it changes with each area/stage and stuff?

That's pretty cool. I'd never use it, but it's cool.

doesnt change with each stage, just plays the playlist constantly

at first i kinda wished it was the other way around but its actually extremelly nice

I never bothered to say it until this point, but Strike, your sig blew me away the first time I saw it. I mean, it's just beautiful.

Thank you very much for the compliment! ^_^ A little bit of PhotoShop did it wonders!

hmm, well the whole AAC to MP3 thing, I personally would like it if they'd allow both since clearly we're in a time of transition, and though Nintendo hasn't indicated that they're ditching MP3 playback for games that support custom soundtracks, I think a lot of people are concerned that they'll have to convert their MP3s to AAC just to listen to stuff on their Wii when they ordinarily wouldn't need to. I think the issue is that Nintendo is, essentially, taking away functionality from one aspect of the Wii, which as users we don't like. If we had a picture viewer that did something one way and now it no longer does that, people are worried it will carry over into other areas (or other features might go missing one day). I don't think it's a huge deal, since the maximum amount of songs you can have on your Wii right now is 2gb's, so I mean, hell, converting that won't be a big deal if some game only supported AAC custom soundtracks. Hahaha, but yeah, I'm talking like custom soundtracks will show up again on the Wii. Haha, yeah right. Anyway...

personally, I don't have a problem converting the few songs that I do have on my SD Card that's inside my Wii to AAC if need be. My PS3 supports playback of both, which is nice. :)

doesnt change with each stage, just plays the playlist constantly

at first i kinda wished it was the other way around but its actually extremelly nice

Maybe so, but then it is not the same thing you are accusing SSBB of not having, namely custom soundtracks, which is something that is in fact not implemented in many games at all.

Although, if you are actually trying to complain that the Wii does not have an MP3 player in the background (and for some reason implying that it is SSBB's fault), then the same effect can be achieved by a pair of headphones. :<

Dhsu's right. I put on my headphones all the time when I'm playing Fire Emblem. I listen to OCR, of course.

Normally I'd think this isn't that weird, but.... "Our mission is to prove that this music is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other form"...?? I mean I haven't played any FE games or listened to their music, but if I was to do this with with a game like Mario Galaxy, Super Metroid, or Resident Evil 4, it'd kind of botch the game's mood.

...but now that I think about it, me as a kid playing Super Metroid while my brother blasted Nirvana in the same room made for some pretty epic memories of Maridia ;-) Then again, I could still hear the Maridia theme at the same time...

But back to business - I have some questions about the Brawl demo, and I need some answers, NOW!

Air Smashes: Are they in?

Crouching and walking at the same time: Is that in? Does Samus turn into a freaking ball?

Yoshi's side-special move: Is it useful now?

Link's bombs: Back to their SSB 64 glory?

Link's arrows: Can you charge them quickly now?

Footstool jump: Anyone actually try it?

Air dodges: Are they too awesome now?

Easier grapple recovery: Has everyone stopped whining about it yet?

Music: Does the game have that superb rendition of Nobou's Brawl theme from the Nintendo World trailer (possibly as the menu theme, or in the Battlefield stage)? Could you even HEAR the music??

Shrieking sea-witches: Did they get beaten to a pulp yet?

The latest Fire Emblem game had a fatal error in the game disc that went unnoticed somehow.

If you're talking about Radiant Dawn, could you please clarify as to what this error might be? I have it, and I'd rather not have Crimea's brewing civil war be interrupted by a glitch of some kind.


Since we're speaking of formats and bitrates, I just realized that the music on the Brawl page is encoded at a pretty low rate. It's like 80kbps or something. Similar conversion method as Youtube, and Youtube audio always sounds awful. So not all hope is lost. I'm curious as to how they will handle Brambles from DKC2.


Youtube is pretty sucky... it's decent on my laptop's speakers, but as soon as I put headphones on, I scramble to find a better sampled song somewhere.

Anyway, since it's only 20 minutes away, who thinks a new character update is in store? And is everyone out there shopping for Christmas already?

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