Scufo Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 I wonder if you can play a game with both friends and random people in it. The distinction between the two leads me to believe you can't. Also if there's really no invite option HEADS WILL ROLL. So yeah friend codes, communication, shit sucks, etc etc.
atmuh Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Beats them saying "F you." and making it an offline only game like Melee. Remember that the Gamecube was also more than capable of online play. A step forward beats a step back, regardless of the stride.And who knows, maybe hax0rz will pull a "Warp Pipe" like for Double Dash and make it crazy full online. Or something. theres no lan play so no and HOLY CRAP STOP SAYING BE THANKFUL ITS ONLINE we are in an age that on ANYTHING but nintendo consoles a game that has ANY multiplayer is pretty much guaranteed to be online I wonder if you can play a game with both friends and random people in it. The distinction between the two leads me to believe you can't. Also if there's really no invite option HEADS WILL ROLL.So yeah friend codes, communication, shit sucks, etc etc. not a chance youll be able to do friends and random, so dont even think about anything like team doubles and HA dont even bother thinking theres an invite system
Arek the Absolute Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 hey atma be thankful its online Also, Arek... that's a pretty neat sig. Where'd you get it? teehee
Morrack Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Pffffff, too many Game Mode updates lately....boring.... Stuff like "woah, I can change my configuration" which can actually be done in, say...... every game? Woot. Go Sakurai, make us enthusiastic for the game. I know that the game has been delayed, but still I wonder why Sakurai didn't see that coming and preserved so many boring updates for later. The characters have been revealed much too fast I'm afraid. Now we have to wait for two more months and the chances that we'll see another character before then are minimal. You're supposed to build up enthusiasm over time, not to break it down. Oh well, let's hope that tomorrow brings us an interesting support trophy or a new Pokemon or something like that. Or DK's special moves (finally). Go DK!
Drack Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 My roommate showed me a pic today of a Brawl box and a receipt in a French store. He pulled an all-nighter and doesn't remember where it's from. I can't find word of it in any of the likely places (news or rips, checked sites for both). It's just some tool's photoshop imo, but it seems it's fooled my roommate. It's not hard for a store to hack some store item to printout Brawl on the receipt, or shop some boxart. No disc art was in the pic. Regardless, I'll be keeping an eye out for early releases even at this stage, but honestly I don't think the game will ship till ~2 weeks before the delayed release.
Geoffrey Taucer Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Gamestop stores around here have brawl boxes on the shelves.
Bigfoot Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 I was asked what I was thankful for on Thanksgiving. I said I am thankful that Brawl has online.
anthonium Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Well I just got the game so anybody wanna play online right now with me? My friend code is 5498-2342-9823-2123-8471-9312-6840-1243-5687-9867-3012-4809-2764-3891-6853-1234-5678-9101-1112-9876-5432-10713-123i1poujtiowhhndfjkhoihsasdioujpoijek21nl32l1n
Mr Jarna Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 HOW . Well, since I wasn't really expecting anything better than the norm from Nintendo, the revelation that yes, you CAN have friends in Brawl kinda made me feel relieved. It's still not up to par, but at least I can still have faith that Nintendo will continue to stride the line between OK and deficient. Well I just got the game so anybody wanna play online right now with me? My friend code is 5498-2342-9823-2123-8471-9312-6840-1243-5687-9867-3012-4809-2764-3891-6853-1234-5678-9101-1112-9876-5432-10713-123i1poujtiowhhndfjkhoihsasdioujpoijek21nl32l1n Dude, that code doesn't work for me. Every time I try to input it, I have to fight Sephiroth with Link. AND IT WON'T EVEN LET ME UNLOCK HIM.
Xbob42 Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 theres no lan play so noand HOLY CRAP STOP SAYING BE THANKFUL ITS ONLINE we are in an age that on ANYTHING but nintendo consoles a game that has ANY multiplayer is pretty much guaranteed to be online There's no LAN play... but there's *Gasp!* online play! Hmmm, might be a smidge easier to work with rather than harder, don't you think? I do. And the frog in my pocket does too. And yes, you should be thankful its online. It doesn't matter if Billy Bob and his Blonde Brunettes is online on the Wonderbacon Silver, we still had a fair chance of it not being online, and then you'd really be crapping a storm. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment, you're going to have a stroke.
Aninymouse Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Well, now that it's December... There's a thread in Smash Boards that goes something like, "every other month, Sakurai has released 3 newcomers at a time." It's such that we weren't supposed to get any newcomers in November so we'd get three this month... except we didn't even get ANY characters in November at all! The fact that they're still withholding the "unlockable veterans" from us makes me believe that any kind of pattern stopped once the delay was announced. I think IF we even get ONE character in December at all, it's going to be somebody like Cpt. Falcon or Luigi or Jigglypuff, etc. IF WE'RE LUCKY. Personally, I think Sakurai had a predetermined time table for revealing characters that he's put on hold for the extra two months that got thrown in the mix. I don't think we'll see another true newcomer until around Christmastime. The thing I don't like about friend codes, actually, is that some people don't like to bother to add random forum people (like me ). Maybe they're afraid of teh h4xX0rz?
Xbob42 Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Didn't we get that kid from Sin & Punishment in November?
Aninymouse Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Didn't we get that kid from Sin & Punishment in November? I'm only talking about... playable characters. I wish Saki belonged to that category, but alas... maybe next time.
Xbob42 Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 I'm only talking about... playable characters. I wish Saki belonged to that category, but alas... maybe next time. Ah, hadn't noticed that he was an assist trophy until I went back and noted the bottom of that particular update. Sneaky wording. Ah well, never played Sin & Punishment so I can't say it's too big a loss for me. Well we certainly can't expect there to be enough new things in the game for "MEGATONZ!!1!!" announcements daily for two more months now, can we?
Admiral_C Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Speaking of Megatons...they should have the Megaton Punch contest as a minigame in Brawl just for the heck of it... If you don't know what that is... *sigh*
Aninymouse Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 WHAT NINE THOUSAND??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? also caps.
Codycrusader Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 I heard somewhere that some Japanese magazine called CoroCoro is "supposedly" going to release some, if not all of the brawlers on Dec. 15 (The day I start believeing the Japanese with their fancy release dates and promising hopes of the characters is the day when I get power over a country)
atmuh Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 There's no LAN play... but there's *Gasp!* online play! Hmmm, might be a smidge easier to work with rather than harder, don't you think? I do. And the frog in my pocket does too.And yes, you should be thankful its online. It doesn't matter if Billy Bob and his Blonde Brunettes is online on the Wonderbacon Silver, we still had a fair chance of it not being online, and then you'd really be crapping a storm. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment, you're going to have a stroke. the lan play was about warp pipe you obviously didnt get that and online with a broken friends system and no ranking isnt even close to real online i think the ONLY 360 game with multiplayer thats not online is earth defense 2017 or something but thats because the devs had literally NO budget only ps3 game with multiplayer and not online i think is vf5 there may be more but im not sure and uh if a pc game has multiplayer its obviously online the fact that one out of every 30 or so wii games has online play shows how incredibly far back nintendo is if i was getting my hopes up for a decent online system id be setting myself up for a disappointment. beings that i know its gonna suck major balls ill be just fine Well, since I wasn't really expecting anything better than the norm from Nintendo, the revelation that yes, you CAN have friends in Brawl kinda made me feel relieved.It's still not up to par, but at least I can still have faith that Nintendo will continue to stride the line between OK and deficient. uh youve been able to have friends ever since mario kart ds, the FIRST ever wfc game to be honest as far as im concerned there is no online play like for example if im gonna wanna play one of you guys im gonna have to post here JOIN MY GAME AT THIS TIME that just plain sucks i should be able to create a game and select friends to invite to my game which actually brings this to another serious problem in every wfc game ever youve had to actually CONNECT to wfc in order to appear online so if this is anything like that you wont appear online if youre just playing the game you have to actually connect to the online mode and SIT THERE so for all i know my friend could be playing single player mode and i wanna play with him and i dont even know hes there
Drack Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 waaaaambulance Why defend inferior online practices? I see no reason to complain about requests for basic functionality the competition has already implemented. The bottom line is that the database in my sig shouldn't be necessary. Secondary matchmaking methods like forums, IRC chats, Skype chats, IMs, etc shouldn't be necessary. You should be able to passivly poll WFC for friend invites when you're playing Brawl and have a small icon (much like the "Friend Searching" icon for MKDS) when a friend has invited you. Additional organizations, like a group feature where anyone who gets invited by a moderator to the group gets automatically friended by everyone in it (ie, automatic, built-in ClanOCR) would be even better. Voice chat, etc. would be great. There is so much you CAN do with online, and others HAVE done. Why NOT push for a better system?
Effector Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 I agree with you on all points, Drack. However, devs have a limited time and budget. Nintendo is spending that time and money on things that make a game: balance, animation, control, etc. They've already had to delay the release once, and see how much flack they've gotten for that. Yeah, it'd be nice to have a great, Live-style online community, but I'd never ever choose that over a solid game. Online capability should never take precedence over the main development. I'd rather see a great game with a tacked-on online system than the alternative. In short, I want Brawl, not Melee Online. Spend more time on characters, levels, music, animations, and balance than Nintendo learning online (and making the necessary mistakes) on such a high-profile game. I want an great online system as much as the next guy (I have a ton of friends online, out of state, with which I'd love to play Brawl) but I don't want to play a mediocre game online.
BardicKnowledge Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 which actually brings this to another serious problem in every wfc game ever youve had to actually CONNECT to wfc in order to appear online so if this is anything like that you wont appear online if youre just playing the game you have to actually connect to the online mode and SIT THERE so for all i know my friend could be playing single player mode and i wanna play with him and i dont even know hes there This is a serious problem much of the time, and the reason why Pictochat on the DS completely sucks. Kirby: Canvas Curse had an option to actively search for Pictochat people while you played -- EVERY DS game should come with this option. Similarly, your friends should be able to tell if you have Smash in your Wii -- if you're playing single player, more than likely you'd be willing to hop online and play your friends. Nintendo should borrow a page from Half-Life 2 in this regard.
atmuh Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I agree with you on all points, Drack. However, devs have a limited time and budget. Nintendo is spending that time and money on things that make a game: balance, animation, control, etc. They've already had to delay the release once, and see how much flack they've gotten for that. Yeah, it'd be nice to have a great, Live-style online community, but I'd never ever choose that over a solid game. Online capability should never take precedence over the main development. I'd rather see a great game with a tacked-on online system than the alternative.In short, I want Brawl, not Melee Online. Spend more time on characters, levels, music, animations, and balance than Nintendo learning online (and making the necessary mistakes) on such a high-profile game. I want an great online system as much as the next guy (I have a ton of friends online, out of state, with which I'd love to play Brawl) but I don't want to play a mediocre game online. youre saying NINTENDO has a LIMITED BUDGET on their HIGHEST PROFILE RELEASE?? yeah i dont think so and did you just call melee MEDIOCRE?? oh and dhsu my fwend im not stopping until the vast majority agree with me that it is awful
Dhsu Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Why defend inferior online practices? I'm not defending them, I'm just tired of hearing about them. I see no reason to complain about requests for basic functionality the competition has already implemented. Other than the fact that he has been trolling this thread with that decomposed horse corpse for several pages now? Seriously, I like you and all, Atmuh, but we get the point. You can stop now. Please. Edit: Okay what do you hope to accomplish with that kind of goal. What are you going to do, start a petition? Srsly, if you keep doing this Atmuh you are so not my fwend.
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