Drack Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I really hate to say it, but the developer time argument really doesn't hold water. Coding a simple invite system would be very fast and easy and would not need to involve WFC server load. I've done gamecube and DS coding and I know that adding a feature like this wouldn't entail much. I could do it in a day. Here's how: Add a line in the options menu to listen for invites (trivial). Add that boolean value to the save (trivial). If that setting is true, once the player is anywhere in the game past the title screen, have the wii host a tiny listening server in a separate thread to overlay an icon to the display if an invite occurs, to ACK pings no more than once every 5 seconds (to prevent DoS) and to store the friend code and IP info for sender of the invite (Not trivial, but still relatively simple. Sockets are not hard to program). Add a menu item to the online menu, to send an invite. Have that bring up the friend list. Ping each friend and only display those who ACK the ping. Have a short timeout. (not that complicated) Add an event when someone clicks the invite received icon (which expires after one minute) with the IR of the wiimote, or a joystick cursor (GC controller...) in the pause menu or out-of-game menus. Have that ACK the invite and add to the online game the inviter is hosting. The invite times out for the sender as well after one minute. I've had homework assignments harder than this. Edit: Brawl support added to the ClanOCR database, as the Dojo has revealed the friend code format to be xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
Arek the Absolute Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 drack for developer of online play next wii game
Arek the Absolute Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 see im not against you but you gots to calm down you are liek ab and thats bad
Effector Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Yeah, I guess you're right Drack. I know you know a little bit more about this stuff than I do, but eh. If I can play with friends online in Brawl, it doesn't matter to me if I have to type in a few numbers or whatever. It'll take about five minutes of my time, which in the scale of how long I'll be playing Brawl, is just about infinitesimal. I don't disagree with the fact that it wouldn't be terribly difficult, but I can't just get myself riled up about it. Especially not to atma-levels. Plus, Drack, you never responded to my Georgia Tech request in the Wii thread, so you're not mai freind no moar. I was on campus a few weeks ago, and I was really impressed with it. You like it?
Drack Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Plus, Drack, you never responded to my Georgia Tech request in the Wii thread, so you're not mai freind no moar. I was on campus a few weeks ago, and I was really impressed with it. You like it? Check your PMs. I don't want to derail these threads.
Mr Jarna Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 uh youve been able to have friends ever since mario kart ds, the FIRST ever wfc gameto be honest as far as im concerned there is no online play lol, for some reason I was thinking that they hadn't announced friends for Brawl in that earlier update. Stupid me. But really now, are you srsly never gonna play online?
atmuh Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Yeah, I guess you're right Drack. I know you know a little bit more about this stuff than I do, but eh. If I can play with friends online in Brawl, it doesn't matter to me if I have to type in a few numbers or whatever. It'll take about five minutes of my time, which in the scale of how long I'll be playing Brawl, is just about infinitesimal.I don't disagree with the fact that it wouldn't be terribly difficult, but I can't just get myself riled up about it. Especially not to atma-levels. Plus, Drack, you never responded to my Georgia Tech request in the Wii thread, so you're not mai freind no moar. I was on campus a few weeks ago, and I was really impressed with it. You like it? his entire post was about invites not friend codes and yeah ill play online to beat the crap out of all the enemies ive made through this thread also to play drack catphysician easyp and arek because they are my fwends
Broken Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Check your PMs. I don't want to derail these threads. HAHAHAHAHAH. No really, are you serious?
Arek the Absolute Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 this thread cannot possibly be more derailed then it has in it's past billion pages the mods couldn't care less about this thread anymore the only reason why it is here is because the fans would riot if it was gone
friendlyHunter Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Reading through the update, my first thoughts were "aww how cute, Nintendo's trying to do online! I'm not totally disappointed though. The worst thing for me has to be the fact that you have to wait for people to join... and with no invites and no voice chat, I'd better get a longer chord on the phone, or a sofa on rails that glides between the TV and the computer with the push of a button. Preferably both. I have some serious complaints though: GOOD: BAD: Put your numbers in a damn grid, people! Is it that hard?! I don't have time to needlessly scroll back and forth through all those numbers! THIS IS NOT NEW TECHNOLOGY!! Not everyone who owns a Wii has their own Wii remote to point with! We have to type in TWELVE painful digits for each friend, even though you've already implemented an adequate grid system for typing in your FOUR LETTER NAME?! Final Fantasy VI is, what, over a decade old now - they had FIVE letter names, and you type them with the letters in a NICE GRID... is it so much to ask??? These guys must be working on zero sleep to make mistakes like these. Either that or Sakurai's running out of things to show, so he has to put up screenshots of crappy unfinished GUIs. Gosh! By the way, the circle at the top right of your Friend Roster approximates the connection quality of your last connection. The closer it is to blue, the smoother you’ll be able to play. Nice support for the colour-blind, "Skrai", if that is your real name. Did you know that 1 out of every some number of people is colour-blind?? You can take your fifth letter and shove it up your item hole. Ahem... And on a lighter note: *attempting to post image* ... ..... >=[ You have included 5 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.Images include use of smilies, the vB code tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator. Four images my ass!! Is it that hard to make it five, or can those raging dunces not reach the number five on their linear keypads??! THIS IS TOTALLY A MINOR ANNOYANCE!!!
The Author Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 So, Everquest, EVE online and WoW provide a world that is constantly online. Why can't smash offer that, I mean, online is online and other people do it. Of course they charge for their online services and they use some pretty present advertising. So yeah, lets complain about stuff that was offered to paying customers not being offered to non-paying ones. And well, they want to offer a more family friendly approach. Think about your last randomly set up Halo 3 game with some strangers and try to see if it was family friendly...
atmuh Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 So, Everquest, EVE online and WoW provide a world that is constantly online.Why can't smash offer that, I mean, online is online and other people do it. Of course they charge for their online services and they use some pretty present advertising. So yeah, lets complain about stuff that was offered to paying customers not being offered to non-paying ones. And well, they want to offer a more family friendly approach. Think about your last randomly set up Halo 3 game with some strangers and try to see if it was family friendly... i have a BLAST on team doubles - me and my bro vs two guys if you dont like what you here there is a MUTE button
MasterSenshi Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Wow, I guess I haven't been playing much videogames. People LOVE the internet. I wonder what'll happen after tonights more-than-likely uninteresting post?
Bigfoot Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I really HOPE that tonight's update will be AWESOME. I really LIKE emphasis on my WORDS, EMPHASIS!
Dhsu Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 ahaha dhsu doesnt like you o rly Seriously, I like you and all, Atmuh Dude just needs to know when to take a Xanax.
Dhsu Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Okay but first promise to stop ruining this thread.
MasterSenshi Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 This thread is pretty off topic at this point... Maybe we can talk about Voltron vs. Transformers next and place odds on which will show up on Brawl first. Or maybe Ultraman vs. Speedracer, or that kid from Neverending Story vs. the kid from the Navigator. /sarcasm /dated Update in 20 minutes, yummy....
Linkjing Donuts Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 geez, they really don't care about how ugly the pokemon look, do they
ILLiterate Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 I really HOPE that tonight's update will be AWESOME. I really LIKE emphasis on my WORDS, EMPHASIS! It'll be four pictures One of Sakurai's face One of Sakurai's face looking in the other direction Sakurai being hit with fire A picture of Captain Falcon standing there saying "Show me your moves!" EDIT: Oh wait it's pokemon, stupid
Neo Samus Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Man.....this thread just keeps getting weirder and weirder O_O Dear god....well I know there was someone who was curious about what Pokemon would be returning. Give us another character for goodness sake!!! [/whining]
linkspast Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 geez, they really don't care about how ugly the pokemon look, do they Well its not like you have a ton of time to look at them.. well unless your in some snapshot mode. Oh and heres to 2 months and 7 days of lame updates.
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