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Advanced tactics vids

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Advanced How to play 1

The basics

---Short Hop

---Fast fall


---Combination (SHFFLing)

Advanced Dodges



Advanced How to play 2

Shielding Is Good

---Shield Grabbing

---Up Smash / B out of a Shield


Recovery Techniques

---Teching - Standing




---Wall Jump

---Edge Tech

Edge Techniques

---Edge Hogging

---Edge Hopping

---Edge Wavedash

Advanced How to play 3

Dash Techniques

---Dash Dancing

---Dash Canceling


Jump Canceling

---JC Grab And Up Smash

---Chain Throwing

Directional Influence

---Directional Influence (DI)

---Crouch canceling

Aditional Techniques

---Wall Jump

---Meteor Canceling

---Reversing Aerial Neutral B


Well EazyP you said training video so I just looked for the advanced tactics vids since that is probably what people will need to practice on. I'm pretty much a newb at this forum regarding the actual remixes and things but at least I'm no noob at smash :D

These vids should help for those who are reading impaired >_> (hopefully?)


Mindgames are the basis of my entire game.

I use Jigglypuff, and I tend to play really defensively, and counter my opponents' attacks.

I also take advantage of when they're distracted (if I'm fighting 3 or 4 people) with the Rollout attack.

I ment a video on just Falco, but whatever

Also, anyone can learn mindgames from watching a good match

<3 that video.

"Supa wavedash; that's mindgames right there son!"

"Les' goooooo!!!"

Oh, and I borrowed smash again from another friend (because I'm to cheap to fork over $20 for my own copy. Darn you gamestop...), so I should be getting back into smashing soon.

I was watching my vids back on page 78. I just realized how much I sucked back then compared to now.

How about a new video?


Since PC Chris is coming from NY, Bob$ & The Germ are comming, S-Royal is comming from Japan and out of retirement...

There's a good chance, but I haven't seen any exact forum posts that say he would

Fox is my best, though I also occasionally play as Doc or Luigi.

I'm thinking about trying to brush up on my Luigi skills, since people are always caught by surprise and don't know how to deal with my Luigi.

Random Question: Can you waveshine with Fox? I've recently been trying it out and...well I suck at it. It's just something I'm doing to keep me busy because there's no one to play around me. But anyway, if anyone has any pointers feel free to educate this newblet.

Fox is my best, though I also occasionally play as Doc or Luigi.

I'm thinking about trying to brush up on my Luigi skills, since people are always caught by surprise and don't know how to deal with my Luigi.

Random Question: Can you waveshine with Fox? I've recently been trying it out and...well I suck at it. It's just something I'm doing to keep me busy because there's no one to play around me. But anyway, if anyone has any pointers feel free to educate this newblet.

Are you talking about consecutively waveshining someone across the stage, or just wavedashing out of a shine? Waveshining consecutively is very difficult; I can waveshine characters like Peach all the way across FD somewhat consistantly when I'm just practicing, but I can barely ever do it more than 2 or 3 times in a real match, so I don't really bother with it. I probably should though, because even though it's only useful in a few matchups, it can be extremely useful in those matches if you can do it consistantly, because theoretically every shine can lead to them off the stage. And of course there are a lot of ways to get into the first shine: mainly down airs, and any time you do an aerial and it gets shielded, then the person tries to shield grab. That's because assuming you L cancel all your aerials, every time you do an aerial that gets shielded, you can shine out of it immediately, and it's quicker than the amount of time it takes for them to shield grab. So if they ever try to shield grab your aerials, they get shined, and the combos start from there.

Not being able to waveshine characters like Peach all the way across the stage is certainly not the end of the world, though, and it's not something you should worry about until you have mastered all the more important things with Fox. But if you can't do regular waveshines, and by that I just mean wavedashing out of a shine, that is much more basic and much more necessary. After shining a character who doesn't fall from the shine, and doesn't slide too far, you just follow them right along with the wavedash and get to choose any move you want to do to them, probably the most important being grab. So as long as you have good combos up your sleeve for the character at whatever percent they're at, every shine leads you to that combo. And as I said earlier, every successful down air or attempted-shield-grabbed aerial can lead to a shine.

It's not as useful for fighting characters who fall from the shine, like Falco for example, but it's still really useful. First of all you can tech-chase from it, and second for some characters (I know it at least works on Falco) you can waveshine directly into a jab, and if you wavedash far and quick enough, they will be forced to stand up from being down before they can do anything else, and from there you can start combos; the one that started the whole thing about using the jab to force someone to stand up out of the shine is the Thunder's Combo, which is really hard but really awesome when pulled off. You can find out about it in the Fox Character Specific forum on Smashboards.

Oh and for actually practicing waveshining: if you're just practicing doing single waveshines, the best advice I can give is just think of doing a wavedash seperately from the shine. The way I do it is after the shine, return the control stick to it's neutral position and then do a wavedash, so it's just like doing a wavedash by itself. If you're trying to waveshine consecutively, here's what I did: Go to training mode on FD, pick Peach or Link for the computer. Do a shine, and just wait as long as you want. Then do a wavedash with the control stick as close to the side as you can, and then wait after you did the wavedash. If your wavedash was good enough, you should be able to shine them again from where you ended up without moving again. After you can do that, just keep on speeding up the process until you wavedash soon enough to have to jump-cancel your shine, and then until you wavedash immediately out of the shine. Then from there you can work on doing it continuously, the fun part. :)

Hope that was helpful.

Edit: heh, I just realized you probably only need the last paragraph. Oh well.




New footage ahoy! This doesn't mean we'll be getting trailers NOW, but soon. They'll be revealing a new character.

Now I wanna fire up a debate.

Who here thinks Sonic should be in it? I have a personal thing against the NEW BADASS YEAH sonic from the 3D games, so I can't really comment on this since my opinion would be FUCK NO. But what about it? Also, since the chances are high that it's another Konami character, start digging through your archive of old-konami-character-that-was-in-a-nintendo-game-somewhere. If you have one.

My personal bet is on a Castlevania character, which would kick copious ammounts of ass since Castlevania is one of my favorite series. Maybe one of the Belmonts, either Simon or Julius, but it'll most likely be Alucard. C'mon, you know you wanna use that white boy body do deal the pain don't you?

Alternativly, Liquid or Ocelot aren't far off. They could just go the clone way to give more depth to Snake's single player and missions and whatnot.


Top contenders:



Wait for it... wait for it...



Yeha this is what have been wating for.... all this fighting tatics... way over my head, I just play... and win... But it better not be sonic... How about I dont know I want a real new character not that zero suit samus crap.... No clones I want some one as cool or slightly less cooler than snake (no one is cooler than snake.... Woot.


Uh slight problem. TheWiire says that they'll show gameplay of the new characters like Wario, ZSS and Snake, but gonintendo, in the link posted in the Wii thread where I got the original news from, say it'll have a new character.

Personally, I think there's been a translation error here. Since I trust The Wiire, im inclined to believe that they are correct... who knows.


Anyone else think that MegaMan is a likely candidate for a new character?
Would probably end up being a Samus clone, and they're already Zero Suit Samus in there, so no don't think so
Anyone else think that MegaMan is a likely candidate for a new character?
Would probably end up being a Samus clone, and they're already Zero Suit Samus in there, so no don't think so

My friend was telling me that zero suit Samus would only appear if your regular samus gets F'ed up by something like the acid in Planet Zebes. Can anyone confirm that or was I blatantly lied to?

p.s. Thanks for the info CatPhysician. I probably should head back to smash forms for some more info, but I hesitate to because the information there is a little hard to grasp sometimes.

And if were character speculating....How about Argus/Dart/that other guy (all three berserkers) from Fire Emblem?


Ooh! New footage soon. Nice. :D

I'm not expecting much. Chances are by now Sakurai has a bit more than half the game done. I think we'll see new environments in the new video this Friday, but I have my doubts as far as characters go. Not getting my hopes up. >.>


I know it'll probably NEVER Happen, but I'd love to see Sparkster, the Rocket Knight, show up, seeing as how he too is Konami. But you know, really... I know whoever the outside characters are that Nintendo goes with will be awesome. So Good times. :) I'm very happy to hear a new vid is on the way... more info! Yess. Hopefully, it gets me as excited (and surprised) as I was when I saw Solid Snake in the trailer the first time. I was so damned excited. Let's see what happens this time... probably not that huge, but hell, whatevah!

I really wouldn't mind some Fire Emblem characters. There are some really cool characters in those games... sadly they'd all probably be pretty similar to Marth and Roy, but heck, there are still some cool chars in those games, as I said.

And really ... I'm seriously looking forward to hearing the Metal Gear Solid theme in that Smash Bros. orchestra style. :) Hmm... Liquid would be an excellent alternate color scheme for Snake. :)

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