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Seriously guys, Sonic would blow in Brawl, people should stop pining over it.

Now where'd I put that dead horse macro...

Protip: if they can make Game and Watch, Ice Climbers, and Pichu worthwhile characters, they can make anyone a worthwhile character. Saying that a certain character would suck simply based on who the character is makes no sense, because we have evidence that Sakurai can turn ANY character into a worthwhile one.

Nor was Game and Watch

hey hey hey, game and watch was SO worthwhile. nothing better then beatin up your friends by flippin burned sausage in their dumb faces.

hey hey hey, game and watch was SO worthwhile. nothing better then beatin up your friends by flippin burned sausage in their dumb faces.

so true! its like Game & Watch turned into the Jigglypuff of the original, nobody liked him except the people could actually play as him and beat people. oh yeah!

Eat Torch, mofo!


Actually... Game & Watch is quite a killer if played with brains. The problem with him is that his shield is practically non-existent... anyone with a good rushdown game will just decimate Game & Watch.

Edit: For Pichu: No matter how good anyone is with him, you shouldn't lose to him. EVER. You need to play smarter if you lose to Pichu.

For Ice Climbers: Grab Game / WD / Wobble :)

Edit: For Pichu: No matter how good anyone is with him, you shouldn't lose to him. EVER. You need to play smarter if you lose to Pichu.

Dude, I'm surprised that you would make a statement like that. I don't know if you're just being dramatic, but Pichu is still a challenge in the hands of a capable adversary. I'm sure someone moderately better than you, or someone moderately better than me, would have no trouble beating us with the small yellow rat.

And on another note, Ice Climbers own you all. Don't you fucking forget it.

And on another note, Ice Climbers own you all. Don't you fucking forget it.

ice climbers are good as long as they stay plural. once you lose the girlfriend then you're screwed big time.


Playing 4-player and having all of the players choose Pichu is actually pretty fun. The little guy is stronger than I thought.

Also, hi, I'm new here.

ice climbers are good as long as they stay plural. once you lose the girlfriend then you're screwed big time.

I am far superior with one ice climber.

In fact some times I make it a point to kill the tagalong off right away before a match truly begins.

Dude, I'm surprised that you would make a statement like that. I don't know if you're just being dramatic, but Pichu is still a challenge in the hands of a capable adversary. I'm sure someone moderately better than you, or someone moderately better than me, would have no trouble beating us with the small yellow rat.

Completely true. A good Pichu player is able to well manage his percentage adding moves and utilize his lightning quick attacks to be all over an opponent. His small girth is a great asset as well. Ever tried taking Pichu with Ganandorf? Ganandorf is slow in the first place, and most of his moves go over Pichu's head, because he is so short. You have to aim his f power down to hit him. Even Ganandorf's d smash goes over him I think.


No really, Pichu is a worthless character that no one should be able to beat you with. His kills moves are all slow and laggy, his air moves are mostly failures, and he damages himself. Not to mention the size really doesn't matter if you know how to play your character at the higher levels of the game

Ganondorf's B-Down does the same to Pichu as it does to every character.


I meant his down smash A attack, but nevermind, I was wrong anyway.

Everyone thinks so horribly of Pichu, it's almost worth trying him out as a new best for me to see. I doubt he's that imbalanced.

No really, Pichu is a worthless character that no one should be able to beat you with. His kills moves are all slow and laggy, his air moves are mostly failures, and he damages himself. Not to mention the size really doesn't matter if you know how to play your character at the higher levels of the game
You guys missed the part where I said IF YOU LOSE AGAINST PICHU YOU JUST NEED TO PLAY SMARTER.

Again, I disagree with both of you. Pichu has many faults, but it's perfectly understandable to lose to him against someone of a higher skill level. Whether you play smart or not, Pichu is not so bad as to negate that.

Now if you're playing against someone of roughly the same skill level, I agree, you've got a problem there.


Older Link is a better all around character, just try him out with some new tips and I bet you'll be winning more matches. The biggest selling point is that his Up+B shoots you away, instead of pulling you into him, setting up for easier kills. If I'm correct, more overall damage and...well...just plain better.

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