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Finally got hands on the copy of The World Ends With You. Not only is this a finally some form of innovation in the DS in quite a while (thanks to all the rather rote sequels, as great as they are), but for all RPGs.

Maybe it's just my love of J-Pop, but the game just might have one of the best soundtracks of the year so far. I'm sure GTA4 will blow it away in that department but it's great so far. Oh yea, the story and gameplay are amazing. That's really hard to say in RPGs in general but I'm saying it.

Finally got hands on the copy of The World Ends With You. Not only is this a finally some form of innovation in the DS in quite a while (thanks to all the rather rote sequels, as great as they are), but for all RPGs.

Maybe it's just my love of J-Pop, but the game just might have one of the best soundtracks of the year so far. I'm sure GTA4 will blow it away in that department but it's great so far. Oh yea, the story and gameplay are amazing. That's really hard to say in RPGs in general but I'm saying it.

I'll be picking this up later today. I'm really excited for it, especially the battle system, though I'm still not even halfway through Okami and don't want to start anything new until I'm finished with that. Another incomplete I'll be adding to backloggery :P.

I liked the first one, but I never could get anywhere in the second one. It just seemed so... futile. The desire to complete the quests just disappeared.

It's well worth completeing, even if wondering around outside is so...blarg the world is too huge with very little direction in some ways. I had trouble finishing it too, and decided to just use a guide to show me where to go on the overworld.

The puzzles in the dungeons are very enjoyable though, and the end was nice...although it drove me mad for a few days because the game ends, but in a way the story is left wide open and unfinished.

If I didn't just grab Megaman Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, and Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles for ma PSP, I would have picked up the World Ends With You along with Revenant Wings. Too bad I lurv me some sidescrollers...

Off-topic I know, but I'd be really interested in hearing how Maverick Hunter X is. MMX was probably my favorite entry in the X series for various reasons, so I've been curious how the remake stacks up.


I shall give you my impressions with much haste in the PSP thread once I get the game sometime this week(ordered it from Amazon along with the others), but suffice to say that I loved the hell out of MMX, and being that it's relatively unchanged I think(gameplay-wise), in 3D, has anime cutscenes, remastered music, and now you can play as VILE, I'm sure it will rock out loud.

You can grab it new off Amazon for $15. In fact, Amazon is probably the best place to grab PSP stuff right now save for new releases and the like. Gamestop has almost nothing for it.

Although in terms of better remake, I think MM: Powered Up is more of a winner, but then I'm a goober who likes that kind of crap.

Edit - Wow! My Megaman Powered up and Castlevania stuff already got here. No Megaman X yet I'm afraid(shipped separately). Should be here tomorrow though.

However, I shall give impressions on the first two either tonight or tomorrow. Huzzah!


There's been too much speculation on a new Golden Sun. It better come... The Golden Sun games were some of the best games on the GBA. They had great graphics, an amazing soundtrack, and really fun gameplay. The character development was my only gripe with the game, but the sense of adventure and exploring new, interesting lands always kept me going. Camelot needs to do something anyway. It's been quite some time since I've heard anything from them.

There's been too much speculation on a new Golden Sun. It better come... The Golden Sun games were some of the best games on the GBA. They had great graphics, an amazing soundtrack, and really fun gameplay. The character development was my only gripe with the game, but the sense of adventure and exploring new, interesting lands always kept me going. Camelot needs to do something anyway. It's been quite some time since I've heard anything from them.

They need to either remake Beyond the Beyond, or make a sequel ;o.

Off-topic I know, but I'd be really interested in hearing how Maverick Hunter X is. MMX was probably my favorite entry in the X series for various reasons, so I've been curious how the remake stacks up.

Same as Megaman X with story, anime prequel, and playing as vile, with nice beefed up tracks. If you loved Megaman X, You'll love this one.

I grabed The World Ends With you and I can finaly say that this is an original RPG game in a while. I love this game, the game play is fast paced and keeps you on your toes. Your controlling two people at once, one with the touch screen at the bottom, and the other with the D-pad on top. Very sweet stuff, you get pins which have different attacks, some pins might just conflict with other pins when trying to use them though, so be careful of your combination of pins. The top character does not get pins, you just have this input of the bottom screen on attacking, you can press left or right a bunch of times, or mix it up and go up or down while in the combo. There is a reason for changing this up as well, you acquire a card to do this sort of dual team attack thing, yet you must pick the correct card in the right order to get the dual attack.

There's a lot of continence to this game. You can save whenever you want. Eventually, if you die on a boss or a creature, you can just escape, or retry, not having to go through another stupid long cut scene every time. There is no random encounters, you just simply search for enemies when you want to. More fun things they add is the ability to make your level go lower than what it can be. This sounds stupid, yet it lets you have a much better chance at picking up items and other useful things.

The music is great, fits the mood perfectly. Have not beat it yet, but the story is pretty cool so far.

There is a few downsides to this game, getting pins to level up take either Shutdown PP (You get it for how long your DS is off.) or Mingle PP (You get this from scanning for DS's that are on wireless). You can just get a friend to have his DS on pictochat and keep raking in pp, yet I'm not sure if your pin will evolve another way if you get more Shutdown PP. Eating to get stats up is also a pain, as you can only eat so much in the game for one full normal day (24 hours) Oh, and it takes an insane amount of concentration to play both the top and bottom screen.

Yet all in all if your an RPG fan, or loved Kingdom Hearts for the GBA but hated the card system, this is for you.


Maybe it's just my love of J-Pop, but the game just might have one of the best soundtracks of the year so far. I'm sure GTA4 will blow it away in that department but it's great so far.

Is GTA4 licensed music?

Doesn't count...

But yes, finally some J-Pop in the West!


I'm kinda hitting a DS lull right now, maybe because i've been doing so many mixes. :/

I picked up the new advance war game and kindof got bored; i think maybe i'm just advance wars-ed out. Right now the only game that really appeals to me that i've heard of is the FF4 remake, though I am pretty certain that i'll play the hell out of it.

The World Ends With You sounds really good actually, almost all of those features appeal to me, since I play tetris via wifi, turn my DS off, and also LOVE LOVE LOVE to multitask. I think the character designs are kindof ugly, but if the game is fun, it's fine.

Is GTA4 licensed music?

Doesn't count...

But yes, finally some J-Pop in the West!

Even then, the comedic original music and themes and radio too.

The World Ends With You just doesn't let up with the cutesy J-pop. Reminds me of Jet Grind Radio in that aspect.

A DS Golden Sun game coming in the future? We can only hope so.


I would love to see Golden Sun DS. I really got into both games on GBA. They didn't really break much in the way of new ground for RPGs, but they were fun and enjoyable.

Personally, though, I think I'd like to see a greater emphasis on alchemy in any new games, and less on the Djinn. Having to collect ingredients to transmutate elements to make and upgrade weapons, making precious gems from rocks and turning beavers into gold...yeah, it'd kick ass.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just got The World Ends With You, and it's amazing. First of all, a Square RPG that has a completely original storyline? Awesome. Second, the combat is fiercely good, and completely original -- I find myself trying new things almost every fight.

A question for the others who have it though: How much leveling is necessary? For the first three days, I killed every monster on every screen...which now in Day 4 seems crazy. I currently have all pins mastered except for the ice one, which is at level 3. Am I on pace or way ahead of the curve?

I just got The World Ends With You, and it's amazing. First of all, a Square RPG that has a completely original storyline? Awesome. Second, the combat is fiercely good, and completely original -- I find myself trying new things almost every fight.

A question for the others who have it though: How much leveling is necessary? For the first three days, I killed every monster on every screen...which now in Day 4 seems crazy. I currently have all pins mastered except for the ice one, which is at level 3. Am I on pace or way ahead of the curve?

Leveling up is really up to you. It increases your bravery and helps you digest food, but isn't suuuuper necessary to completing the game. If things are going to easy, just slide the level slider down, increasing the difficulty, drops, and awesome factor.

And the pigs, kill the damned pigs!!!


Thanks to my neat skills in a local Brawl tournament, I now has a DS. Horray!

I was wondering what peoples thoughts where on the online games for the handheld? I am really looking forward to Dragon Quest 9 but right now I'm wondering about Custom Robo or anything else with good online play.


Got myself a DS last week. Haven't played The World Ends With You too much though (probably cuz I find the protagonist a bit of a dickhead though I'm sure that changes the further you get through the game?). I think I've been playin tetris a bit too much, it's as if I went and got a DS just for that.

Got myself a DS last week. Haven't played The World Ends With You too much though (probably cuz I find the protagonist a bit of a dickhead though I'm sure that changes the further you get through the game?). I think I've been playin tetris a bit too much, it's as if I went and got a DS just for that.

Typical Nomura hero in Neku. He's exactly like Cloud at times. Basically an sullen, quiet asshole who turns sympathetic later.


Yeah, so CoroCoro magazine in Japan had it's new article announcing a new Pokemon game for the DS leaked, and it's looking like we got our third version already. Platinum will feature some new stuff, almost entirely cosmetic, and will sell a million copies on it's first day in each market it's released in.


Blurry scan, but it's enough to make it seem legit. Expect more (and clearer) scans as the week progresses.

I might get it... I've never bought any of the 3rd versions before, and it might be good to upgrade to the eventually better version with wi-fi Underground support.

Still not buying into the whole "Gold/Silver/Crystal remake OHMYGOD!1!!!#" rumors, though.

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