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I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 coming out for the DS with online play. Those were the best MK games, not this 3D crap.

I never was a fan of Mortal Kombat games, but any DS game that has online play is cool in my book. I wish puzzle quest had online play; my wife and I have been playing the hell out of it, but on the same card, and no one nearby is nearly as far as we are (level 45 or so), so we can't challenge (aka pwn) anyone. :/

"That new Nintendo" LOL

Yes, because we all know the Wii is the immediate successor to the original "Nintendo," the NES (for those old enough to remember when the name was synonymous with all video games)

More like the New New New NEW Nintendo!

Maybe the DS thing has to do with so many people still calling it a GameBoy. So when I mention a DS, they don't quite comprehend that the DS is not technically in the GameBoy line (for some reason).
If I remember correctly, the DS was not originally intended as a successor to the Gameboy Advance; it was going to be it's own line. But due to the DS's success and the GBA's limitations (and maybe influence from the PSP ;-)) I guess it's playing the role anyway.


I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 coming out for the DS with online play. Those were the best MK games, not this 3D crap.
I wouldn't be so optimistic if I were you. They have a very bad track record with portable games and ports in general. MK Advance, anyone?

And why couldn't they just port MK2, which the vast majority agree is the best in the series anyway?

I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 coming out for the DS with online play. Those were the best MK games, not this 3D crap.

Think that's the one that's available on xbox live arcade, i already bought that one but it's neat that it's coming for DS too. Contra 4 looks pretty cool i was never a contra fan though.

Contra 4 DS in action in different sections of this video.


Now this is the Contra that I've known and loved.

The writeup over at 1up about Contra 4 was funny in that they conveniently ignored Contra Shattered Solider and just went on and on about how no true Contra sequel has appeared. I mean it doesn't have the spread gun, but it played like Contra to me. And it was harder than fuck.


I acquired Band Brothers at Anime Expo. Kinda regretting the purchase. Two thumbs is a little too limited for faster music. I see why Nintendo never really pushed the game.



I just noticed, after watching this video again, that there is no blood.

So lame.. it's Mortal Kombat for crying out loud. Hopefully there will be a blood code like the Genesis had for MK1.

I'm afraid if they ever did release a new Duke Nukem game that he'll be forced to say things like "I'll rip your head off and doo-doo down your neck".


Did I mention that Transformers is awesome on DS? It is buggy as hell and has no real online mode, but it kicks ass. It has a Pokemon feel to it not just with the two different versions but in finding new vehicles to turn into which kicks ass because it changes the look and weapons of your robot. School bus? Sure. Funky Bus? Hell yeah, firing purple plasma balls.

Anyone who is dying to make music on their DS should try NitroTracker. It is a tracker. I didn't really know anything about trackers but I thought it would be fun to try and figure it out. You can record samples using the DS microphone, which is all sorts of ear raping fun.


I'm thinking of upgrading to a DS Lite soon. Even though I've still got a fully functioning red DS in awesome condition, I'm convinced that a Lite definitely helps your gameplay. Seriously, I find the screen/stylus combo better and I do like the brighter screens. The main point of this post is to ask if you guys think that a redesign of the DS will be released at the next E3. There's been some chatter about it, and it's definitely worth waiting for...if it's really coming. Opinions?

I'm thinking of upgrading to a DS Lite soon. Even though I've still got a fully functioning red DS in awesome condition, I'm convinced that a Lite definitely helps your gameplay. Seriously, I find the screen/stylus combo better and I do like the brighter screens. The main point of this post is to ask if you guys think that a redesign of the DS will be released at the next E3. There's been some chatter about it, and it's definitely worth waiting for...if it's really coming. Opinions?

I'm against a redesign, whatever it is. I've heard they're actually making the screens bigger and more readable.


I don't think there will be another redesign. The Lite is fine as is. The original DS needed it though.

And if there is one, I'm keeping my lite anyway.


Yeah, I just got a Lite about a month ago, and once I got that skin/protector cover on it, it's pretty damn nice.

A redesign now? Too soon. Way to soon. The Lite isn't exactly lacking in anything. The screens are pretty damn bright and clear, and the battery life is good. A redesign now would be pointless.


I purchased my DS lite maybe about a week or two ago and am very much satisfied with what I have. Now that I hear news of another DS variant, I'm wondering the true purpose in this?

Any news on what these spectacular changes will be...

(Other than the possibility of larger buttons, Like Bigfoot said...)


I'm pretty happy with my DS Lite. It's funny though before i had my Lite i very rarely played DS. Maybe it just took that long for some interesting games to come out. I doubt there's a new redesign being revealed at e3 there probably will be some new colors though. I think i'm getting too old (22) to appreciate different colored handheld/consoles anymore. I owned 2 different GBA's and 2 different SP's. My lite and wii are both white and i could care less if they make new colors in the future, though i admit that a black wii could be very sexy.

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