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I recently bought a DS accessory pack that had a stylus-tip that you strap on to the front of your index finger.

I don't know if it would work well in Elite Beat Agents, but just a thought.


I'm very partial to the DS lite screen/stylus setup as opposed to the other possible combinations. I used EBA as my basis for testing them all out, and it just feels right for me. The bigger stylus definitely helps you to not overgrip it too.


A while back I saw a video of UMK3, and it had no blood. I was afraid that Nintendo was going back to the MK1 days, but I saw a screenshot today that definitely had blood.

I can't wait to play people online :D lol


Simple DS Series Vol. 18 The Soukou Kihei Gun Ground is a nice game. It is a clone of Front Mission: Gun Hazard (side scrolling customizable giant robot action). It's Japanese and will probably never come to the U.S. but side-scrolling giant robot action is a universal language.

Games you bastards should be buying but aren't:

Tank Beat

Time Ace

Freedom Wings

Jet Impulse (import)

As far as DS comfort goes, I find the best combination is DSlite stylus with DSnonanorexic. Also, beefing up the lite with a Hori armor thingy is makes it as thick as an original DS and increases comfort.

"Hey, who asked you?"

Bite me.

Also, always use screen protection. There's no reason not to. Without it, one bad decision could create trouble down the line. Can you really trust all those styluses rubbing your touchscreen? Do you know where they've been? When they touch your touchscreen it's like you're touching it with everything that they've touched before.

Think about it. Stay safe. And don't just let every smooth talker open up your clamshell and stick his stylus wherever.


Also, always use screen protection. There's no reason not to. Without it, one bad decision could create trouble down the line. Can you really trust all those styluses rubbing your touchscreen? Do you know where they've been? When they touch your touchscreen it's like you're touching it with everything that they've touched before.

Think about it. Stay safe. And don't just let every smooth talker open up your clamshell and stick his stylus wherever.


That was so innuendo laden that I don't even know where to begin.

Anyways, I like my DS. It has served me well in the short time I've had it.


I don't use screen protector's. Don't they all leave a nasty sticky residue, or make the screen not as sensitive? I use my DS Lite for everything except EBA lol, so far no scratches here. Although sometimes it feels like I run over a rock on my DS Lite and I'm like "crap!... where's the scratch?"

I don't use screen protector's. Don't they all leave a nasty sticky residue, or make the screen not as sensitive? I use my DS Lite for everything except EBA lol, so far no scratches here. Although sometimes it feels like I run over a rock on my DS Lite and I'm like "crap!... where's the scratch?"

The Hori protectors don't leave a residue and are tough as nails. Use them and love them; they're sold at Fry's and some Wal Marts.

The Hori protectors don't leave a residue and are tough as nails. Use them and love them; they're sold at Fry's and some Wal Marts.

Hmm, cool. Thanks for the heads up.

So does this mean Rare and Nintendo are kissing and making up? :-P

haha, "Rare and Nintnedo sittin' in a tree..."

I dunno... think it's a stretch because Rare still made GBA and DS games long after acquisition. Just look at Diddy Kong Racing. Just not console games.

Besides, it's not like Microsoft has any portable system of its own. Might as well go with the one guaranteed to make a solid buck or two. Or millions.


Does anyone know if the screen dimensions for the DS and the Lite are the same? I've managed to buff out nearly all the scratches on my touch screen now, but I'm feeling a lot more cautious about playing EBA until I know my screen is safe.

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