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After giving this a listen all the way through again, I still find that the genre of music doesn't fit the genre of the game. I still find many songs boring, unfortunatly.

I listened all the way through all the songs and was hit by the singing in the two Guile ending mixes. Ouch, that was painful. I didn't notice just how bad it was until I actually listened to them all the way through. Whoever sang in the first song needs voice training before attempting that again. Sorry, but that singing was =< karaoke. The second one was more stylistic, but in the end was uninteresting and ultimately boring.

Jose's two vocals were ok. Personally, I am not a big regge or hip-hop guy myself, but I know that the music in both mixes could have been much better. I couldn't understand most of the lyrics in your first song in the album, but that's a regge thing it seems. The second could have done without the cussing, but I guess that is the nature of hip-hop.

I tried to give this album a second chance, but even upon further evaluation I still find it to only be average.



I have a couple highlights.

The first is Malcos and Red Tailed Fox's remix of Cammy's Stage. This is a very smooth and relaxed ReMix. I can pretty much imagine myself at a classy restaurant in an expensive suit, grabbing the glass of wine off the waiter's tray as he walks by. It's so smooth that it's person-trips-me-but-I-throw-up-the-glass-and-cartwheel-and-backflip-into-a-chair-next-to-a-hot-girl-and-catch-the-glass smooth.

The other highlight of mine is, of course, Blind and Leifo's remix. I've come to realize that whenever I see a project, Blind's stuff always stands out for me. I don't think much needs to be said about why this one's great.

I might have some more highlights, but I haven't listened to the individual tracks enough.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Richter and Shael's Blood on the Asphalt for sure.


Great stuff!

Y'know, when I read "Urban" I was expecting something different as well, like many of us here... but what we did get, I still really like! I think this whole album might go on my ROKR or PSP for now. A lot of these are just great to have on the background when you're going about your day, you know? That's my impression so far.

Spittin' Narcissism stands out to me, to name just one. Now, I'm a huge fan of Rayza's old "Club Del Toro" mix of Vega's theme, and this mix is completly different! But it works well, IMO. His voice and flow sound damn good. Better than a lot of what I hear on the radio :D


Alright, I finished listening through once, and I am thoroughly pleased. Keep in mind that I have only played the game once or twice, so I don't have any idea what these songs sounded like originally.

I thought the first half of the album was awesome. Some great mixing, especially Malcos stuff. And of course, Zircon's track really came through to me. I'll admit I was at first a bit skeptical with the choice of genre here, but after listening I really have grown o enjoy it.

The vocal tracks were interesting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed both, and thought they were well done, ablit a bit out of place. I like the rap ones better.

The second half of the project started slowing down on me. Perhaps I got burned out on listening, but they just wern't as interesting as the first half.

Over all, this project rocks. Not my favorite, but it's definitely making a place with my collection of OCR project cds. (Now I need album art! Please?)

After giving this a listen all the way through again, I still find that the genre of music doesn't fit the genre of the game. I still find many songs boring, unfortunatly.

I listened all the way through all the songs and was hit by the singing in the two Guile ending mixes. Ouch, that was painful. I didn't notice just how bad it was until I actually listened to them all the way through. Whoever sang in the first song needs voice training before attempting that again. Sorry, but that singing was =< karaoke. The second one was more stylistic, but in the end was uninteresting and ultimately boring.

Jose's two vocals were ok. Personally, I am not a big regge or hip-hop guy myself, but I know that the music in both mixes could have been much better. I couldn't understand most of the lyrics in your first song in the album, but that's a regge thing it seems. The second could have done without the cussing, but I guess that is the nature of hip-hop.

I tried to give this album a second chance, but even upon further evaluation I still find it to only be average.

Sorry to make another post about this, but I felt it necessary to give the album another chance before setting my opinion in stone.

hehehehehe i seriously take back that above comment that was way too harsh you guys rocked. that's the most excellent project i've ever heard.

i never really gave the album a second chance after hearing it again you guys did awesome. that one favorite track i love is the Chun-Li Track. man i love Chun-Li so much i wished i wanna marry her. that song really touched my heart. Chun-li i love you.

another favorite was the M. Bison one. man that was so wicked i kept hearing it again and agin non-stop. man this project kicked major ass. you guys aren't bad at it at all wow.

overall this is a great album fer those who are into Street Fighter even thought you aren't. OverClocked Remix you guys rule.


Wow. I'm quite unhappy now that I missed the chance to become part of this last year. I got caught up in working three jobs, and just didn't have the time or energy to ever finish the tracks I said I would.

There's some really great work here - the expected gem from Vurez, some great scratching FX by José that I could never manage to transfer from turntables myself, V's managing to keep a traditional Japanese feel to the E. Honda stage, and BrainCells and Akuma J lending their signature sounds to make a Ryu mix that's actually different from the others out there. Thumbs up also to Eternal Testament, who did some quite impressive things with Akuma's track. It's easily one of my favorites from the game, and he did it justice =)

Man what a confused album. title says super street fighter 2 turbo, website says street fighter 2, all images are from sf alpha 3 and theres an akuma remix for some reason.

I guess I'm spoiled, where are the album covers? Is it possible to get the wave files?

The project is a tribute to SUPER Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Hence the inclusion of my Akuma remix.

Images are images and don't have much baring.


It's certainly there. You just have to be able to find it.

That easteregg isn't funny!!!

It doesn't show up in Firefox (1.07 and latest edition), neither in IE. I had to search the source code(!) to find it. BTW, that however only works in IE, as the page says "OMG Firefox can't display frames" and the CSS code deactivates the block.

Like I said... no funny easter egg, there's no hint to that either. If only a couple of people know about that "hidden track", nobody - and by that I mean nobody - will ever search the source code of the HTML page or ever think of looking, cause the people think "there is no bonus track".

Maybe it was a cool idea, but not well pulled off. And yeah, bitch at me for telling you where to find the track.


And if you hide it, then at least insert a "working" mirror. Come on, people! *sigh*


It's certainly there. You just have to be able to find it.

That easteregg isn't funny!!!

It doesn't show up in Firefox (1.07 and latest edition), neither in IE. I had to search the source code(!) to find it. BTW, that however only works in IE, as the page says "OMG Firefox can't display frames" and the CSS code deactivates the block.

Like I said... no funny easter egg, there's no hint to that either. If only a couple of people know about that "hidden track", nobody - and by that I mean nobody - will ever search the source code of the HTML page or ever think of looking, cause the people think "there is no bonus track".

Maybe it was a cool idea, but not well pulled off. And yeah, bitch at me for telling you where to find the track.


And if you hide it, then at least insert a "working" mirror. Come on, people! *sigh*

Best track of the project.

lol relax compyfax chill back and smoke crack

album wasnt that good, but you can be constructive in your criticims or these artists will never improve

Why not better shut your mouth (and write my name properly).

Also I already gave some feedback. All futher issues that were kicked off with BotA are already in the proper hands to discuss. So step down a bit, will ya.


Wahahaha, I can't tell if you're kidding or not, Zoola. Thanks either way. I'm just glad I was able to be a part of the project in some way.

And people still looking for it? The tab cheat won't help, and seeing if your cursor changes won't either. Richter is tricky! If you get frustrated, maybe try random clicking. Happy hunting!



Save the back and forth banter for private messages please.

The Easter Egg works fine when it's not embedded in the frame... which unfortunately is the only way to have an OCR mirror I guess. An oversight on my part, sorry.

I'll work on art someday when I have more time and am not so burnt out. In the meantime, I will post quality album artwork from anyone that wishes to make it (but send it to Shael for approval first).


Not a bad album here. It kinda ticked me that you guys used the normal intro theme from Street Fighter 2 and not the actual SSFT2 intro (the one with Ryu charging up his Hadouken with Chun-li and Cammy passing by), tho' if it's incorporated in there and I can't tell, sorry.

The one's that caught my attention the most were the Dhalsim tracks. Really catchy. I must say, in my opinion, this is one of the best albums, along Duck Hunt RoFL, to be showcased on OCR.


Hey Ritcher... I found the easter egg on the project's page ;P

It's not much but it made me laugh.


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